Broadcaster Testimonials & Stories | Read All

We all love stories. And here at SermonAudio we enjoy getting your feedback!

Whether they be comments posted on sermons, feedback left in the App Store, emails that come in, hand-written letters that periodically come in, or responses from our courtesy phone calls that we make each and every day .. it gives us a special encouragement to hear real stories of how the Lord is using the preached Word to affect so many lives around the world!

We have compiled the most special of these stories on this page and hope it will be as much a blessing to you as you read through them as they were to us receiving them!

Nathan Fort, The Shepherds Church

"We are so pleased with your services. We started uploading sermons a few years ago with the initial intent to serve as a resource for our small church. That goal was accomplished and we considered it a wonderful success. However, in recent months, even with the COVID pandemic, we have seen the use of SermonAudio grow in its usefulness to us. For example, we had a young couple in their 20's start looking on line for a church. They found us and listened to some of our sermons on SermonAudio, started attending and now are already plugged into one of our growth groups. So SermonAudio has increased our outreach into our community. We know that it is hard for someone just to walk through the doors of a small church like ours but this made it so much easier for them . They learned by listening to sermons what we were like and what teaching they would receive there. Our people have found it easy to share sermons with others. We have been going through our budget items again this year and analyzing where we spend our money and how that fulfills our mission. When we reviewed SermonAudio, there was little discussion because everyone sees the value of the monthly expense. It is a huge tool in our ministry and we are thoroughly pleased with your services."
David Hankal, Roan Creek Baptist Church

"Through this time of not meeting, our church family has been utilizing SermonAudio livestreaming and inviting other family members and friends to watch with them. On the third Sunday of livestreaming during the shutdown, a young boy was watching and trusted the Lord as His Savior. I meant with this young boy and we baptized him on another Sunday. Some of his family members were present but we were able to livestream this for the whole church! We have also noted that some people who had not been to church for some time began to watch our services on line! We have been meeting together with proper social distancing the last two Sundays. Some of those individuals who have not attended our church for three to five years have begun to worship with us regularly!"
Pastor William Rogers, Grace Fellowship Church

"“We are so blessed in our church by SermonAudio. As you might expect since we are located in Florida, we have a lot of “snowbirds” who return north after they have spent the winter here. One lady who had attended our church had to go back to New York in January of this year. Her family bought her an Ipad and installed the SermonAudio app on it for her. She wrote us constantly and thanked us for being on SermonAudio. Every week she faithfully listened to God’s Word on her device. She wrote us saying, “If it weren’t for SermonAudio I would have no means to listen to the Word of God.” Recently we received word from her family that she had passed away. They sent a love gift to the church and thanked us for caring for their loved one and thanked SermonAudio for the impact in had on this lady’s life. We receive notes all the time from people who listen to our sermons on your site. We want you to know that SermonAudio is a big help to our church!”"
Eddie Wade, Landmark Baptist Churchc

"A young man in our church approached me one day about uploading our sermons to SermonAudio. I don't know anything really about technology but was grateful to see how God would use it. Through this media, I have had opportunities to interact with many different people who have listened to a message and contacted me. I have opportunities to discuss God's Word with atheists who downloaded messages. One young man who learned he would be dying very soon searched the internet for messages on hell. He found one of my messages on SermonAudio through his web search. He listened and contacted me. We had several conversations about his eternal destiny. I don't know if he ever trusted Christ, but I know that he heard the gospel clearly and SermonAudio made this connection possible. You really can't underestimate the value of SermonAudio and the opportunities it provides."
Harold Smith, Lee Creek Baptist Church

"Whenever pastors stop in my church, I show them a big worldwide map with pin tabs everywhere someone has listened to a message from our church on SermonAudio. So far we have reached 133 countries with preaching on the site! I ask pastors, "What are you doing to reach the world? This is what we do. And I am just a 'hillybilly' preacher in the middle of nowhere. Yet, our church reaches the world through SermonAudio." I encourage pastors to pay for SermonAudio themselves for the first year. You can do this by skipping a few meals out every month. Then you can ask the church to pay for it. Many have taken up this challenge. our church takes a "missionary offering" every month and this month our offering is going to pay for more services from SermonAudio. My wife and I have actually meant some listeners hundreds of miles away and have developed friendships with them. Partnering with SermonAudio is worth it!"
Bob Dennis, Immanuel Baptist Church

"We had a young man come to us out of a rough background. He fellowshipped with our church for some time and then moved away. I had no contact with him for several years but just this week I received an email from him. He shared how he had wandered away from the Lord but had just come back to the Lord recently. He noted that he had experienced a difficulty journey back to the place of repentance and trusting Christ again, but he has been walking with the Lord again. He mentioned how he had recently begun to listen to sermons from our church once again through SermonAudio. I had no idea what the Lord had been doing in this man’s life. I share this as an encouragement to other pastors: you never know how your sermons on this site might be used by God to work in people’s lives. I am grateful that SermonAudio is dedicated to getting the Word out to the largest number of people possible using available technology."
Michael Myers, Heritage Presbyterian Church

"’m really grateful for your ministry personally. SA had a role in my calling to gospel ministry and where I am today. When I was a sophomore in college, I was assigned to work on a baseball field for 8 hours a week. I would load up sermons from various pastors and listen to them all day long when I was doing my job--men like Bill Shisko and Sinclair Ferguson I did this every week at school for two semesters. God used this time and the ministry of godly men on your site to do a deep work in my heart. Today, as a pastor and a broadcaster on your site, I still access SermonAudio a ton! Thanks for the ministry you provide! It made a difference in my life."
Steve Wilson, Pastor-Teacher, Grace Community Church of Bowling Green

"Our SermonAudio monthly bill is the best money we invest every month as a church! We are thrilled with every aspect of the service. It has given us opportunities to preach that simply are not available any other way. It has opened doors for ministry for us that we would never would have had on our own. For example, twelve years ago an Englishman from Africa was going to medical school near the Black Sea in Russia. He identified only six other believers at this school. They decided they would get together regularly to study God’s Word. He had listened to our church on SermonAudio and contacted me by email, asking if it would be OK to use my sermons as a starting point for their studies and discussions each week. Of course, I said that would be fine and for the next four years this group listened to my sermons on a regular basis. I have kept in contact with this man named Sean throughout the last twelve years. He moved to Thailand, eventually married, and two weeks ago asked me if I would be a reference for him as he was applying to a board of Christian surgeons who would go and do medical missions work in various places. Eleven years ago, a man in India began listening to my messages on SermonAudio. He led an incredible ministry that helped women who were in prostitution and human trafficking/slavery. He was wrestling through various issues in his life and we started to communicate. Through the years we have been able to supply him with nearly $20,000 worth of resources he needed to carry on his work. Seven years ago I had the great joy of going over to India to speak to a large group of young pastors that this man had been training. He gathered these men and I was able to minister to them for six days Those are just two stories, but two or three times a month we have some communication from someone in various places throughout the world who found us, started listening to messages on SermonAudio and let us know how God has used this in their lives. Keep in mind that we are a small church but God has allowed us to have worldwide impact in lives through partnering with SermonAudio!"
C. Benjamin Dill, Lighthouse Baptist Church

"A young fellow came to our church within the last year. He started attending after he heard of my messages on SermonAudio. He was an unbeliever so I invited him to join a class I was teaching on basic Christian truths. He received the Lord Jesus Christ, was baptized, and recently surrendered to the call to preach the gospel! This man was a veteran and came to us suffering with depression. The Lord has delivered him from his depression and given him great joy. Pray that the Lord may use this man greatly as he shares the gospel with others and prepares to proclaim God's truth!"
Robert Vradenburgh, Friendship Baptist Church

"Recently a young man in his 20's called and left a message on our church answering machine. I called him back and he shared with me how he had recently trusted the Lord and how God had delivered him from godlessness and all sorts of life-dominating sin. The power of the gospel began to totally transform his life. Within a few days, this man found a job. He had been homeless for some time and God provided a place for him to live. The man lived in another state but somehow found our church on SermonAudio and started listening. He called to tell me that the bulk of his discipleship over the last few months had been by watching our webcast and listening to my messages on SermonAudio. What a joy to hear how God is doing a great work in this young man’s life. He wants to stay in touch with me. I am seeking to help him find a good church in his area so he can begin to fellowship with other believers on a weekly basis! It’s amazing to me what modern technology has connected us in ways I never imagined. SermonAudio has impacted this man’s life and has blessed our church family!"
Rev. David Park, Hebron Free Presbyterian Church

"We value the service that SermonAudio gives us. We broadcast every Lord’s Day as well as our special services. We have people who listen from all around the world and in the US. One elderly couple in CT listens to every week because they are now home-bound. My wife and I had the privilege of visiting them last year in their home. We know of people who listen in, and by God’s grace, are converted. One Roman Catholic man began to listen to us on SermonAudio, came to Christ, and just married a young lady from our church recently. Another lady in our community felt like she could never attend church because of some suffering in her life. She began listening to our sermons. She called me and set up a visit with me and another elder. She was converted through hearing the Word of God and passed on to heaven last year. We thank God for the possibilities of preaching the gospel to many in this way."
Bill Hale, First Baptist Church of Parker Texas

"Almost every visitor that comes to our church learned about us by getting on SermonAudio and listening to several messages before attending our services. SermonAudio is great for backing up messages and storing them. I manage another account on SermonAudio for one of our missionary partners in Cambodia. He is only one of a few Cambodian broadcasters on your site. He reports that regularly people come up to him and say, “You don’t know me but I know you. I have listened to all your messages on SermonAudio. He has met Cambodians who have lived in other parts of the world for years and return to their country for a visit. They will seek out his church which is not easy to get to and want to worship with his church and tell them how God has fed their souls through his sermons on the site. There are even some who have downloaded all his sermons off SermonAudio on to CD’s or thumb drives and passed them on to others to listen to them. Without SermonAudio, many of these people would have no access to gospel preaching in their own language."
Henry Dixon, Poplar Baptist Church

"We were blessed with a lady who came to us after she was wonderfully converted by listening to a sermon on SermonAudio! As she listened to a reading of sermon by Charles Spurgeon on SermonAudio, she called on Christ to save her. She started to attend our church and died about two or three years later due to the effects of her drug-addiction prior to coming to Christ. She was a very ordinary woman who came to love the Puritans and had a whole stack of their books she had read in her home She died peacefully in the Lord! A number of people have visited our church after first listening to our preaching on SermonAudio. It’s so encouraging to have a worldwide outreach through this site. We just learned that we can upload PDF transcripts of our sermons on the site so we plan to start that soon as well! May God bless your ministry!"
Mike Rodgers, Faith Baptist Tabernacle

"We are a small church but have had some people contact us throughout the years because of being on SermonAudio. One man from Australia wrote us to let us know that he was not walking with God but he heard one of our sermons on the site. God convicted his heart and he turned to the Lord. The Lord later called him into evangelistic work. We have heard from him a couple of times since then. We praise God for the impact of His Word through a site like yours."
Rev. Archibald A. Allison, Emmaus Orthodox Presbyterian

"We have been very pleased with our partnership with SermonAudio. For years we have posted audio to the site and now we are able to webcast our services. What you provide for churches like ours is a a big help for people who either can’t get out or who don’t live nearby but would like to listen to or watch our church service. A lot of our people really appreciate you because it is an easy way for them to access sermons again or to share sermons with friends and families. We have had some folks find us through the SermonAudio website, visit us, and some have joined our church. Some years ago a younger man who had come to Christ found us somehow on SermonAudio. He called his parent who lived in the area and told them what he had found. It ended up that over time both this young man and his parents united with our church! Being on your site is also a blessing personally because my parents are able to tune in every Sunday evening to our church. You can see that SermonAudio has been a blessing in many different ways! Thanks for all your work."
Dr. John Suttles, Coweta Particular Baptist Church

"We are a very small church but we have had a phenomenal experience being on SermonAudio. We began downloading our sermons with you because some of our people come for a great distances and they had friends in their communities that wanted the lessons/sermons we were giving. SermonAudio was simply a way for people to retrieve this material. We never dreamed that, through the site, we would begin reaching people we had never met. We were shocked when we found out how many people found us on-line. Now that we have been on the site for some time, we have a widespread outreach. We get letters and emails from people quite frequently. We couldn’t stop being on SermonAudio now if we wanted to. It’s been a truly remarkable experience. We don’t offer anything unusual, amazing or outstanding but the amount of activity encourages us so much. Another incredible and unexpected blessing is connected with a rather large jail ministry that we maintain. When inmates, to whom we have ministered, are released from prison, they often continue follow our Scriptural teaching through SermonAudio. We get letters from them telling us how they are still growing! What unexpected blessings and benefits we have received by being on your site!"
Travis Burke, Cozaddale Baptist Temple

"SermonAudio is a great opportunity to reach people all over the world. Recently a family from Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates began listening to our messages on SermonAudio. The family heard the Gospel and trusted in Jesus Christ as Savior. They joined a local church there. They have written twice and even sent a gift to our church in deep appreciation for how God used our messages to change their lives. A friend of ours who lives over there visited them and found them growing in their faith! This family continues to listen regularly to our sermons and we are so grateful for what God has done!"
Pastor Roger Handyside, Cornerstone Community Church

"We have seen God work over the years through our partnership with SermonAudio in some interesting and incredible ways. Here’s one story. For years we have celebrated Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and we have often had speakers from nearby crisis pregnancy centers come and give the morning message. We have several archived on our site. One day a woman in our area, who was pregnant and ready to commit suicide somehow ended up on SermonAudio and found our church’s page. She listened to one of the archived messages from a few years before. She called up the crisis pregnancy center represented in that message and set up an appointment. After several meetings she came to Christ and had the baby. This lady is now plugged into a local church near where she lives! She still doesn’t know how she ended up on SermonAudio but the Lord used archived message on the site to give hope to a desperate woman who received Jesus!"
Stephen Sherman, Christian Fellowship Church

"We are very happy with the service you provide. It is serving us well. I’m grateful we don’t have to worry about how we structure our website and sermons. You take care of how all that is presented on your site. People in our church appreciate how easy it is to access sermons from their computer or phones. We plan on using you all indefinitely. We are thrilled to hear that you are now offering unlimited uploads of sermons. There have been several months when we had more sermons to upload but didn’t because of the extra cost. Now we no longer need to worry about that. We are also encouraged about the upcoming new release of the Church Finder. Shortly after we joined SermonAudio, a family who found us on SermonAudio started attending our church. Today, they are one of the most active, godly families in our church. Needless to say, we are thankful for this feature that you have."
Jeff Riddle, Christ Reformed Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been a good outreach for us. We have been contacted by many people through the years. It also allows us to maintain contact with people who move out of area to other places. We have heard from people all around the world, from Romania to Hong Kong! Some time ago I was preaching at a church conference in Hong Kong. After one of my messages, a man who was not a member or regular attender of the church came up to me and said, “I have been listening to your sermons on SermonAudio for years!” That was amazing!"
Dr. Andy Bloom, Central Baptist Church

"When our church signed up for SermonAudio ten years ago, we never imagined that we would have more than a few hundred downloads a month. Then we hit 2000 a month and now God has continue to grow our listener base so that we have 3000 downloads a month. Ten years later, we humbly praise God and are stunned that we have experienced 450,000 downloads from 187 countries on over one million computing devices. Last Sunday over 380 computers were accessing our worship service via livestream. We are committed to the verse by verse exposition of God’s Word and people are hungry for this all around the world. We hear from pastors who never were able to attend Bible college who regularly listen and learn God’s Word more thoroughly through our site on SermonAudio. We also heard from a missionary about some churches who didn’t have pastors at the time, so men in the church took turns preaching. These men often listened to our sermons via your site, took notes, and then preached them to their congregations. These are men with no formal education in a country most people have never heard of. We support a lot of missionaries but SermonAudio allows us to reach areas of the world where our missionaries could never go. I received a note from an anesthesiologist in another state who wrote to tell me he came to know Christ through preaching on the site. Another listener wrote to tell me that he had gotten his life right with the Lord after a period of backsliding. This is what God has done through our partnership with you. To Him be the glory!"
Dr. Phil Sigman, Central Baptist Church

"I have recommended SermonAudio to all the pastors in my fellowship of churches. One of the main benefits of being on SermonAudio is the much broader audience you reach. The audience is huge, much larger than your normal sphere of influence each Sunday and better than your own church website by far. Before SermonAudio I used to spend lots of times working on our website and putting up sermons and maybe having ten people “visit” our site a month. Since being on SermonAudio for less than six months, we have had nearly 3000 downloads of our sermons. I love the reports that tell us that we are reaching countries we could never otherwise dream of reaching and our highest amount of downloads come from Spain and Brazil. SermonAudio allows us to reach places with God’s Word I will never be. Also, our church is located in a region where lots of people come and work for a few months at a time and return back to where they live. These oil industry workers often find us on line and listen to us or read the articles I post. Just a couple of Sundays ago a couple (one of them from the Philippines and one from Alaska) came and worshipped with us. They will be leaving in a few weeks but they told me when they come back next summer that they will be worshiping with us again. We had another couple who attended Steve Lawson’s church when he was in Mobile, AL. They moved to our region and found our church and worshipped with us several times. Although they ended up living too far to worship weekly with us, they decided to set us up and pay our monthly fee on SermonAudio! Of all the internet ministry tools out there for churches to access, this is by far the most significant one there is!"
Pastor Tim Leaman, Calvary Baptist Church

"We have had a number of visitors as a result of SermonAudio, among whom are several families who have joined our church. One time a couple in our community, who had no connection to our church, experienced a great tragedy. Several weeks later they came to one of our services. Afterward, they introduced themselves to me. I asked them, “How did you hear about our church?” The man responded that one of his co-workers (whom I have never met) suggested that he listen to some sermons on your site. The man did and found our church through this. Through God’s great mercy, I was able to visit this couple in their home and present the gospel! The Lord saved them and they have been worshipping with us ever since!"
Phillip Reemtsma, Calvary Baptist Church

"As I was preparing my sermon for Sunday I decided to incorporate a story from a book I was reading about a little church in Scotland. I preached the sermon, our tech team uploaded it to SermonAudio and two days later I received an email from a man in Scotland who had listened to my sermon while walking his dog that day. He was very discouraged and so we continued to communicate for some time through email. Through this season of counsel, I was able to help this man change for God’s glory!"
Jeffrey Alexander, Calvary Baptist Church

"We could not be happier with SermonAudio! The ability to get our message out to people we would never otherwise reach is astounding!  I once received an email from a man in Scotland who wrote to tell me that he was very discouraged and down at one point in his life. He found my messages somehow on SermonAudio and a downloaded a few. He wrote to tell me that God used those messages to turn his life around. He got his heart right with God and began regularly fellowshipping with a church there.  That story alone makes our partnership with SermonAudio worth it all!"
James Gray, Bethel Baptist Church

"Our people use and enjoy SermonAudio a lot, whether it is to re-listen to a sermon that impacted them or to catch up on one they missed. Just this past week, a man who was looking for a church visited us. He found us through searching for a church in the area, listened to a few messages, and then came on Sunday. We appreciate what you do!"
Dr. Robert Lawrence, Ascension Baptist Church

"I have been associated with SermonAudio for twelve years including this church and a previous ministry. We view the site as an extension of our ministry. I receive comments on sermons all the time from listeners. We put the sermons into podcasts and on iTunes as well and people share messages with neighbors and friends. A lot of people who have visited our church mentioned that they found us on SermonAudio and listened to a few messages before they came. We are looking to expand to webcasting soon and adding the video component. I think SermonAudio is a great tool for churches."
Mike Milano, Abiding Grace Church

"We are a very small church which started less than three years ago. One of our elders signed us up for SermonAudio and the other elders “scolded” him and asked, “What are you doing? We are struggling financially as a new work and can’t afford it.” But over time, the first three families who came to our new church found us on SermonAudio. Those three families have been with us ever since and are involved to this day in our ministry. So thank you for helping a newly planted work. SermonAudio is an awesome site and a fantastic tool for the church!"
Pastor Sean Harris, Berean Baptist Church

"Last Wednesday I counseled and did dinner with a couple who found me on and make a trip to Berean during their trip to the beach so we could connect. How cool is that? I am shocked every time I find out someone is listening to us through the power of the Internet."
Pastor Matthew Duerr, Zion Lutheran Church

"We are delighted with the opportunity to partner with SermonAudio. We have had many responses to our presence on the site. A number of people are now an integral part of our church who first found us, listened to a few messages, and began to attend our services. We are excited with what God is doing through you and pleased with the results of our partnership. You are doing a great work!"
Bernie Graves, Vision Community Church

"SermonAudio has been great for our church. A guy in our church introduced us to this tool and we have benefitted from it tremendously. We have had a number people attend our church because they found out on SermonAudio and we have many 1000s of downloads over our time on the site. SermonAudio is a great encouragement to me as a pastor who labors diligently in the Word every week. It is rewarding to feed the flock in attendance on Sunday but it is so encouraging to know that there is a larger audience out there benefitting from my preparation and delivery of God’s Word."
Ted Johnson, The Bible Church of Owasso

"We are very happy with your service. I often received comments from members of our congregation regarding how reliable and easy to use SermonAudio is. Many people in our congregation use it. Sometimes people will ask me how they can share a sermon that they found helpful to their lives and so I send them the link on SermonAudio and they pass it on. We often send people with questions on a particular topic, theme or Scripture passage to the site as well. We used to upload our sermons to our own website but we have found a great advantage in terms of reliability and content by uploading them now to SermonAudio. We want you to know that we chose your site because of your clearly defined doctrinal statement. It was important to us to know that we were supporting a company that had standards for truth. We pray that you may continue to be a shining light in the world of technology."
Nathan Fort, The Shepherds Church

"SermonAudio is awesome! You do everything well! I pastor a small church and we used to have a website but we couldn’t really maintain it so we decided to shut it down. We used Facebook to let people know about our times and location of services but we really missed having a place for people to listen to sermons. So we found you and signed up and it has been a huge blessing. Our tech guys find the site easy to use and are much more efficient in uploading the sermons because of it. The cards you sent me that included our SermonAudio information and phone number were phenomenal! I hand them out to visitors all the time! Thank you! That was a big boost to our ministry! We are thoroughly pleased with your service! I can’t “brag” about you enough. And the cost is a great value to a small church like ours that has to be careful in our stewardship. Keep plugging away in all you do!"
Philip Proctor, Sterling Presbyterian Church (OPC)

"The first thing I did when I came to Sterling OPC was to sign us up for SermonAudio. We really appreciate your ministry. It is a tremendous benefit for our church. We have had many people check us out first on SermonAudio before ever visiting our church. One couple from California was moving clear across the country to our area. But before they moved, they wanted to make sure there was a good church available. They went on SermonAudio and listened to a few messages even before they decided to move. Your service is very reasonably priced. I am so encouraged every month by the reports you send us. I send an email out to our congregation and let them see how God is using us to reach people all around the world, even in closed countries. We may never know the impact of this ministry till we stand before Christ in glory. It’s a privilege to partner with you. Thank you for how you have helped our church grow in this way."
Lee Johnson, St. John's Reformed Church

"All of us at St. John’s love SermonAudio. This site has done a lot for us over the years. We receive feedback often from people who listen to our sermons. People in our church use the site to catch up on missed sermons. And we hear from people who we have never met before. We have had several “back and forth” conversations with listeners we have never met face to face. Also people have found us on SermonAudio and listened to a few sermons to see if it was the kind of preaching/church they were looking for even before they attended a worship service. SermonAudio is simple to use. It charges a reasonable monthly fee. And it is a great resource for churches! To use the internet to broadcast the gospel around the world is indeed a beautiful thing!"
Kent Harding, Sovereign Grace Reformed Church

"SermonAudio has been truly helpful for our small congregation here in southeast Missouri. Beside giving our people the ability to listen to sermons they may have missed or want to listen to again, this site has been greatly used as a resource in our small town. There is a great need for solid Bible teaching in our area and many people who don’t even attend our church regularly access such teaching via your site. A few individuals have actually found us on SermonAudio before they ever attended worship with us. We just think SermonAudio is a great place to lock arms with like-minded broadcasters and churches to spread the gospel in a greater way than we could ever do on our own!"
Clay Curtis, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, NJ

"I have found SermonAudio to be a great resource for our church. When I came to this work, there were only three families. Almost every member since I came as pastor first heard about our church through SermonAudio. I have told other pastors about this site and a few have signed up and found the ministry valuable. One time when I traveled to minister in Australia I was able to introduce two groups of people to each other. They lived less than 100 miles apart and represented two churches who didn’t know the other existed."
Johnathon Bush, Southside Baptist Church

"We love SermonAudio. This is the second church I have pastored where I have utilized SermonAudio. It is a real blessing to our church members who miss a service due to illness or travel. We have had people who found us on SermonAudio begin to visit our church. It is a great tool and we are most appreciative of our partnership with you."
Rev. Leldon L. Partain, Rosedale Reformed Bible Church

"People who use SermonAudio in our church are so appreciative of this site. This site allows former ministry colleagues and believers I know in such countries as Senegal, Nigeria, and Congo also listen to my sermons. What a blessing to have such worldwide access. A lot of people who have come to our church over the years first found us on SermonAudio as they were searching for a local church. They heard solid, Bible preaching and visited our church. I certainly am grateful for your ministry."
Richard T. Crofutt, Reformed Pres. Church of Slate Lick

"SermonAudio has been a totally positive experience for us. Our church has been through some difficult times and we came here trying to hold on and try to keep the congregation going. I first looked at SermonAudio as a way to minister to our elderly members who missed the services because of illness. After putting the messages on-line, however, we discovered that local people, who were looking for a place where their spiritual needs would be met, started listening. We have had four to five families come and stay on at our church as a direct result of SermonAudio. They used the Internet to look for solid churches, listened to a few messages, and started to attend. In fact, I have one or two more contacts in the area who have started listening recently but haven’t attended yet. I am also looking into the local ad option on the site as well. It’s also encouraging to see that people as far away as Germany, Taiwan, and Australia have listened to our church’s sermons. I also sincerely appreciate that SermonAudio has a standard for broadcasters and content so that you know you will find orthodox teaching and preaching on the site. This is a very unique site and I appreciate all that you are doing."
Pastor George Vander Dussen, Redeemer Presbyterian Church (OPC)

"We hosted our sermons on our website for awhile. Then we heard about SermonAudio and decided to try you out. We kept statistics of how many people found us on our site vs. SermonAudio and pretty soon it was evident that posting on SermonAudio reached many more people than we ever had before. We really appreciate the job you all you do. I have been listening to sermons through your site for years."
Pastor Mark Lukens, Providence Baptist Church

"Initially I was a little apprehensive about spending the money on SermonAudio, but a man in our church persuaded me that this would be very beneficial . . . and he was right! We have only been with SermonAudio for a few months now, but we are amazed how many people have found us and listened to our sermons. I am humbled to serve as a pastor of a small church and even more stunned by God using our church to impact even more people through this means. This is such a great way to get the truth out!"
Hope of Christ Church

"SermonAudio has been a tremendous value to our congregation. Not only does it provide a stable hosting mechanism for high quality sermons (which were otherwise growing beyond a manageable level on our server) but it has also increased the footprint that our sermons are heard. We recently had a visitor who attended because he first found us on SermonAudio. That says it all."
Pastor Sean Harris, Berean Baptist Church

"Berean is going into its 9th month with and we are really beginning to see the benefits of partnering with you. Just last week, I received an email from a man in GA who professed how he had discovered through a sermon preached at Berean he was living a lie as a professing Christian. But now he had truly put his faith in Christ. PTL! I pray this happens more and more. Next, we are beginning to receive first time visitors to the church who are relocating to Fort Bragg because of I have told all the pastors I know who are not broadcasting their sermons that they will not find a better company to host their sermons. Our church members love that we are now webcasting. You made that so easy. I look forward to being a part of when the website breaks the half million mark in sermons available for download and beyond. Keep up the good work and thank you."
Dan Osborne, Westchester OPC

"We just received a new member as the result of SermonAudio! He came into contact with our church by listening to our sermons. Then he started attending our church and now has become a member. Our being on SermonAudio also has increased our influence and exposure."
Jon Cardwell, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"We are so blessed with God's provision through SermonAudio. While we were ministering in remote bush Alaska, SermonAudio provided many in our village access to our messages while they were away, and it let the folks who supported us as missionaries know exactly how were doing and what we were preaching and teaching. Now, in Alabama, the majority of visitors, and all of our new members, found us on the Internet through SermonAudio. Thanks Steven, for all the improvements you've made to the site. We thank the Lord for this invaluable resource."
Rev. Warren Gardner, Free Church Atlanta

"SermonAudio has been a tremendous arm of outreach for our ministry. There is much encouragement to see sermons downloaded to around the world and especially in countries with histories of suppressing the Gospel. Within our congregation, members regularly take advantage of SermonAudio to listen again to messages that have particularly helpful. Those sick or shut-in who are unable to come to services or listen to our broadcast, are able to download sermons and listen later. Especially helpful sermons are also shared with friends and family by recommending the message posted at SermonAudio. Visitors have often mentioned that they found us first at Free Church Atlanta is a small Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) congregation in metropolitan Atlanta. We are deeply appreciative for the service that SermonAudio provides!"
Answers in Genesis

"Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis have been heard on for nearly 10 years. We have enjoyed this relationship and are especially pleased that it gives us another venue to distribute the Answers in Genesis message of Creation, Biblical Authority, and Apologetics. Tens of thousands of listeners have been exposed to AiG and these foundational truths through We highly recommend this ministry, as an additional means to proclaim truth."
Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

" is a great asset to our seminary and church ministry in a variety of ways. It is also my favorite site to visit to hear sermons. Steven Lee provides warm, personable service and does a masterful job of presenting tens of thousands of sermons in a very accessible way. The variety and quantity of sound gospel ministers' sermons that posts is unparalleled by any other ministry."
Tenth Presbyterian Church

"SermonAudio has been providing Tenth with a turn-key, inexpensive, and effective solution for live webcasting and archiving of our sermons, Sunday School classes and special events for over 5 years. SermonAudio has always been responsive to our requests and suggestions, and they continue to add features catering to the churches and audience they serve. We continue to be pleased with their service in support of our mission to reach Philadelphia, the United States, and the world with sound Biblical teaching and theyve been a great partner for our ministry."
Bill Hale, Church of Mercy in Cambodia

"A family from Australia called Chheng the other day. They are about the same age as Chheng and left Cambodia in the early 80s as well. They have been listening to the sermons for many months. The wife said she listens to them all the time...while washing dinner...folding laundry...etc. She also said that her son downloads a copy of the sermons and then he makes many, many copies on cd and passes them out to other Cambodians in Australia. They just visited Cambodia for the first time since the war and they stopped by the church when they were here."
Jeff, Hilltop Audio Ministries

"Love it. Been impressed with Steven's response on any questions I've had… Keep it up guys, we need you to succeed."
Kevin Swanson, Generations Radio

"As a broadcaster in both AM/FM formats and webcasting, I want to commend you for developing a powerful ministry tool that is reaching many around the world today. You have made good use of technology for the sake of Christ's kingdom. I am constantly amazed at the level of detail you have worked into this web tool. Thank you for your work."
Pastor Jeff Riddle, Jefferson Park Baptist Church

"We have just reached our one year anniversary of broadcasting on SermonAudio and have been highly pleased with the service and ministry result. We frequently have new attendees in our church who say they discovered us first through our website and its link to our messages on SermonAudio. Former members who have moved out of the area are also able to keep up with the teaching/preaching ministry of our church. We currently have a young man in our church who is a medical student at the University of Virginia serving a short term internship in public health in Brazil. He recently emailed to say he has been listening to our messages on SermonAudio from Brazil."
Marcia Benner, Cornerstone Church Mesa AZ

"Just a note to tell you how much we appreciate the SermonAudio site and the opportunities it has opened to us. A young couple who originally came to Cornerstone Church last year after they found Pastor's sermons and our church info on SA officially joined our church last Sunday. We have at least one Winter Visitor who is with us very happily for 3 months from finding us on a search by location, who emailed from WI for more info before she came. We also have been contacted by Pastors in the Philippines and in Africa, and been visited by a Pastor from Canada, traveling thru AZ. Of course, requests for sermon CDs. Thank you! May the Lord bless your endeavors and continue using them for His Kingdom."
Dr. Steve Hereford, Changed By Grace

"Since we started broadcasting with SermonAudio, we have had three families join our church. One individual found us on SermonAudio three months before attending our services. She later joined and was baptized. The responses that we have received have not only come through personal visits but also through the many email requests for either tapes, MP3 CD's or spiritual guidance. Thank you for having an exceptional site and for the partnership we share in taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth. I highly recommend your ministry to churches and ministries that seek to use the Internet as an opportunity to broadcast their messages."
Geoff Banister, Indianapolis Free Presbyterian

"Before our church began broadcasting on SermonAudio we were paying close to $800 a month for a daily 5 minute radio broadcast. We were thankful for the opportunity to extend our voice to the Indianapolis area but for a church our size we reached the place where we could no longer justify the expense. Through SermonAudio we went from paying $800 a month for 5 minute spots to under $40 a month. The price difference was phenomenal. But so was the value. We broadcast full sermons now - not 5 minute sermon excerpts. We are able to use the sermons preached on Sunday. The minister does not have to have special recording times for the radio. And the Lord has literally given us a voice throughout the world - not just the immediate vicinity of Indianapolis."