Celebration of Life - Sherri McCarty
January 29, 2025 15:31PM
Church Family:
The Celebration of Life for Sherri will be this Saturday, February 1, 2025, at 11:00 am at Little Sandy Baptist Church. Viewing will be from 10-11 am. If you would like to help with the food for the family meal after the service, please contact Connie Greene. Pastor Tim - 1.29.25 - 3:30 pm
Prayer Request
January 28, 2025 19:3PM
Church Family & Friends:
Please be in prayer for Darrell McCarty and family in the homegoing of Sherri this afternoon. I will post the service arrangements when they are complete. Pastor Tim - 1.28.25 - 7:03 pm
Prayer Request - January 23, 2025
January 23, 2025 10:31AM
Church Family: Please be in prayer for a man named Christian. He is related the Gearharts. Christian was riding his moped last night and was struck by a car. He has multiple issues and is greatly in need of prayer. Pastor Tim - 1.23.25 - 10:30 am
Prayer Request - January 19, 2025
January 19, 2025 14:9PM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Jody & Beth Stevens, and family, in the homegoing of Beth's mother, Audrey Richardson, who lived in Vermont.
Pastor Tim - 1.19.25 - 2:08 pm
Services for Sunday, January 19, 2025
January 19, 2025 8:32AM
Church Family:
No Sunday School or church services this morning. Please check back for information on the evening service. Please share this with others.
Pastor Tim - 1.19.25 - 8:31 am
Ministry Opportunity for Local Senior
August 6, 2024 12:12PM
Church Family: Due to my position at FIVCO, I have been made aware of an 82 year old, disabled senior who is being evicted, and needs her belongings moved to a storage unit in Russell/Flatwoods. She lives on Short White Oak in Russell. If this is something you would be interested in helping with, please text/call me today. Pastor Tim 757-274-5985 - August 6th - 2024 12:11 pm
Prayer Request - 7-1-24, 7:51 PM
July 1, 2024 19:54PM
Please be praying for Elmer Kazee. He has been hospitalized with heart issues and will be having a heart cath tomorrow.
Please be praying for Rob, a co-worker of Stephanie's. He was life-flighted to Lexington today. It has been determined that he has a tumor on the left side of his brain and it is bleeding.
Prayer Request
May 7, 2024 15:30PM
Church Family: Please be in prayer Luke Bennett. He is 16 and will be having open heart surgery tomorrow, May 8th. Pastor Tim - 3:30 pm - 5.7.24
Prayer Request - 5.5.24
May 5, 2024 15:39PM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer Luke Bennett. He is 16 and is in the hospital with infection in his blood. Pray that the infection does not damage his artificial heart valve. Pastor Tim - 5.5.24 - 3:40 pm
Prayer Request - 4.23.24
April 23, 2024 18:6PM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Mary Messer, in the homegoing of her husband Gary. The visitation will be Thursday from 6-8 pm at Harrison-Pyles Funeral Home in Wheelersburg. The funeral will be Friday at 11 am at the Funeral Home. Pastor Tim - 4.23.24 - 6:05 pm
Prayer Request - 4.18.24
April 18, 2024 20:37PM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Cheryl Posey. She received a very serious medical diagnosis today. Please remember her and her family in prayer. Pastor Tim - 4.18.24 - 8:36 pm
Prayer Request - 4.18.24
April 18, 2024 17:11PM
Jody and Beth Stevens’ neighbor requested prayer for his son-in-law, Mike Kitchen. Mike was shot at work today and is being life flighted. Mike lives in Ottawa, OH
Stephanie-5:10 PM
Prayer Request - 4.13.24
April 13, 2024 18:44PM
Dear Church Family & Friends:
Please be in prayer for Israel this evening. According to news sources: "Iran launched a wave of dozens of drones toward Israel." Pray for God's protection to be around His people. Pastor Tim - 4.13.24. - 6:44 PM
Prayer Request - 3.29.24
March 29, 2024 17:0PM
Church Family & Friends:
Please be in prayer for Joy Thomas, daughter of Bruce & Gail Lauderdale. Joy has suffered a stroke and is in the hospital. Pastor Tim - 3.29.24 - 5:00 pm
Clock Change Reminder
March 9, 2024 18:42PM
Church Family & Friends;
Just reminding everyone that tonight we spring forward an hour. Do not forget to set you clocks forward an hour. Pastor Tim - 3.9.24 - 6:42 pm
Tech Issues
March 6, 2024 21:8PM
Listeners to Sermon Audio - we know we are experiencing technical difficulties, especially with LIVE Streaming the sermons. We are working on a solution and hope to have the problem remedied within a couple of weeks. Thanks for your patience. Pastor Tim - 3.6.24 - 9:08 pm
Church Canceled for Feb. 28th
February 28, 2024 17:37PM
Church Family:
As many of you already know, there is a transmission line down for the area where the church is located, thus no electricity. I saw a notice that the electric company is unsure when power will be restored. So, with no electricity I felt it best to cancel tonight's service. Text or email if questions. Thanks! Pastor Tim - Wednesday, Feb. 28 - 5:35 PM
Power Out Update
February 28, 2024 15:5PM
Church Family:
With the storms of today, the power is currently out at the church. If you drive from a distance, please text or message or call me to confirm we are having church. I will send out another update as church time draws closer. Pastor Tim - 2.28.24 - 3:04 pm
Service Reminder - 1.20.24
January 20, 2024 15:17PM
Dear Church Family:
We anticipate having normal services tomorrow, Jan. 24th. The roads to the church are clear. The parking lot has been plowed, with a dusting of snow in some places. For those who unable to attend or do not feeling comfortable attending in person due to roads and/or temperature, we will be starting the LIVESTREAM on Sermon Audio at 11 am and again at 6 pm tomorrow. Pastor Tim - Saturday, 1.20.24 - 3:17 pm
Prayer Request - 11.28.23
November 28, 2023 20:39PM
Gail McClure was admitted to the hospital today and will be having tests this evening. They hope to know more tomorrow.
Stephanie for Pastor Tim 8:39PM
Prayer Request - 11.27.23
November 27, 2023 18:31PM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Steve Wesolowski who is having a pacemaker implanted tomorrow, Nov. 28th. Pastor Tim - 11.27.23 - 6:31 pm
Service Reminder - 11.22.23
November 22, 2023 13:14PM
Church Family:
A reminder that we have a Prayer and Praise service tonight at 7:00 pm rather than our usual Bible Study. Also, no Master Clubs or Teen Time tonight. Pastor Tim - 11.22.23 - 1:13 pm
Prayer Request - Tuesday, 11.21.23
November 21, 2023 14:43PM
Church Family:
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Hoyme have requested prayer for their daughter, Kambry Hoyme. Pastor Tim - 11.21.23 - 2:43 pm
Prayer Request - Nov. 12
November 12, 2023 20:31PM
Church Family
Please be in prayer for Roger and Donna Underwood, Roger is the nephew of Pastor Wayne Stephenson. They were in an auto accident and both of Donna’s knees are broken and they both sustained head injuries. It is believed that Roger is yet unsaved. Pastor Tim - 11.12.23 - 8:29 pm
Prayer Request - Nov. 10, 2023
November 10, 2023 12:6PM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Hunter, the young fella who has been on our prayer sheet. His family found out today that his platelets have dropped from 70,000 down to 5000. The family is still waiting for more test results. Pastor Tim - 11.10.23 - 12:05 pm
Prayer Request - Tuesday, November 7, 2023
November 7, 2023 8:33AM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Larry Burns who is having leg surgery this morning. Pastor Tim - 11.7.23 - 8:33 am
Prayer Request - 9.27.23
September 27, 2023 21:43PM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Pastor Ron Ball who has eye surgery tomorrow, Sept. 28th. Pastor Tim - 9.27.23 - 9:43 pm
Prayer Request - Sept. 21, 2023
September 21, 2023 17:28PM
Church Family:
Please be praying for Larry Burns tomorrow morning, as he will be having a leg stent cleaning procedure. Pastor Tim - 9.21.23 - 5:28 pm
Prayer Request - Thursday, September 7, 2023
September 7, 2023 11:50AM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Jessie Boyles. She was found unresponsive this morning and has been transported to a local hospital. Pastor Tim - 9.7.23 - 11:50 am
Prayer Request - 8.16.23
August 16, 2023 22:4PM
Church Family:
Please in prayer for baby Theo Owens. He is only three weeks old and has had problems since birth. Please pray for Theo and his parents that God would intervene in this baby's life. Pastor Tim - 8.16.23 - 10:04 pm
Funeral Arrangements for Pastor Wayne Stephenson
August 10, 2023 20:15PM
Church Family and Friends:
For Pastor Wayne Stephenson - Viewing on Sunday, Aug. 13th, from 6-8 pm; Funeral on Monday, Aug. 14th, at 1 pm; both at Reed Funeral Home, Greenup, KY. - If you would like to bring food for the meal for the family following the service, please contact Connie Greene. - Pastor Tim - 8.10.23 - 8:13 pm
Prayer Request - Stephenson Family
August 9, 2023 18:15PM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Linda and family in the Homegoing of Pastor Wayne today about 5 pm. I will post arrangements when they are set. Pastor Tim - 8.9.23 6:14 pm
Prayer Request - Wednesday, August 9, 2023
August 9, 2023 10:23AM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Pastor Wayne Stephenson. They are taking him to Hospice in Ashland this morning. Pray that God will have His way in Brother Wayne's life. Pastor Tim - 8.9.23 - 10:23 am
Mary Book - Funeral Arrangements
August 7, 2023 18:54PM
Church Family:
Funeral arrangements for Mary Book, sister of David Porter. Viewing will be Monday, August 14, 2023, from 5-8 pm and the funeral service will be at 1:30 pm, on August 15, 2023. Both at Brant Funeral Home, Sciotoville, Ohio. - Pastor Tim - 8.7.23 - 6:53 pm
Back to School Sunday
August 5, 2023 19:47PM
Church Family:
Just a reminder that tomorrow, August 6th, is Back to School Sunday. Donuts, yogurt, fruit, granola and drinks for everyone will be available in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 am. School age children will be recognized in the 11:00 am service. Pastor Tim - 8.5.23 - 7:47 pm
Opportunity to Help
June 19, 2023 22:36PM
For this year's VBS - if you would want to contribute individually wrapped candy (avoiding candy with nuts if possible) and fruit snacks for Friday's treat bags for the kids. Approx. 30-35. You can leave these items in the church office. Thanks Pastor Tim - Monday 6.19.23 - late evening
Prayer Request - Thursday - June 8, 2023
June 8, 2023 12:42PM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Mary Book, sister of David Porter. She is currently hospitalized and has taken a turn for the worse today. P. Tim - 6.8.23 - 12:42 pm
Prayer Request - Friday, June 2, 2023
June 2, 2023 11:10AM
Church Family: Please be prayer for Paul Fannin, Tish Boyle's Dad. Mr. Fannin has had an allergic reaction to a medicine, and is being admitted into the hospital for a liver biopsy. Mr. Fannin received a liver transplant some time back. Pastor Tim - 6.2.23 - 11:10 am
Service Reminder
April 29, 2023 19:16PM
Church Family:
A reminder that tomorrow, April 30th, is the 5th Sunday of the month, and we will be having Dinner on the Grounds, followed a 1:30 pm service. There will be no choir rehearsal or 6:00 pm service. The food for dinner is being provided by a couple of our church families. Pastor Tim - Saturday, April 29, 2023 - 7:17 pm
Prayer Request - 4.10.23
April 10, 2023 11:22AM
Church Family and Friends:
Please be in prayer for a cousin of Cheryl Porter's, her name is Judy Sparks. Judy and her husband were in a car accident yesterday and her husband passed away as a result. Judy was life flighted to a Columbus hospital. Please pray for Judy's physical needs, as well as be praying for the spiritual needs of Judy and the five children in the family. Pastor Tim - 4.10.23 - 11:22 am
Prayer Request - 3.23.23
March 23, 2023 19:41PM
Dear Church Family & Friends;
Please be in prayer for 4 year old Hunter Walagora. The hepatitis meds did not work. His liver count is very elevated, and his blood count is back down again. Prayer for wisdom for his doctor and healing for young Hunter. Pastor Tim - 3.23.23 - 7:41 pm
Prayer Request - Monday, March 20, 2023
March 20, 2023 10:45AM
Church Family and Friends,
Please be in prayer for Jeff Weaver a neighbor and good friend of Elmer and Glenda Kazee. Mr. Weaver is being taken to a hospital this morning. Also remember his wife in prayer. Pastor Tim - Monday, 3.20.23 - 10:44 am
Prayer Request - 2.3.23
February 3, 2023 22:31PM
Dear Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Dale Hickman's sister, Charlene Howard. She will be having emergency eye surgery tomorrow in Columbus. Charlene has a hole in her eye that needs immediate repair. Pastor Tim - 2.3.23 - 10:31 pm
Prayer Request/Update - 2.2.2023
February 2, 2023 19:14PM
Dear Church Family and Friends:
Please be in prayer for Leah Leightenheimer who is being taken to the hospital in Cincinnati for IV antibiotic treatment. Be in prayer for Mary Messer who has tear duct surgery tomorrow morning in Columbus. Update: Randy Millsaps, Stephanie Wright's bro-in-law, is now in a regular room, recovering well from his triple heart bypass surgery. Pastor Tim - 2.2.23 - 7:15 pm
Prayer Request - Tuesday, January 31, 2023
January 31, 2023 12:46PM
Church Family & Friends:
Please be in prayer for Randy Millsaps, bro-in-law of Stephanie Wright. Randy will be have three-way heart bypass surgery tomorrow, Feb. 1, TN. Pastor Tim - 1.31.23 - 12:47 pm
Prayer Request - 1.13.2023
January 13, 2023 17:7PM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Kenny Rhodes, a great nephew of George McClure. He is having open heart surgery. Pray also that he would see his need of salvation. Pastor Tim - 1.13.23 - 5:06 pm
Request Updates - Monday, Jan. 9, 2023
January 9, 2023 11:51AM
Church Family:
Please continue to remember Ian Wesolowski who remains hospitalized. Pray that his lab reports will improve and that his infections can be eliminated.
Druvika Houlahan - Surgeon was very optimistic about the procedure. Tumor was removed and the baby is stable. Please continue to pray for recovery for Druvika and safety for their child. Pastor Tim - 1.9.2023 - 11:50 am
Prayer Requests - Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023
January 7, 2023 9:3AM
Church Family and Friends:
Please be praying for Ian Wesolowski who has been hospitalized with a very low potassium count. Also be in prayer for LaDonna Nichols who is having a partial leg amputation surgery this morning. Pastor Tim - 1.7.23 - 9:02 am
Prayer Request - Friday, Jan. 6, 2023
January 6, 2023 13:51PM
Church Family: Please be for Matt Music as he is being taken back to the hospital by medical transport. He is experiencing chest and arm pain. Matt had open heart surgery 3-4 weeks ago. P. Tim - 1.6.23 - 1:50 pm
Christmas Eve Service
December 24, 2022 13:44PM
Church Family:
Just a reminder of tonight's Christmas Eve/Candlelight Service at 6:00 pm. There is a just little snow on the church parking lot. It has been salted, and the steps and ramp have been swept. Perhaps use the new addition entrance. Also, on Christmas Day - 11:00 am service only. Pastor Tim - Dec. 24, 2022 - 1:43 pm
Prayer Request - Tuesday, December 13, 2022
December 13, 2022 15:56PM
Church Family - Update Matt Music
Matt was unable to have surgery on 12.11.22, but is scheduled for open heart surgery tomorrow, Dec. 14. Please be in prayer for Matt and his doctors. P. Tim - 12.13.22 - 3:56 pm
Prayer Request - December 11, 2022
December 11, 2022 9:15AM
Church Family & Friends,
Update on Matt Music. The doctors are going to attempts stents this morning to help his heart problem. If that is unsuccessful, they will do open heart surgery. Please be in prayer for Matt this morning especially. Pastor Tim - 12.11.22 - 9:15 am
Prayer Request - December 8, 2022
December 8, 2022 17:24PM
Dear Church Family & Friends:
Please be in prayer for Chrystal Wolfenbarker's brother, Matt Music, who is being admitted to the hospital with chest and arm pain. Pastor Tim - 12.8.22 - 5:24 pm
Prayer Request - Wednesday, November 9, 2022
November 9, 2022 12:0PM
Church Family: Please be praying for Glenda Kazee as she is at a local ER with breathing problems. Pastor Tim - Wed. 11.9.22 - 11:59 am
Hayride Reminder
October 15, 2022 12:33PM
Church Family
Just a quick reminder of tonight's hayride at 6:00 pm at the church. Wagon hoooooo around 6:15 pm. Also, you might want to bring your own lawn chair to sit around the fire. Pastor Tim - Oct. 15, 2022 - 12:32 pm
Prayer Request - Oct. 6, 2022
October 6, 2022 19:32PM
Church Family: Please be in prayer for Walter Quintero, the son-in-law of Bruce and Gail Lauderdale. Walter is having collar bone and right shoulder surgery tomorrow in Florida. Walter fell while playing soccer. Pastor Tim - 10.6.22 - 7:33 pm
Prayer Request - Tuesday, September 27, 2022
September 27, 2022 10:4AM
Church Family,
Please be in prayer for Pastor Wayne, that the doctors will be able to get him off the vent today, so that he can breath on his own.
Praise - Avonlea Reisinger went home yesterday from the hospital.
Pastor Tim - Tuesday, Sept. 27, 10:04 am
Update - Sept. 24, 2022
September 24, 2022 16:34PM
Church Family and Friends:
Update on Pastor Wayne Stephenson - MRI was good, with no sign of a tumor or stroke. He was having a test today to check for infections. They are waiting for test results from cultures. He remains sedated and is in ICU. Pastor Tim - Saturday, Sept. 24, 4:33 pm
Prayer Request
September 22, 2022 20:14PM
Church Family and Friends: Please be in prayer for Pastor Wayne who was admitted to the hospital today due to seizures. He is currently in ICU, and the doctors are looking for the cause of the seizures. Pastor Tim, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022
Prayer Request Update
September 6, 2022 14:4PM
Church Family: As an update, Mrs. Lauderdale came through this morning's heart surgery well. Pray for her now as she begins recovery. Pastor Tim - Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022 - 2:04 pm
Prayer Request Update
September 5, 2022 20:15PM
Church Family: Please be praying for baby Avonlea Reisinger who is in the NICU unit at a Knoxville, Tennessee hospital. She will be having a very important EEG tomorrow. Avonlea is the newborn grandchild of Aaron & Krisha Reisinger. Their daughter in law Ashton has been dismissed from the hospital.
Pastor Tim - Monday, Sept. 5, 2022 - 8:15 pm
Prayer Request
September 2, 2022 11:29AM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for the daughter in law of Aaron and Kristia Reisinger. Their daughter-in-law gave birth early this morning by emergency C-section, and neither are doing well. The baby was transferred to a children's hospital in Knoxville, TN. The mother is back in surgery now due to bleeding. Please pause and pray. Pastor Tim - Friday, Sept. 2, 11:29 am
Prayer Request - July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022 18:52PM
Church Family and Friends:
Please be in prayer for Gale Virgin who has been in the hospital for about 11 days. He had surgery, now has an infection. His family has requested prayer for him. Pastor Tim - Tuesday, 7.12.22 - 6:51 pm
Prayer Request - Monday, July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022 8:23AM
Church Family:
Glenda Kazee has requested prayer for she and Elmer and boys. Elmer and Glenda both tested positive this morning for the virus Conner had. Please pray the virus is soon gone from their family. Pastor Tim - 7.11.22 - 8:22 am
Prayer Request - July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022 10:25AM
Church Family:
Please be in prayer for Conner Kazee who is quite sick with a fever, etc. Pray that they rest of Conner's family does not contract the same illness. Pastor Tim - Sat. July 9, 2022 - 10:25 am
Road Closure for 7.6.22
July 6, 2022 8:35AM
Church Family:
For those coming to church from Rt. 23N or South, this Wednesday, July 6, 2022, Route 3307 will be closed in a location that will prevent you getting to church from Whetstone. So please take Route 2, to Allcorn, to 3307. Thanks P. Tim - 7.6.2022 - 8:34 am
Prayer Request
July 5, 2022 15:50PM
Church Family: Please be in prayer for Susan Eiben, wife of Gabriel Eiben, our missionaries to Micronesia. Mrs. Eiben was diagnosed this morning with an illness that will prevent them from being in our service tomorrow evening, July 6th. We will reschedule them for a future ministry report. Pastor Tim - 7.5.22 - 3:50 pm
June 24, 2022 10:35AM
Church Family and Friends: Please join me in a prayer of Thanksgiving for the Supreme Court ruling today overturning Roe vs. Wade. SCOTUS rightly declared that abortion rights are NOT in our US Constitution. PRAISE THE LORD for the saving of future lives in our country. Pastor Tim - Friday, 6.24.22
Regular Wednesday Services Preempted
June 22, 2022 7:35AM
Church Family: A request to continue to pray for Vacation Bible School, and a reminder that regular Wednesday services are preempted tonight due to VBS. Pastor Tim - 6.22.22
Prayer Request - Tuesday, June 8, 2022
June 7, 2022 14:14PM
Church Family n Friends: We have been requested to pray for a Gerald Head, who lives in Arkansas. He was in a motorcycle accident this morning, and sustained multiple broken bones and injuries. Mr. Head is approximately 80 years of age. Pastor Tim - 6.7.22 - 2:14 pm
Prayer Request - May 21, 2022
May 21, 2022 19:10PM
Dear Church Family & Friends:
Please be in prayer for Chris and Layna Leightenheimer in the death of Chris' grandfather Bob Eichinger. Mr. Eichinger passed away this morning, May 21st. Pastor Tim - 5.21.2022 - 7:10 pm
Prayer Request - April 22, 2022
April 22, 2022 21:7PM
Church Family: Please be in prayer for Glenda Ballard, Sue Hill and their entire family in the passing of Jim Ballard, on Thursday, April 21. Viewing will be Wednesday, April 27 from 11 am until noon, with the funeral at noon at the Preston Funeral Home on Route 5. Pastor Tim - 4.22.22 - 9:06 pm
Broadcasting Test
April 5, 2022 21:34PM
Do not be alarmed. We were trying a new method of broadcasting, that was the reason for the notice about 9:32 pm. Pastor Tim - April 4, 2022
Weather & Clocks
March 12, 2022 15:27PM
Church Family: First, the roads to church are clear, and the church parking lot is clear. Thanks to those who cleared the parking lot today. Second, a gentle reminder to move your clocks forward one hour tonight. Please join us for Sunday School at 10:00 am if you can. Morning worship at 11:00 am. Pastor Tim - 3.12.22 - 3:26 pm
Prayer Request - February 24, 2022
February 24, 2022 18:3PM
Church Family & Friends:
Please be in prayer for John Turvey, a co-worker of Dale Hickman. John was in the hospital with a lung issue, and today he went into cardiac arrest and had emergency pacemaker surgery. Now he is developing blood clots. Pastor Tim - 2.24.22 - 6:05 pm
Prayer Request - February 8, 2022
February 8, 2022 14:46PM
Church Family: Please be in prayer for Ronda Stevens, aunt of Charlie Woods. She is in ICU at a local hospital suffering from kidney failure. Pastor Tim - 2.8.2022 - 2:46 pm
Services Update for February 6, 2022
February 5, 2022 16:24PM
Dear Church Family:
By way of update, the church upper parking has been plowed and is ready for church tomorrow. Many thanks to the men who worked on it this week. As far as roads go, I would definitely recommend Rt 2 for those who are coming from US 23. St. Rt. 3307 does have some slush on it. For those unable to attend services, we will livestream the message at 11:25 am. Pastor Tim - Sat. 2.5.22 - 4:22 pm
Services Sunday, Jan 16
January 15, 2022 14:10PM
With the predicted weather, the only in-person service tomorrow will be Sunday AM worship at 10:00 AM instead of Sunday School.
We will be dismissing at 11 AM, Lord willing. The evening services will be LIVEstream only. It will be on Sermon Audio. 1.15.22 2:04PM
Prayer Request - January 11, 2022
January 11, 2022 17:6PM
Church Family: Janie Worthington has requested prayer for her great granddaughter who is 2 months old and has Covid. Her name is Ellie Jane. Pastor Tim - 1.11.22 - 5:06 pm
Sunday Services - Jan 9
January 8, 2022 19:42PM
We will be having normal church services for tomorrow, January 9. If you are coming from Route 23, please take the Route 2 option. The church parking lot has been cleared.
Pastor Tim, 1/8/22, 7:42PM
Prayer Request - December 24, 2021
December 24, 2021 9:18AM
Church Family: Please be in prayer for Charlie Wood's grandmother, Brenda Woods. She fell yesterday and fractured her hip. It will be decided this morning if Brenda needs surgery or not. Pastor Tim - 12.24.21 - 9:17 am
Tomorrow's Rehearsals
December 17, 2021 22:49PM
Just a reminder that the rehearsals for the adult and youth/children's Christmas programs will begin at 10:30 AM tomorrow morning (Sat., 12/18/21). If you are in either program, please do your best to attend. P. Tim
Prayer Request - November 30, 2021
November 30, 2021 11:28AM
Church Family & Friends: Please be in prayer for a co-worker of Stephanie's, Dave Robinson. He will be having a foot amputated tomorrow (12.1.21) because of severe infection. Pastor Tim - 11.30.21 - 11:27 am
Prayer Request - Oct. 27, 2021
October 27, 2021 10:9AM
Church Family & Friends: Karen Dickens is going into surgery soon, and it is expected to be a 3-4 hour surgery. Please be praying. P. Tim - 10:09 am - 10.27.21
Prayer Request & Updates - Oct. 26, 2021
October 26, 2021 20:28PM
Church Family & Friends: Please be in prayer for Karen Dickens as she will be having surgery tomorrow, Oct. 27th. Update on Sherri McCarty - tomorrow's scan/test has been postponed. Update on Linda Stephenson - heart cath went well and she came home today. Pastor Tim - Oct. 26, 2021 - 8:27 pm
Prayer Request - October 25, 2021
October 25, 2021 10:11AM
Church Family: Please be in prayer for Linda Stephenson who has been admitted into the hospital and will most likely have a heart catherization today. Pastor Tim - 10.25.21 - 10:10 am
Prayer Request - October 24, 2021
October 24, 2021 13:19PM
Church Family: Please be in prayer for Payton Maynard, a 2021 high school graduate from Wheelersburg, Ohio, with downs syndrome. She has Covid as well as double pneumonia. It is a life-threatening situation. Pastor Tim - 10/24/21 - 1:18 pm
Prayer Request - September 25, 2021
September 25, 2021 11:49AM
The funeral service for Pastor Tim’s mom, Alice Wright, will be Monday, September 27th at 2:30 PM at Richmond Dale Baptist Church in Richmond Dale, Ohio. Boyer funeral home in Waverley Ohio is handling the arrangements. Thank you for your prayers for our family. 11:47 AM Pastor Tim
Prayer Request, September 24, 2021
September 24, 2021 22:2PM
Church Family, please be in prayer for the Wright family as Pastor Tim’s mother, Alice, went Home to be with the Lord this evening. Funeral arrangements will be shared as soon as they are confirmed. 10:01 pm
Prayer Request - Sept. 16, 2021
September 16, 2021 14:15PM
Church Family: Prayer has been requested for Kayla Blevins. She recently had a difficult labor and delivery and is now is possibly having postpartum hemorrhaging. Pastor Tim - 9.16.21
Prayer Request - September 14, 2021
September 14, 2021 21:20PM
Church Family - please be in prayer for Haleigh Wolfenbarker, Crystal's daughter. She is expecting and was in an auto accident today. Haleigh is currently hospitalized in Columbus, Ohio, with a suspected spleen injury. They are going to monitor her for the next 24 hours. Pastor Tim - 9.14.2021 - 9:20 pm
Prayer Requests - 9.13.21
September 13, 2021 14:57PM
Church Family: Please be in prayer for Loren Quillen who is being transferred to a rehab facility tomorrow. Also, be in prayer for George McClure who is having surgery tomorrow. Pastor Tim - Monday, 9.13.21 - 2:57 pm
Prayer Request
September 9, 2021 17:59PM
One of our church members has requested prayer. The Lord knows who they are and the exact need. Thank you in advance for praying and for meeting their need of knowing our church family is praying for them. 9/9/21 5:58 PM
Prayer Request - September 4, 2021
September 4, 2021 17:32PM
Dear Church Family:
Please be in prayer for an uncle of Bill Dickens. He currently has some serious health issues. Pastor Tim - Sat. 9.4.21 - 5:31 pm
Prayer Request - August 20, 2021
August 20, 2021 20:58PM
Church Family & Friends: Please be in prayer for Lindsay Moore, who lives in Virginia. She has COVID and now has been placed in ICU, and will go on a ventilator in the morning if she has not improved. Pastor Tim - 8.20.21 - 8:58 pm
Prayer Request - August 17, 2021
August 17, 2021 10:11AM
Church Family & Friends: Please continue to be in prayer for Loren Quillen, who is not improving and remains in ICU. Pray that his lungs will strengthen and that his breathing improves. Pastor Tim - 8.17.21 - 10:10 am
Prayer Request - August 14, 2021
August 14, 2021 11:45AM
Church Family: Please be in prayer for Loren Quillen, in ICU at the hospital. His condition is worse today. Pray for God's strengthening and healing. Pastor Tim, Saturday, Aug. 14, 11:44 am
Prayer Request - August 11, 2021
August 11, 2021 16:28PM
Church Family: Please be in prayer for LaDonna Nichols, wife of Keith. She started her liver transplant surgery at 3:58 today. An 8 hour surgery. Pastor Tim - Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2021
Prayer Request - July 19, 2021
July 19, 2021 11:34AM
Dear Church Family & Friends: Please be in prayer for Tiffany Clarke, daughter of Teresa Boggs. Tiffany is in the hospital, and very serious with Covid19. She may have to be transferred to another facility if she does not start improving soon. P. Tim - 7.19.21 - 11:33 am
Prayer Requests - 6.4.2021
June 4, 2021 22:14PM
Dear Friend of Little Sandy: Please be in prayer for Marvin Worthington who is in a local hospital with an infection. Continue to remember Pastor Wayne that his breathing would improve. Continue to remember those recovering from Covid. P. Tim 10:13 pm
Live Stream & Prayer Requests
May 29, 2021 19:49PM
Dear Church Family: I wanted to remind you that tomorrow's services, May 30th, are Live Stream only on Sermon Audio. They will be at 11 am and 6 pm, with pre-broadcast piano music 15 minutes before start times. If you have a prayer request you would like for me to mention tomorrow, please text (757-274-5985) or email it to me (fishermantim84@gmail.com). Thanks Pastor Tim - 5.29.21
Church Cleaning
May 28, 2021 18:18PM
Dear Church Family: If you have the inclination and desire to help sanitize the church, Pastor Tim will be working at church on Saturday, May 29th, from 11 am to noon, in preparation of returning to in person services on June 2, 7:00 pm. Live Stream this Sunday, May 30, at 11 am and 6 pm. P. Tim - 5.28.21
Livestream Tonight at 7PM
May 26, 2021 17:59PM
Pastor Tim was released from the hospital last night. He will be living streaming the Wed. night lesson at 7PM this evening. He thanks everyone for their prayers.
No Livestream Services 5/23/21
May 22, 2021 10:38AM
Because Pastor Tim has been hospitalized with viral pneumonia, there will be no live stream services tomorrow. He is hoping to be home and able to live stream on Wed. Please keep him in your prayers.
Live Stream Services
May 17, 2021 10:58AM
Church Family: With the number of our folks who have been sick the past couple of weeks, and in order to have time to sanitize the church, we are going to have Live Stream services only until Wed., June 2, 2021, when we will resume In Person services. I believe this is the prudent course of action in order to prevent further illness. Services will be streamed on Sermon Audio, Sundays at 11 am and 6 pm, and Wednesdays at 7 pm. Pastor Tim - 5.17.2021
Prayer Request - 4.30.2021
April 30, 2021 6:3AM
Dear Church Family, please be in prayer for Janie Miller, a friend of Allison Hickman. Janie's father passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday night. Janie is graduating from nursing school this weekend. Pastor Tim - Friday, April 30, 6 am
Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Service
March 3, 2021 11:28AM
Church Family: We are still planning on having Master Clubs, Teen Time and Bible Study tonight. Route 2 south is blocked from US 23, however, Whetstone/3307 from 23 is open. I realize some may not be able to attend due to the high water. Please exercise caution as you travel. Pastor Tim - 3.3.21 - 11:27 am
Sunday, February 21, 2021
February 21, 2021 9:23AM
Church Family: A reminder of no In-Person services at church today, but Livestream at 11am and 6 pm, with music starting 10 minutes prior to each Livestream. Pastor Tim - 2.21.21 - 9:23 am
In-Person Service Cancellation for 2/21/21
February 20, 2021 19:9PM
Dear Church Family:
Due to the icy parking lot conditions and the resulting increased fall risk, in-person services for tomorrow are being cancelled. We will be having live-stream services at 11AM and 6PM with pre-service music starting 10 minutes before each service. Lord willing, the ice will melt enough to have service at the church on Wednesday evening.
Pastor Tim, 7:07PM, 2/20/21
We're Live-- Wed 7:03PM
February 17, 2021 19:3PM
Pastor Tim is live now on the Church One app or on the Sermon Audio main site.
Prayer Requests for Live Stream 2.17.2021
February 16, 2021 21:15PM
Church Family, If you have a prayer request you would mentioned in tomorrow's 7:00 pm Live Stream service on Sermon Audio, please send it to Pastor Tim for him to include with tomorrow's requests. P. Tim - 2.16.21 - 9:15 pm
Wednesday Night Services - February 17, 2021
February 16, 2021 11:23AM
Church Family - There will be no 'in-person' services at church this Wednesday, February 17, 2021. I have considered both the road and our parking lot conditions in making this decision. Hopefully, if the parking lot improves, we can have services on Sunday, the 21st. I will be live-streaming tomorrow at 7:00 pm. Pastor Tim - 2.16.21 - 11:23 am
Update for February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021 15:16PM
Dear Church Family: We will be having regular services tomorrow (2.14.2021) for those that can attend. Most roads are now clear, however, there will be some snowy slush likely 3307. Please be in prayer for those church families yet without power and at least one 'home-bound' due to the icing. Pastor Tim - 2.13.2021- 3:15 pm
Service cancellation for 2-10-2021
February 10, 2021 13:8PM
Church Family - Due to the already deteriorating road conditions and the projected sleet/snow mix, we are postponing Master Clubs, Teen Time and Bible study for tonight, Wednesday, February 10, 2021. Please stay safe. P. Tim - 2-10-2021 - 1:08 pm
Services for Sunday, February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021 8:9AM
Church Family, regular church services today, including Sunday School, for those able to attend. It is supposed to be clear by late morning. We will have choir rehearsal tonight Lord willing. Pastor Tim
Prayer Request
February 6, 2021 10:59AM
Sat., 2/6/21, 10:57AM - Please be in prayer for Dr. Bill Bartlett. He is in critical condition with kidney and blood pressure problems.
Prayer Request - 1.19.2021
January 19, 2021 17:32PM
Dear Church Family, please be in prayer for Barbara McClintic as she is being admitted to a local hospital with blood clots in her legs.
P. Tim 5:31PM
Prayer Request - 1.9.2021
January 9, 2021 17:7PM
Church Family and Friends, Please be in prayer for Dorothy Howard who is in a local hospital with Covid. Serious. P. Tim - 1.9.2021 - 5:07 pm
Wednesday night service - December 30, 2020
December 30, 2020 10:18AM
Church Family: Tonight at 7:00 pm - Teen Time; Children Downstairs with Mrs. Stevens; and Adults Upstairs for Bible Study - II Peter 3:10-12 - Pastor Tim - 12.30.2020 - 10:17 am
Prayer Request - Tuesday, 12.29.2020
December 29, 2020 17:40PM
Church Family & Friends - Please be in prayer for Barb McClintic who fell today, hurt her back, and is being taken to a local hospital. Pastor Tim - 12.29.2020 - 5:40 pm
Prayer Request - Urgent - 12.28.2020
December 28, 2020 14:41PM
Church Family - please be in prayer asap for Joshua Richardson, nephew of Beth Stevens. He is about 30 -31 years old, and was working on his house, cut his thigh with a skilsaw and likely severing an artery. Life-flighted to an Akron, Ohio, hospital. Very serious. P. Tim - 12.28.2020 - 2:40 pm
Prayer Request 12-25-2020
December 25, 2020 12:10PM
Dear Church Family, please be in prayer for Lemuel Mullins, brother in law of Linda Stephenson. 12:10 pm
Christmas Eve/Candlelighting Service Moved to 27th
December 24, 2020 21:15PM
Dear Church Family, with the inclement weather this Christmas Eve, we will be having our annual Christmas Candlelighting service on Sunday evening, December 27, 6:00 pm. Pastor Tim