No Sermon on 9/10/23
September 10, 2023 22:8PM
We are very sorry we won't be able to publish a sermon for this Sunday. Bro Barrett has been battling a sickness and was unable to attend the services today. Please remember him in your prayers and Lord willing he can be back with us next Sunday.
Audio Equipment Difficulty
February 2, 2023 15:48PM
We would like to apologize for the poor audio quality of our previous message “One Of You Shall Betray Me” that was presented by Brother Barrett Holloway on 01/29/2023. We had previously noticed a hum in some of our messages and we hired an electrician to help us with this. They have been scheduled to replace all our fluorescent lights with LED lighting throughout the building in hopes of eliminating the hum. But during this message we found that we also had a mic issue which we are investigating.
Sovereign Grace Pastor Needed
March 12, 2022 21:31PM
Sovereign Grace Church in small town in Pennsylvania is looking for a pastor.
Their pastor of 52 years just pasted away. They believe the doctrines of grace and practical application.
They use the King James Version and use the old hymnals.
Contact Shawn King
Narration Speed of Sermons
January 7, 2021 11:16AM
We have had several comments from hearers of the sermons to provide capabilities to speed up the sermons. Sermon Audio provides this capability for those using iOS and is working on providing it on other devices. May God continue to bless you in the hearing of His Word is my prayer.