The plan of scripture for a Christian walk is twofold: first, that we be instructed in the law to love righteousness, because by nature we are not inclined to do so; second, that we be shown a simple rule that we may not waver in our race.
Of the many excellent recommendations, is there any better than the key principle: Be thou holy, for I am holy?
Holiness is not a merit by which we can attain communion with God, but a gift of Christ, which enables us to cling to him, and to follow him. ~ Calvin, Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life,1987, p 13.
The goal of the new life is that God’s children exhibit melody and harmony in their conduct. What melody? The song of God’s justice. What harmony? The harmony between God’s righteousness and our obedience. Only if we walk in the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“That God is triune means that God is a covenant God. He lives a covenant life. By the term covenant we do not mean an agreement, an alliance, or a contract, but a bond of perfect friendship and living fellowship in most intimate communion....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Earlier in the book Hoeksema teaches that the witness of the church is that God is Creator. He moves from that, to the truth that God is the living God. “When the scriptures reveal God to us as the living God, the implication is that this...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A dead Christ cannot save the church. Neither could he bring the kingdom of God to completion. He must needs rise and ascend and receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. Wondrous evangel of Easter! Jesus is risen indeed! And he received that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“Therefore, creation was an act of self-revelation on the part of God. By it he made himself known as God who is God indeed, the one who is infinite in power and wisdom, glorious in all his perfections. Through the act of creation, God...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"We know God in Christ Jesus our Lord, and not merely with our head. Intellectually, as theology knows him; we also know him with our heart, spiritually, so that we taste that he is good and the overflowing fountain of all good. We know him and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"We know God in Christ Jesus our Lord, and not merely with our head. Intellectually, as theology knows him; we also know him with our heart, spiritually, so that we taste that he is good and the overflowing fountain of all good. We know him and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
She witnesses the word of God that she hears. … Therefore, when the church speaks, her speech must always assume the form of a testimony. She must preach, and to preach is to witness. The church speaks only through revelation [what God says...[ abbreviated | read entire ]