The following is article I wrote to the editor of a local paper due to his horrendous views concerning Roe vs. Wade. Amazingly the paper printed it.
To the editor, Having read your rhetoric concerning the possibility of the over turn of the unjust and immoral decision known as Roe vs Wade, I hope you permit me to expose some grievous errors in your reasoning - errors that have become gospel in the defense of Roe vs Wade. Should Roe vs Wade be relegated to the dust bin of history? The answer is yes! One reason for this is the Declaration of Independence of this country which states... “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life...”. For the past 30 years Roe vs Wade has denied life to over 40 million Americans whose only “crime” was to be conceived after Roe vs Wade. To deny that human life begins at conception is to reject the testimony of the infallible Word of God, The Holy Bible, and all accurate medical science. For, up until Roe vs Wade everyone knew what happened when a woman became pregnant: She is with child! Plus, for anyone who wishes to hear the testimony of the for profit abortion doctors, when they are willing to speak the truth, the major reason for abortion is not to save the life of the mother, it is the final solution to prevent a child being born. When you say that the “the corrosive effect of the abortion controversy on our politics and culture has been worse than the abortions themselves” I doubt if the American citizens of the womb who have felt the abortionist’s tools of death and dismemberment (since Roe vs Wade) would agree with you. Plus, I doubt if all the women who are now dealing with all the physical, mental and spiritual problems associated with their abortions, problems the abortion providers did not mention prior to this “simple procedure”, would agree with you either! Overturning Roe vs Wade will show that abortion is seen correctly as an act of violence against mothers and children that wicked men will still perform even if it is illegal. Should laws against drinking and driving be eliminated because some men continue to break them? Such is the foolish reasoning of those who say abortion should be legalized because of back alley abortions! A righteous country does not legalize that which is unrighteous just because wicked men display their wickedness in back alleys. Which leads me to one final comment. You refer to the results of “...poll after poll...” with respect to abortion. But the fact that 51% or even 100% of men agree that something is right does not make it right! There are moral absolutes that do not change based on the latest poll. Which is something few in this country or in elected office understand today. There is no “about right” when it comes to the unjust taking of human life through abortion. Abortion will always be wrong regardless of what is decided by the Supreme Court in this country or the next poll. And this country will continue to display its unrighteousness until Roe vs. Wade is seen for the unrighteous and unloving decision it was and always will be. Ron Johnson, Pastor Grace Reformed Baptist Church Amesbury, MA Phone: 978-388-9475