Forgiveness is at the very heart of Christianity and it is one of the great attributes of the Triune Godhead. And beloved America does not know that because we are not telling them that Jesus Christ is the solution to racism, hate, anger, jealousy, resentment, and every other ill that we are facing today.
That's murdering heart is rooted in unforgiveness, coveting, pride and self-righteousness. The only solution for America today is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and an open and serious call to forgive as we have been forgiven in Christ.
Here are some truths about why we must learn to be a forgiving people.
You are never more like God than when you forgive.
Q- What is forgiveness?
A- Forgiveness is the undeserved deliberate act of love, mercy, and grace. To bear and look past the offense.
Q- When are you most like God?
A- You are never more like God than when you forgive
Q- Who do we Forgive?
A- We forgive everyone for Christ' sake.
Q-How should a Christian view forgiveness.
A#1- We forgive because Christ forgave us.
A#2- We forgive because we are commanded to.
A#3- We forgive because we love God.
A#4- We forgive because we love our Brother/Neighbor.
For more on the Doctrine of Forgiveness please go to this link
The Apostle Paul, told Timothy “If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus,being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed.” 1 Timothy 4:6
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