In July 1973 the FCC revoked Dr. Carl McIntire's radio station license for WXUR in Media, Pennsylvania. This was the FCC's first ever use of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" to silence a radio broadcaster. Read the historic articles about this...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In July 1973 the FCC revoked Dr. Carl McIntire's radio station license for WXUR in Media, Pennsylvania. This was the FCC's first ever use of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" to silence a radio broadcaster. Read the historic articles about this...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In July 1973 the FCC revoked Dr. Carl McIntire's radio station license for WXUR in Media, Pennsylvania. This was the FCC's first ever use of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" to silence a radio broadcaster. Read the historic articles about this...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A complete transcript of the message "Christ's Description of His Own Death" (Psalm 22) is now available. To view: locate the sermon by entering its title in the SermonAudio "SearchKeyword" box; then follow the red outside weblink on the sermon's...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Christian Observer magazine issued the following news report on 20 March 2002: "The last of the 20th Century's Fighting Fundamentalists has been called to glory. Only eternity will tell of the countless souls rescued from cults and the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]