It has been often claimed that Ecclesiastical or Ministerial fellowship may and ought to be pursued with anyone, just so long as they profess a love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Is this true? I would contend that ecclesiastical fellowship is NOT only to be pursued on the basis of a Christian profession, or even upon an historic Confession of Faith, but also on the ground of Scriptural Practice - faithfulness to God in public testimony. Just because I can agree with the vast majority of what is contained in the 39 Articles doesn’t mean I can have Anglican ministers preaching for me, for example, or that I ought to share a platform with them. This applies to other professors of Reformed Confessions. A man can profess to be sound in doctrine, but if he is unsound in practice we have a duty to rebuke him, and if he is unrepentant we must withdraw from him. It is often objected that 2 Thessalonians 3:6 is not referring to ministerial fellowship or communion. But the fact remains, on the basis of this verse in Holy Writ, that there ARE circumstances in which one must withdraw “from every BROTHER that walketh disorderly”. So the notion that unity trumps faithfulness to God’s Word is patently false. Separation from professing brethren is, in certain circumstances, not only proper but is the duty of Christians, including ministers of the Gospel. In the Addendum to Chapter 25 of the W.C.F. (FPCNA Book of Church Order) it states: "It is the duty of particular churches to maintain the highest possible standards of purity of doctrine and practice. 1 To be faithful to Christ, they are called to separate themselves unto Him from all fellowship or cooperation in worship or service with churches or other organizations or individuals that have degenerated into apostasy by denying or by maintaining fellowship with those who deny any of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith; 2 or by adopting the moral relativity of the world in defiance of the ethical standards of the Scriptures of truth. 3 They are further called to separate from brethren who maintain fellowship with those who deny the faith, 4 to repudiate all false ecumenism, and to refuse to compromise any essential truth of the gospel in an effort to achieve visible church union with de-generate churches. 5 They must also humbly maintain Scriptural standards of holiness among their members and officers, not being conformed to the standards of the world but purposing to live by the faith of the gospel in obedience to God’s holy law."
Prayer is requested for Rev. Stephen Hamilton, minister of Lehigh Valley FPC. Due to chronic kidney disease he is receiving dialysis treatment, and will be placed on a list for kidney transplant. He will be taking a leave of absence from the pulpit. The sermons from Lehigh Valley FPC will be available as normal as they are uploaded.
Many people may wonder what the word “Free” in Free Presbyterian Church signifies. It is a simple description of the position of the denomination ecclesiastically, and in terms of its stand against liberal Christianity and worldliness. The article...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The corona-virus pandemic, and the social and economic consequences of State and federal Mandates for citizens, has been the topic of much discussion. In the present circumstances, it is becoming increasingly clear that many do not trust their...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Due to the corona-virus situation, it will be necessary for us to have all of our Worship Services on-line until further notice. We do NOT have live web-casting on but we shall continue to upload recorded audio messages each week,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A certain platform manner or preaching style does not necessarily suggest that a pulpiteer has the power of God resting upon him. Nonetheless, this is a grave mistake that many often make. These imagine that the employment of rhetorical devices,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
http ://ww passi onmin istri es.or g/blo g/201 8/2/2 3/thr ee-le ssons -from -the- extra ordin ary-l ife-o f-bil ly-gr aham The above link is still active. I wrote a response to it, in the Summer of 2018, and sent it to the onepassionministries. This is the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Many today, including evangelical Christians, are saying nice things about "America's pastor", Dr. Billy Graham after his passing at 99 years of age. While sympathizing with a family that has lost a loved one, it is important to point out that a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Christian believer is often found in the midst of trials and troubles. Sickness, bereavement, affliction, and disappointment is our lot betimes. As the hymn reminds us, there are many occasions in the Christian's experience "when afflictions...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The euphoria surrounding the visit of "Pope" Francis, fuelled by the wall-to-wall coverage by the uncritical mass-media, is truly sad to witness. The spectacle of sheer, unadulterated man-worship is truly appalling. It needs to be remembered, by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The annual NFL spectacle known as "Superbowl" attracts billions of TV viewers around the world. Being held, not surprisingly, on a Sunday Evening each year there are many professing Christians - including Pastors - who are so obsessed with this...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
One of the regrettable features of the Church in our day is the tendency toward casual worship. It has become customary in some churches to cater both to those who prefer a "traditional" form of worship, and those who have a preference for the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]