We find a great deal of help and comfort in the Psalter. This versafication of Psalm 63 seems appropriate for today. Satisfaction in God: 1. O Lord, my God, most earnestlyMy heart would seek Thy face,Within Thy holy house once moreTo see Thy...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This new year is accompanied by many questions concerning the outcome of matters and current affairs. There is political, medical, denominational and perhaps even personal unrest for you this new year. We have great concern for the future. Our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pastor Eriks has recently taken a call from the congregation of Unity PRC. We are very sad to see him go but are grateful to God for all of his faithful labors here as he went in and out among us. We are especially grateful for the faithful and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We remember why prayer is necessary for Christians (LD 45 of the Heidelberg Catechism): "Because it is the chief part of thankfulness which God requires of us, and also, because God will give His grace and Holy Spirit to those only who with...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Let us see from Scripture that God sends suffering and struggle, including coronavirus, to teach us about Himself. Close to 100 times, God says that He did something so that they may know that I am the Lord. Here are a few instances of this: The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"When I speak of growth in grace, I only mean increase in the degree, size, strength, vigour and power of the graces which the Holy Spirit plants in a believer’s heart. I hold that every one of those graces admits of growth, progress and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Some of our recent sermons have been supplied by preachers who have already preached the sermon in their own churches. Rather than duplicate sermonaudio content we give you the links to these sermons. June 17, am and pm as well as July 1 pm are...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Remember fellow saints with their trials, sufferings, mourning and lonlinesses. Many are the afflictions of the people of God, it is our joy to lift these up in prayer for comfort, patience and the eternal friendship of their Savior and Brother,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Due to technical difficulties, the uploading of some sermons may be delayed. Thank you for your patience. Please check out the office bearer's conference featuring the topic of family visitation.