Midway Village Baptist Church |
Sam Turk | Del City, Oklahoma
Podcast + Codes Enjoy sermons from this broadcaster on a variety of mobile devices.MyChurch: midwayvillage | Set MyChurch Code#: 96810 |
ARCHIVES Andy Busch | 2022 Winter Mission Conference
|  | Sam Turk | Study Through Acts | 
SUN 06/19/2022 |
| |  | Bo Ballard | Gird Up Your Loins | 
SUN 06/19/2022 |
| |  | Sam Turk | Family | 
SUN 06/19/2022 |
| |  | Sam Turk | 1 Peter 2 | 
SUN 06/18/2023 |
| |  | Sam Turk | Creation | 
SUN 03/20/2022 |
Chris Welch from Midwest city
This was amazing! Turk preached it right on.
If you can will you pray about doing a series on the life of Christ
 | FBC Midway Village is an independent baptist church that believes and preaches the King James Bible. ( more.. )
Sunday School - 10am Sunday Morning Service - 11am Sunday Evening Service - 6pm Wednesday Midweek Service - 7pm |
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Midway Village Baptist Church 4101 Thomas Dr. Del City, OK 73115

