Coweta Particular Baptist Church
Newnan, Georgia
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Dr. John Suttles | The Travels Of True Godliness
Dr. John Suttles | The Travels Of True Godliness SUN 02/16/2025
Dr. John Suttles | Judges: Their Stubborn Way SUN 02/16/2025
Dr. John Suttles | Judges: Their Stubborn Way SUN 02/09/2025
Dr. John Suttles | Judges: Their Stubborn Way SUN 02/02/2025
Dr. John Suttles | The Travels Of True Godliness SUN 01/26/2025
Trent Cannon from Newnan. GA
Once again we are reminded of the utmost importance of being prepared to worship our God. Is the reason that so many churches...
Dr. John Suttles
| The Land Between
We are a fellowship of Baptist believers who trace our spiritual ancestry to the roots of those original Baptist churches in America founded upon the Baptist Confession of 1689, the Charleston Discipline of 1774, and the Baptist Catechism of 1742. ( more.. )
Lord's Day Worship Service ... 11:00 a.m.