A Truly Needed Teaching for Today Thank you so much for this sermon Pastor Scott. It is so needed today when one considers the vapid sermons preached from so many pulpits. I cringe when I have hear of pastors telling their congregation to meet at some restaurant following their Sunday service. Do these pastors not realize that they are contributing to employers forcing their employees to work on Sunday because it is financially profitable. I am old enough to remember when nearly every business was closed on Sundays except for a few businesses like pharmacies, grocery stores, gas stations and restaurants. These were typically few in number and opened on a rotating schedule. The thinking was that there were emergency situations where people needed food and drugs. For example, someone from out of town was visiting a sick relative who was in hospital and needed food.
Great Sermon! A sweet sermon about children, and God’s provision for them. Much good biblical information preached in a very searching manner. Loved many of your illustrations. Was especially struck by your use of Isaiah 59:21, and it’s application for us and our children. Very precise word-choice, Craig — which is such a delight. Thank you for being so ernest!
Lands a Blow! This sermon exposes a weakness in the Reformed Church which we are all in possession of. The preacher lands a blow not by attacking his hearers but by showing the full meaning of the text. Historic issues are used to highlight the truth of God’s Word.
This sermon will not cure you of your weakness, but you will be more conscious of it. Christ is the remedy.