Americans make America Great Again part 2 American Nationals 8 U.S.C 1101(a)(21) with their Allegiance through We The People into our King; Jesus Christ. This is what our Ministers at have discovered as well that we must separate from the U.S Government being they have forced The People into Serving Public Offices who have wrote many scrolls in agreement with Isaiah 30:8 to resign from our Position as Government Employees. Exactly what Weaver is preaching on has happened for God has made Americans Serve our Enemies and the only way to be liberated is if we turn from our wicked ways by not following alien Law orders. This is impossible to have victory within an Alien Law System. What I have found on my mission in questioning Authority, as required by the first commandment, that we have allowed our Sheriff to centralize the Power into the Federal Government (Def. 2) destroying Liberties. Jackson said "The Word of God is the Rock that our Republic Rests" see 97-280 Pub. Law. Following Gods Law and teaching the Holy Scriptures will strengthen Us
Americans Make America Great Again! Thank you for bringing us the biblical view of this slogan. To ponder upon the word America is interesting as well; is Trumps Counsel referring to North, South and Central America as a North Alliance Kingdom without any borders? Or is their Counsel under the Authority of Law taking the advice of the Supreme Court in the fundamental case of Hoosen V. Allison by doing the will of The Americans who are the 50 Sovereign States?
"The term 'United States' may be used in any one of several senses. It may be merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in the family of nations. It may designate the territory over which the sovereignty of the United States extends, or it may be the collective name of the states (50 Sovereign States) which are united by and under the Constitution."
[Hooven & Allison Co. v. Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 (1945)]
Yes The People of the Several States must deliberate with God on how to turn away from their Federal Government (2nd definition) back as
Measured and balanced approach Glad I was led to this sermon as I was seeking to understand 1 chronicles 25:3 better. The prophecy with Harland thanksgiving in the verse caught me notice. Wasn’t expecting to find a sermon on women preachers actually but am thankful to the Lord for further encouraging me to continue warning against women pastors, preachers, elders etc in positions of authority and leadership over a mixed congregation. That is a curse from God.
Excellent Sermon Vital message for today while the zionists bomb Gaza committing genocide of innocent men, women and children - some of which are Christians.
Needed advice. A great introduction into the thoughts and actions of a rebellious generation. There is much that can be said about one's rebellion against God being first manifested against those who they love and those whom God has commanded one to the love.
We live in a democratic rebellion, in the mindset of Cora concerning all the congregation being holy as communistically entered into every sphere of life. Wo unto them.
Preach it.
Great Sermon! I often consider Yahwehs' using imagery like "shade" and "His Shadow" to try and describe extra-dimensional concepts to His creatures that are bound by space & time. He is present. His Kingdom is here, it does have walls, which protect His people, but we can't always see them. Ironically, the non-believer is blinded by their own senses, not considering there is more than their finite understanding can conceive.