Great Sermon! Changed from Glory to Glory for Gods’ Glory
Theoretically we are subject to change, essentially excluding GOD. Several of our viewpoint influence by dint of personal background, and with people we used to be with. Every so often transformation from bitter to better character is tricky. For we steadily stand on “Extant you, are truly yours”. Yours truly was find trickiness about transforming character, for I am emotionally vulnerable. But GODs word often edifies me to execute what is right, and guide my conduct before him. In 2 timothy 3:16 “All scripture is GOD-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”
I myself am fascinated about my Psychology subject enable to grasp, to take in, to figure out, and to comprehend humankind behavior. Well we have known that education is vital for living, especially how to socialize people despite of differences. But human Education is essentially worthless out from GODs direction and intervention. Prior my existence my parents are both fulltime minister of the Gospel. Therefore they used to trained me and my siblings in the way of the LORD, and leave no question within because they are consistent about explaining why. I love to be a Pastors kid, but never dreamed to be one. Mainly when partiall