Great Sermon! Sure hope this comment floats back to Pastor Mike Edwards I missed hearing him preach because I was sent to Egypt to work with three other guys simply put this message fires you up to keep sharing and keep talking to the people around you about Jesus
Great Sermon! Excellent sermon!! A great reminder for me to make priorities in life. #1 to worship The Almighty God, #2 to share the gospel to my generation. That is why we were created to be a reflection of who God is not seeking after my own lusts and desires.
1 John 2:15
Great Sermon! So appropriate wheather teen or adult. Thought becomes an action an action becomes a deed a deed becomes a reputation. Thx for this message to the young.
Great Sermon! Thank you for a great message of encouragement my 16 year old son and I sat down for supper and listened to it.
I'm a pastor of 5 beautiful children but 3 have gone wayward as adults, so I'm trying to reinforce my home with more truth! My son said he really liked the message! To God be the glory my friend and brother!🙏