Recording of Cottage Lectures by Charles Overton Do you have a recording of the entire Cottage Lectures by Charles Overton?
I love listening to stuff about Pilgrim’s Progress as a means to go to sleep. There are some recordings of this work by Overton both here and on YouTube—posted by Pastor Patrick of Christian sermons and audiobooks— but unfortunately the whole work in audio form doesn't seem to be anywhere. Just in case you have recorded the whole book.
a true description.. ..of my own rebirth experience; that is, as a dawn breaking slowly, a gradual releasing of previous darkness until warmed under the gaze of Jesus. In mercy, He knew my fragile psyche would disintegrate on the Damascus Road. Thank You, Jesus.
From "The Narrated Puritan Prayer for a Brother, and There is a Sin Unto Death. Robert Candlish. 1870. Narrated on my birthday to prepare me for my death day. 1 John 5:16,17 June 30, 2024 There is Someone who possesses me when I narrate such works that, unless I am deceived, A I can't duplicate.
False Converts A great description of those who say they are going to heaven but are not saved. They are deceived and in denial. So relevant to this day.
Good sermon! Faithful handling of very difficult principles that we must consider today. Imagine preaching this before Parliament! Helpful exposition that is extremely relevant and important to consider in our day.
Important message, revealing When you listen to John Piper's response to Ian Murray you also hear him misdefine Love of God, as if it is emotional "delight" and apart from obedience to God and his Laws, while love of God is measured by obedience. Heart and actions are inseparable in truth.
These New Calvinists, like Piper, who appear as angels of light, also are marked by their Social Justice emphasis & total contrast with Justice of God by his laws and scripture.
Mark them.
Great Sermon! The one man I should like to meet before death sneers at my visage: Mr TMS.... your beautiful work and manliness in narration lives!
The LORD permit that these eyes of mine may witness a global revival and reformation after the fashion on the John Owens of puritanical days....
For today more than in Owen's day John Owen: Observation. It is the great rule of divine Providence, with the special seal of our Lord Christ annexed to it, "I tell you, Nay; but, unless ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." When warnings for instruction are not received, they are tokens of destruction. This is a truth which none almost deny, and none almost believe. Had it been believed, many desolating judgments in former ages had been prevented; nations and cities should have abode in prosperity, which are now sunk into ruin, yea, into hell. See Luke 24 41-44; Matt. 11:23. And were it believed in the days wherein we live, it would be the means of saving a poor nation from otherwise inevitable ruin. The state, is so with us, that, unless we repent, we shall perish." 1681
Great Sermon! Enjoyed this very much. I have to disagree with speaker about Anne Hutchinson being a Godly woman. From what I have read she was an early feminist. The Bible clearly states that women are not to teach men. She was obviously a rebellious woman by her acts.
Great Sermon! Why do we have so few preachers like this in our day? Probably because we would not tolerate them. The crowds swarm to false preachers like Joel Osteen who preach "Peace, peace" when there is no peace.
Historical Background Thomas Vincent, 1667, God's Terrible Voice in the City. From historic-UK "The plague started in the East, possibly China, and quickly spread through Europe. Whole communities were wiped out and corpses littered the streets as there was no one left to bury them." It began in London in the poor, overcrowded parish of St. Giles-in-the-Field. It started slowly at first but by May of 1665, 43 had died. In June 6137 people died, in July 17036 people and at its peak in August, 31159 people died. In all, 15% of the population perished during that terrible summer.
Incubation took a mere four to six days and when the plague appeared in a household, the house was sealed, thus condemning the whole family to death! These houses were distinguished by a painted red cross on the door and the words, ‘Lord have mercy on us’. At night the corpses were brought out in answer to the cry,’ Bring out your dead’, put in a cart and taken away to the [plague pits]( One called the Great Pit was at Aldgate in London and another at Finsbury Fields."