Great Sermon! This is such an excellent series. I've listened to it once all the way through and am now starting over from class #1 so I can take notes. It won't be an exact transcript but it will be pretty thorough if anyone wants them...
Great Sermon! Excellent presentation good to hear a familiar voice on board with your understanding of these verses having read Josephus it really did inform me concerning this biblical text
Great Sermon! Really well done. In a time and place where so much value is placed on beauty, The Lord calls us to realize there are much more important things to be valued.
Great Sermon! Yes, please! A lecture on the destruction of the 2nd temple would be great, especially the events around 60-70 AD. It's important for us to learn about Josephus and Tacitus and their writings.
Great Series This is an excellent series of lectures. A good sense of humor makes listening much more enjoyable. If you have been bored into a coma with other lectures, this is what you need. Also the material is solid.
Thank you Thank you for all your years of service in providing in-depth exegesis, wonderful insights, superb teachings on the most difficult area's and a pro active apologetics that is second to none.
Great Sermon! Calvin is not a murderer but a coward who wouldn’t stop Servetus death. If it is wrong in 2018 to kill a heretic it was just as wrong back in the 16th century
Great Sermon! This has become my favorite sermon. My family have joined a reformed church after my previous church allowed non biblical teachers in. I can identify with it.