God provides...through His people It is not presumptious to include a 'donate' button within this infograph as the other side of the prayer coin. I pray that your fundraising brings glory to our God.
Great Sermon! I am now memorizing your sweet song. I pray that each time I sing it our Father will be smiling down on you and protecting you and yours. In Jesus’ name, amen
Great Sermon! I have enjoyed all the sermons I am listen to on my sermon app. And Dr. Jones I especially enjoy listening to you and the many ways your church ministers right there in the heart of Manhattan. There are some wonderful churches across the nation, one I would like to just let you know about it has all kinds of ministries and outreaches to local communities surrounding it. The church is called apologia Church. Thank you Dr. Bill Jones.
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Great Conversation! It is truly refreshing to see a conversation where neither person gets upset or walks away offended. There should be a great deal more of this type of discussion with unbelievers as we really can discuss the Gospel without "shoving our beliefs down someone else's throat". Honest, gentle and non-condemning. Excellent!
Message Clearly Explained Dr. Jones explains so clearly that Jesus our servant sorrowful, grieving, & completely silent yet completely obedient to His Father. Our Redeemer, our substitute, our only hope to be saved.
Thanks for sharing this brother! The part about keeping a journal of foods eaten was very convicting as I have many health problems and have had to go on a strict diet. Of course, all of this is so that we can have the ability to do God's will with all our heart and all our soul. Amen!
I started my day by opening the daily infomail of swrb and so came to read an article by B. Schwertley about the popish cristmas - then choosing the next link and coming to SermonAudio - my eyes beeing catched by this little add at the side, ... reading this and just beeing wondering about the devotion to christmas and its content. sometimes christianity is very confusing to me. how can a subject be so controvers? what does a bachelor and masters degree do to young people? how deeply we are rooted in paganism and "love".