Great Sermon! GREAT MESSAGE MY BROTHER! I am using this text for mother's day. Thank for Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Colossians 1:14; John 1:12
Hindudharma (हिन्दू धर्म): Satanic False Religion It should be noted that the false religion called Hindudharma (हिन्दू धर्म) is really a Satanic false religion. One of the reasons for this are those bizarre-looking Hindu Devata (हिंदू देवता) with multiple faces, multiple arms, and blue skin. We are warned in Isaya 08 (Isaiah 08), particularly Isaya 08:20 (Isaiah 08:20) that if the people of this world do not speak according to The Word of Tuhan (The Lord in Bahasa Indonesia), it is because there is not spiritual light residing in them. It is tragic that the Hindus of Hindistan (another name for India after the Hindi language). We should not confuse the Hindi language with the Satanic false religion of Hindudharma. It is also a sobering reminder that the Hindus will one day be tormented in The Lake of Fire because of their worship of the demonic and Satanic Hindu Devata. This is a much needed sermon in response to this Satanic practice called kundalini yoga as well as anything else having to do with Satanic Hindudharma, which we know is of Satana, who is known as Saitana (Śaitāna, ਸ਼ੈਤਾਨ) in the Punjabi language, who will be tormented in The Lake of Fire according to Revelation 20. Yesu is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
Excellent! I wanted to encourage you Brother on your excellent teaching. There were some things you said gave me great understanding, how wide the deception that’s going on in the church.
Ten Plagues of Egypt: Memorable Story The Ten Plagues of Egypt is a very memorable story. The Ten Plagues are as follows: 01: Turning water to blood (Exodus 7:14-24), 02: Frogs: (Exodus 7:25-Exodus 8:15), 03: Lice (Exodus 8:16-19), 04: Flies (Exodus 8:20-32), 05: Pestilence of livestock (Exodus 9:1-7), 06: Boils (Exodus 9:8-12), 07: Hail (Exodus 9:13-35), 08: Locusts (Exodus 10:1-20), 09: Darkness for three days (Exodus 10:21-29), and Death of firstborn (Exodus 11:1-Exodus 12:36).
Great Sermon! I feel fat. These little bite sized messages are enough for sustenance but I found myself gorging and listened to them all in one sitting. Excellent.
Great Sermon! This bizarre practice called kundalini yoga has no place in The Lord's House. In fact, The Lord strongly condemns it. Remember Leviticus 19:31.
Great Sermon! Remember,
Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 19:31).
True Blessing! This is the clearest gospel sermon that I've heard in a while. It is, as well, an encouragement to the Christian dealing with a sin-affected heart. Thank you, Brother Campbell, for allowing God to use you.
Great Sermon! Every believer needs to hear this message and be challenged, concerned and yet comforted by its content. Asuperb exposition of God's word by a faithful and courageous servant of the Lord. "The truth will set you free"
how very true! My wife, Elizabeth, is now saved. I can truely say we have never been closer. When we have our quiet times together, reading scripture and praying together, it most definitely is a most blessed time. Thanks be to OUR Saviour!
Great Sermon! A much needed message for our time. May we as Christians understand that we may be the roadblock Gid will use to prevent someone from going to Hell. God bless you and your ministry.