THE TRUTH! So true and so important. Every word needs to be heard. These harmful traditions have gone on for centuries. Children are being harmed by these lies. John 8:32.
Great Sermon! Wow! This was so good! “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land.” No better way to humble and seek than to fast. Thank you for the message. If I’m ever near Plant City FL I’ll be looking for your church.
Great Sermon! 3-23-18
Very Good. I'm glad we service a Sovereign God. I do fail in my responsibilities. Spurgeon said: God Sovereign and man's responsibility are like two railroad rails never crossing running side by side. Not a perfect quote.
Great Sermon! I have interested in this subject and I'm listening to several sermons.
I'm repeating myself but It was a blessing, and I needed this sermon and it was helpful. God Bless you as you bury yourself in God's Word.
Great Sermon! Q-2 Was a great question with a great answer. I confirm, validate your answer. ( you do not need that ) The message was good for me, and instructive. I'm looking forward to answers to the rest of the question.