Wow! This message explains so well what’s going on with the ever increasing choice of Santa as a replacement for Christ, and how Christmas practices fit into Biblical prophecies and prepare the world for the anti-Christ.
Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord and Scripture. Thank you for being so kind, as to share your intensive Bible and History research with your brothers-and-sisters-in -Christ. I have had my eyes opened numerous times by the facts you have presented in your sermons. I’m so grateful.
I’m praying more pastors will share these truths, including in my locale, and that they will be taught at Christian schools, Bible colleges and seminaries. We need repentance, deliverance and separation.
Occult Invasion Thank you for such important, but probably scarcely known, information about so many topics—and now this one. I’m so grateful for your ministry.
People need to be made aware of the devil’s schemes and take them more seriously. We need to heed and believe the Bible’s warnings. Certainly the devil has invaded countless Christian homes through what they want to believe is harmless children’s literature. Lewis’s and Tolkien’s works seem to have been especially successful in creating a bridge in these homes to the world of witchcraft, thereby, defiling children and adults alike.
As a nation, we in the U.S.
have seared our national conscience by welcoming the occult, paganism and witchcraft in the forms of literature and media also
into our schools, “Christian” bookstores, libraries, businesses, churches and most everywhere.
People need to repent.
Young people and young parents need this information before having children, so they can avoid defiling them, as do grandparents.
The materials should be destroyed.
The Old Man, The New Man & You Appreciated the sermon.
Faust says, that the "old man" is the way we naturally do and too much have (in the past) lived ... and that the "new man" is the way a believer should and (as a believer) has the power to live.
But I am wondering what the "he" is that "cannot sin" in the verse where Paul says, "he cannot sin because he is born of God."
This verse seems to support the idea that there is something and/or someone relating to a believer that CANNOT sin. I have heard it said that this refers to "the born again part" (the spirit?) of a believer which CANNOT sin and which is absolutely antagonistic to sin ... as opposed to the "flesh" which in everyone CANNOT do right and is incapable of wanting to do anything other than sin.
As such, these two parts of (?) the believer continually are at "war" with one another.
But this outlook and use of "he" does not quite seem to square with Faust"s view which seems to rather equate "old man" and "new man" with two different WAYS of living.
Legalism: Bogeyman of Self-Righteousness This podcast is a needed response to this autocratic bogeyman called legalism, which seeks to smother others with "rules" of self-righteousness. As noted, legalism is like pushing a pile of bricks up a hill only to get crushed by said pile of bricks. We must reject the temptation to be legalistic in response to permissiveness and antinomianism, even permissiveness and antinomianism in today's liberal apostate churches.
A Needed Response To The Death of Toby Keith This podcast is a needed response to the death of Toby Keith, born Toby Keith Covel (08 July, 1961 – 05 February, 2024) on 05 February, 2024 at the age of 62.
Country Music: Perverted Dixielander Music It should be noted that country music is perverted music from Dixieland. We also realize that the lascivious according to Revelation 21, particularly Revelation 21:8 (Revelation 21:08), shall have their part in The Lake of Fire and Brimstone, which is the second death. This means that the majority of Dixielanders, including the sexually perverted country singers, shall be forever tormented in The Lake of Fire because of their whoremongering ways of country music.
Vanessa: Satanic Ursula in Disguise In the animated feature called The Little Mermaid (1989) and the live action remake in 2023 called The Little Mermaid (2023), both produced by Disney, Satanic Ursula had an attractive female disguise called Vanessa. We also realize that according to 02 Corinthians, particularly 02 Corinthians 11:14, the angel of light is really Satan in disguise. The character called Vanessa from the Disney feature called The Little Mermaid clearly illustrates how Satan, his demons, and his other demonic followers, disguise themselves with an attractive facade, but are really demonic and Satanic beings in disguise.
lovely sermon well preached pastor Faust keep up the amazing work your one of the few pastors left that speak the truth and say it how it is may God bless you your family and ministry keep up the fabulous work for the lord
Ursula: Satanism Combined with Drag Culture Earlier, Disney released a feature called The Little Mermaid (1989), which would have a live action remake called The Little Mermaid (2023) released in 2023, which was also produced by Disney. Of course both films called The Little Mermaid had the main villain who is a Satanic sea witch with cephalopod features called Ursula. Not surprisingly, Satanic Ursula was also inspired by a drag queen named Harris Glenn Milstead, aka Divine (born on 19 October, 1945, died on 07 March, 1988). All of this shows that Satan is marketing Satanism and the drag culture through Ursula the Satanic sea witch. Also, Ursula the Satanic sea witch had demonic associates named Flotsam and Jetsam, a demonic pair of moray eels whose eyes form a crystal ball. This podcast is much needed in response to the Satanic symbols subtly woven in the popular culture.
A Sermon Presenting The Gospel To LGBT This sermon presents The Gospel of Jesus Christ to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders people in a very simple manner.
Ursula: Satanic Marine Witch There are numerous examples of Satanic characters in the media. One of them is the Satanic marine witch known as Ursula in the Disney film called The Little Mermaid. In 2023, Disney released a live action remake of The Little Mermaid (2023). It is very simple to see why Ursula is a Satanic marine witch, given her appearance as an abominable cephalopodic humanoid. Worth noting Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Revelation 20 in response to the fate of all demonic spirituality and Satanic spirituality, which is eternal torment in The Lake of Fire. A podcast like this is needed in response to Satanic symbolism, especially the demonism and Satanism clearly displayed by Ursula the Satanic marine witch.
A needful warning to all An excellent sermon much needed as much of what is "church" now is very little different from the world. If Christians would only read the Bible rather than want entertainment and popularity in the world, we wouldn't be in such a mess. I do believe CCM is a wily tool of the devil.
A little leaven, leavens the whole lump. Rather the church needs to wake up, WATCH AND PRAY!
Effeminacy: Bane of Masculinity Given the reading of 1 Corinthians 6, particularly 1 Corinthians 6:9, we are confronting this sin of effeminacy, which is the bane of masculinity. In today's liberal era, many men are embodying effeminate hairstyles like pixie cuts, bob hair, and even long hair. Of course, there are still masculine hairstyles like baldness and crew cuts, even afro crew cuts in response to this liberal era of effeminacy. The other cause of effeminacy in men is obesity, which is the sin of gluttony since obesity decreases natural testosterone production in men, resulting in gynecomastia. It is tragic how today's liberalism is the root cause of effeminacy in men, especially given that liberalism is preparing the world for the coming of the Antichrist. This sermon is a warning to effeminate men to repent of their effeminacy lest they be cast into eternal torment in The Lake of Fire. Also worth noting Revelation 20, particularly Revelation 20:11-15 in respond to this sin against The Lord called effeminacy.