Needful Covenant Instruction Really important to know the whys and what’s of covenant theology. And how the affects of not knowing produced the evil times we’re in to a great degree.
Great Sermon! I love your sermons and how in your unique way you apply them to our lives. But I wonder if your audio would continue online until your actual preaching is complete. Now they seem to stop prematurely. I would appreciate listening to the entirety of the sermon and prayers, as well.
Thousand thank you's for all of your sermons that I have listened to.
Great Sermon! Brother Downs, I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father led me to your sermons. I can hear the stones rise and plead for mercy when they hear your sermon "Through the Narrow Door". This is the kind of sermon that Charles Spurgeon or George Whitefield would preach.
A thousand thank you
Sam Rafeedie
Thank you
Great Sermon! Wasn't aware of new covenant theology
Found this made me more confused about covenant theology but will go back and reread things and try to make sense of it all.
I keep Shabat ( Friday sundown to Saturday sundown ) as I believe the Sabbath in old covenant was binding for always
Very Helpful! The ministry of Dr Malone has been a great blessing to me. This message is very needed today. We need to have an accurate Biblical understanding of 'The New Covenant'. This message will do a lot to move us in the right direction. What is the nature of the NT Church? Why am I a Baptist? Who will be eternally saved? This material shines clear light on these and many more vital issues. Praise The Lord! PS - I recommend his book, "The Baptism of Disciples Alone". :)
Great Sermon! This is an excellent sermon, one all should listen to. God bless Pastor Dykstra for solid preaching in a time when truth is shunned and ears are tickled.
Great change. I liked to hear about how God brought this preacher from Arminianism to the Doctrines of Grace. Interesting also the consequences of this upon the message preached, upon the methods used and about the mission.
Excellent! Very good study! A presentation of some fundamental hermeutical principles of interpreting the Bible, followed by a discussion on the texts of Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 31 - the interpretation of the New Covenant in paedobaptist and Baptist theology.
Welcome to Sermon Audio! I have known Mr. Welty for years and have had friendly email exchanges from time to time. Though this will be the first time I have heard him preach, I am well aware of his abilities as a writer. IMHO he may have one of the greatest logical minds I have witnessed among Reformed Baptists. Probably his most famous writing is called, A Critical Critique of Paedo-Baptism, his other writings are
also online...
Well done It takes a bold and courageous man to stand for the truth these days. Jim Renihan surely must be classed among such rare preachers.
Though not a detailed critique, for those who want to know the fulcrum issues where New Covenant Theology has gone wrong, this is an absolute must.
A movement that moves so far away in its understanding of the Bible from the historic reformed Baptist position needs to be challenged and we are glad to see that challenge being mounted at long last.