A perfect picture of a good and loving father. I love how this passage paints a picture of a loving father that knows his child intimately and prepares him to fight the battle called life. He sets him up for success and promises to hold him up and not be overtaken. He encourages him in his insecurities. He gives him confidence in the knowledge of his fathers’s love and faithfulness to do the task that has been set before him .
Great Sermon! I just listened to your 2nd Ezekiel study. I just want you to know I very much appreciate your teaching. I’m looking forward to this series and continuing in your Revelation series. Your knowledge and ability to communicate are to God’s glory! Thank you!
Great Sermon! There is absolutely no better sermon ever, than this sermon. Thank you Lance. You're always such an encouragement & helper in spreading the love of God. Hope you're having a great day❤
Great Sermon! Thanks for the reminder of keeping the importance of Christ in our lives above all the distractions of the world. He is the solution to all of our worldly issues.
Challenging and convicting truth Thank you for preaching boldly and shining light on the truth of this challenging scripture. I’m praying that my mind, body, all of me will be made a slave to Christ. That moment by moment I’ll lean into the power of the Holy Spirit so that my wretched and sinful self will be crucified.
Great Sermon! Enjoyed the message that He will show Himself strong. Will be praying for you during your period of recovery.
Rosshankins@ hotmail'.com