Great Sermon! This was a great sermon. It really helped me realize that I need to focus more on the Bible and less on the 1689
Confession. I see it’s just a book by men but God’s Word is what a Christian needs above all else. Press forward in Scripture alone!!!
Outstanding Sermon! Thank you Pastor John this was my John this was my first "non-chrasmatic-hal-Lindsey" sermon on Revelations... Look forward to listening to the entire series.. in person!
Needed So timely, and incredibly well put. I praise the Lord for His revealing of truth in Dr James Whites life and the grace poured out on Dr. White to pursue and remain diligent. Thank you for giving clarity and steadfastness to those about to walk fully in the coming days!
Redefining meanings It might be significant to observe the different wording translators render for the Greek word ????????, hagiasmos, in the text of Hebrews 12:14 used in this discourse, which reads in the AV as: “Follow peace with all men, and holiness (hagiasmos), without which no man shall see the Lord”. The word hagiasmos literally means holiness, as rendered in the AV, from which the English word hagiography, meaning biographies of the saints, derives its definition in the RC context. However, biblically, the term conveys the state of being holy-like, or separated unto God. The concept relates to the unique attribute of God of being pure by essence, which implies separated unto righteousness. It is rather the effect of the process of sanctification, or the purging and mortifying of sin in man. The rendering for hagiasmos given in the ESV is ‘sanctification’, which can be understood as the procedure by which one becomes holy, not the final target or aimed result. Using such term, the text could be misunderstood for a gospel of works. Such particularity grants the AV translation a better calibre of doctrinal meaning.
Idealistic presentation After listening to the sermon one feels compelled to restate that there are no “wand-like-methods” or “mystical-gospel-related-short-cuts” to ‘Being Transformed by the Holy Spirit’. Sanctification develops by the conscious, continual, obedient response of the individual to the guidance, enlightening, and instruction of the revealed Word, which is quickened in us by the Spirit of truth himself. 2 Cor. 3:18. Once such means are neglected or rejected, the Holy Spirit convicts us towards repentance. However, this failing on our part by disregard, or resistance to the truth revealed, the sanctifying activity of the grieved Spirit of God, is hindered, activating God’s works of chastisement and correction. This later phenomena, as vital as it is to the process of sanctification, seems conspicuously missing in the discourse.
Powerful Sermon! We get an excellent presentation of the power of the Holy Spirit in our life of sanctification as He continues working in our becoming more like Christ Jesus. Not enough of today's sermons looks at the working of the Holy Spirit, but He gives us daily strength as we mature as a Christian.
Great Sermon! I'm been an ordained minister for 40 years and I have never heard a better presentation of the gospel message. Thank you.
Oh! and by the way I'm Pentecostal, and I still think it was a great message of total truth of the gospel.