3 Wonderful Truths What a great sermon Brother Wayne. A short message, but yet, an eternal message. You can't say it enough, they (we) shall never perish. Yes, Amen.
JOY IN REPROACH !! THE LORD upholds "the elect" in Him. And, THEY will have HIS favorable regard when they stand before GOD THE FATHER. HE declares it in Matthew 10:32 -- "Whosoever therefore shall confess ME before men, him will I confess also before MY FATHER which is in heaven." What joy TO KNOW that Christ will say of ME -- "This woman truly trusted ME and was willing to confess ME and to be reproached for MY NAME'S SAKE." Apart from GOD'S GRACE, I and anyone else would be of the same ilk as William Ernest Henley, who in the final stanza of his poem "INVICTUS", wrote this IDLE WORD: "It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I AM THE MASTER OF MY FATE, I AM THE CAPTAIN OF MY SOUL." Henley is an example of "...out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" (Matt. 12:34). His refrain is the "common refrain" of SATAN'S "self-exalting" CHILDREN. One of the MOST LOVED and LISTENED TO songs of ALL TIME (and has been recorded by dozens of artists) is Frank Sinatra's 1960's recording titled: MY WAY! It appeals to the "off-spring" of the DEVIL because, like their father, they are about the business of CELEBRATING ARROGANCE!!
Great Sermon! Faith is the substances of things believed. God the Holy Spirit uses the term faith, righteousness and holiness. These terms are as real as God yet, we cannot handle or feel them nevertheless they are real, and without holiness no man shall see the Lord, however they are as real as He whom we trust Col 2:9-10 by faith. So, imputation of this truth, imputation is real; and the evidence of justification is that the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. We believe, by faith, that the worlds were framed by the Word of God (Heb 11:3), and hence believe the testimony of God by faith that it might be by grace.
Great Sermon! Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and His wonderful works to the children of men. I have praised Him for you and this message which is a wonderful working of the Almighty God. Love you brother.
A MUST LISTEN Gospel Message Outstanding sermon: Christ greatly exalted and His people deeply encouraged and comforted. Hallelujah! The LORD God omnipotent reigneth for ever and ever. Amen.
Hallelujah! Bless our Great Substitute for ever and ever!
LORD JESUS Christ, we bless and praise your holy name. We wait for your coming O KING OF GLORY...