Thank you, Lord... for this wonderful legacy of Dr Cairns ministry left to us - and all the means whereby we can hear it in our own homes through SermonAudio. All of Thy mercy and loving kindness to this sin-sodden world. How great Thou art.
Great exposition Thank you Rev Greer for an excellent overview of this passage in Romans.
Very timely and reminds us that God is Sovereign and everything that happens has been foreordained by Him since before the foundation of the world.
Good message. Salvation brings love for God and His Word. It was a good message. We continue to pray for you and for your work in Uganda. May the Lord give you guidance and strength!
Expounding the Word realistically Demon infestation comes concelled and often is more prevalent than we attempt to assume nowadays. When and where sin abounds and the kingdom of Satan regales unchallenged through video games, Hollywood and questionable entertainment in our Western countries, the applying of the Scriptures as they are should help identify what are the real things happening. Most of the young generation is gone and lost to the indwelling of unclean spirits bounding them in darkness and utter bondage of schepticism and unbelief, after being left open to such influences. Let's be certain that the Holy Spirit does not coexist happily with the powers of darkness to which our children are passively surrendered . Young Samuel was set apart and kept protected by a godly mother; yet children today are set at bay of childminders of all sorts, mainly unsupervised screens.