Naked Catholics and Naked Liberals Judged One day, every Roman Catholic and every liberal will be naked when judged at The Great White Throne and be forever cast into The Lake of Fire. Worth noting Revelation 17, Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Revelation 20 with regards to the fate of bare naked popery, which is eternal torment in The Lake of Fire. This also means that every Catholic pope will be naked when judged at The Great White Throne and cast into The Lake of Fire.
Imprecatory Psalms: Indictment Against Popery There are Imprecatory Psalms of Psalms 05 (Psalms 5), Psalms 10, Psalms 17, Psalms 35, Psalms 58, Psalms 59, Psalms 69, Psalms 70, Psalms 79, Psalms 83, Psalms 109, Psalms 129, Psalms 137, and Psalms 140. Of course, these Imprecatory Psalms are indeed an indictment against popery as well as this popish monster called The World Council of Churches.
Great Sermon! Anna!
The word shekhinah is not present in the Bible, and is first encountered in the rabbinic literature. The Semitic root from which shekhinah is derived, š-k-n, means "to settle, inhabit, or dwell". In the verb form, it is often used to refer to the dwelling of a person or animal in a place, or to the dwelling of God. The word is used of God's presence in the plillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.
Great Sermon! Pastor Lance, I have discovered your sermons and am listening with great interest! I also encouraged Evelyn and Dwaine to listen with mom as they can't get out to church with mom bed-ridden as she is. Brings back great memories of your ministry in Fairmont!
Great Sermon! Pastor Dohman,
What an excellent message this was, and oh, how I needed to hear it! Bless you, and praise my God and the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Please, don't quit praying for that miracle for me!
Very good The viewing of this presentation is a must for anybody reluctant, hesitant, or in doubt about the underlying principles of God-honouring music. With his unique musical ability, Brother Everson performs powerful and undeniable illustrations at the piano and with his voice that unequivocally demonstrate the influence music has on our bodies, emotions and spirits. Thank you for bringing so many relevant perceptions and guidelines to light. The presentation establishes foundational concepts for the discernment of valid music styles in Christian living.
Great Sermon! This is an excellent, simple, and practical message on music. Our family greatly appreciated listening to this together. Our kids have listened to it several times. Thank you for recording this!
Thank you for your time preparing this message! Above the comment section here it says "if you enjoyed this sermon please add a comment". I'm not sure being smashed into a thousand pieces is all that enjoyable in that sense. I'll be in the repentance corner for a while, not only did I need this message, but I passed it on to a friend that aperently needed the message also.
Have a great day Pastor Ketchum.
Great Sermon! Thank Pastor for enlightening me on the importance of Discipleship for a Christian. Disciplining disciples - the crux of the Great Commission of Our Lord. You have brought out the importance of Salvation / Baptism/ Local Church & Disciplieship - all of which was good for me. Thanks
What a blessing this message was to me. Brother Dan Dohman,
This message was such an encouragement. Its content was excellent. Everything said found its foundation in Scripture.
Brother Dan is a Deacon at Shepherd's Fold Baptist Church and a faithful soul winner.