Praise be to God This comes on the heals of God helping me through what I thought was early signs of PTSD, the Lord having removed these troubling thoughts.
Biblical doctrine biblically defended This is a sermon that many many people need to hear. Hopefully many will listen with open mind and hearts to understand the reformed position on the new covenant, its nature and administration. Gavin abundantly makes it clear that we need to survey the full data of New Testament prophecies and not stop at one passage and shoe horn it into something it doesn’t say in order to defend tradition. Great sermon.
Great Sermon! What a timely, helpful, much appreciated sermon ! I thank you for the labor you do . I pray for you and your congregation. May the Lord keep you and guard you and strengthen your love to the beloved Son of God . May He alone be the delight of your soul .
Love, in Christ , the glorious Lamb of God .
glory in understanding and knowing God When God grants us a glimpse of His Holiness and our depravity, we cannot but be weighty from that point onwards. By His grace and mercy, we seek to understand and know Him that we may love Him wholeheartedly
Great Sermon! We appreciate this much needed sermon so much. Much of the problem must be that God is so little feared, even among professing Christians. Rev. Beers rightly identifies ungodly media influences as contributing to our lack of gravitas, and points us back to diligent reading of the scriptures as the remedy.
Great Sermon! Recently I have been question the sincerity and humility in not only my worship but also my works unto God. This has truly opened my eyes and blessed me with reassurance, thank you and God bless you brother.
Truth to instruct the mind and feed the soul This is a most excellent, biblical, orthodox, timely and soul satisfying message... thank you Pastor Beers.
Great Sermon!!! GREAT Sermon!!! WONDERFUL sermon. And I totally agree with this sermon but the truth sometimes hurt, and many women will have an attitude. I am a woman but TOTALLY and wholeheartedly agree with this sermon. In fact, I would never visit a church that I know beforehand has women preachers. Thank You JESUS for leading me to this sermon. God's richest blessings to Brother Geers!
Clarification Hi Pastor Gavin. Thanks for a clear well argued biblical position. Pls can you clarify something. You mentioned the context is public worship. If a woman can’t speak, preach , pray, prophesy, what does it mean in v 5 that she should not be praying and prophesying without a covering? It seems to suggest that If she wears a covering she can prophecy in public? Pls help me understand this.