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Covenant OPC
Iain Wright  |  Orland Park, Illinois
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Covenant OPC
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"Great Sermon!"
Angela Wittman from Southwest IL
Timeless Biblical truth is presented in this sermon and Christians need to be reminded of it. Thank you to Covenant OPC for...
Rev. G. I. Williamson | 1 Corinthians - GIW
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Sermon2/28/2022 5:36 PM
Latino in Christ from New Orleans  Contact via emailFind all comments by Latino in Christ
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This Is Eternal Life
Iain Wright
“ Thank you! ”
Thank you for this message. Pastor Wright, God in His providence introduced me to your sermons not too long ago. Listening to them has touched a spiritual nerve. Your love for Christ is contagious.

Sermon1/29/2022 9:38 PM
Latino in Christ from New Orleans  Contact via emailFind all comments by Latino in Christ
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Peace Like a River
Iain Wright
“ A God of Incredible Mercy ”
By God’s marvelous grace I just finished listening to the last sermon in the Isaiah series. Tremendously blessed. Thank you for posting all 51 sermons.

Sermon1/16/2022 5:51 PM
Latino in Christ from New Orleans  Contact via emailFind all comments by Latino in Christ
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“ Spiritual Manna ”
I have been feeding on pastor Wright’s Isaiah series sermons on a daily basis. Thank you for sharing them with Christ’s church family.

Sermon9/21/19 7:56 AM
Angela Wittman from Southwest IL  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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1 Corinthians #50 - God's View of Women...
Rev. G. I. Williamson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Timeless Biblical truth is presented in this sermon and Christians need to be reminded of it. Thank you to Covenant OPC for preserving Rev. Williamson's teaching on women preachers and the book of 1 Corinthians.

Sermon5/19/19 3:12 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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1 Corinthians #50 - God's View of Women...
Rev. G. I. Williamson
“ Dear Southern Baptists, Listen to the Apostle Paul ”
This is even more relevant today than it was 16 years ago; millenials and younger generations seldom hear this taught. In particular, controversy is brewing in SBC as Liberal Theology has infiltrated and now seeks revolutionary supremacy. Beth Moore and J. D. Greear are two popular Southern Baptist voices that are pushing to change and alter the clear instruction of inspired Scripture toward democratic philosophy instead of Gods social and church order. The church is to be transformed and obedient to the apostles teaching instead of conformed to the world and democratic-humanist and feminist, egalitarian culture which is in rebellion to God. Liberal Theology, with its 'Wokeness', denies Scriptural authority in social order as clearly revealed by the apostles. Paul is very clear and has the authority of Christ to teach how the church is to be ordered and who is qualified to teach and lead. It begs the question too about why women are in seminaries since their covert ambition is clear. Williamson's teaching with helpful context is that of wise and respected elder and should be listened to again.

Sermon3/23/19 1:34 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I agree with Laurie, but I think it goes back farther than Trump. Obama did great harm to America by legalizing sodomite marriage, in eight years he dismantled a nation that was already coming down on its own.

Sermon3/20/19 5:02 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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“ Needed Sermon for Social Justice Controversy! ”
This dated Part 1 message of 3-part series from Rev. G.I. Williamson, who is especially respected among conservative & reformed Christian ministers, is needed and especially relevant today due to the Social Justice controversy and calls for Reparations being brought up in Congress. This challenges both the left and the right who avoid directly even considering what the Bible alone teaches about slavery, preferring to keep the PC norm that slavery is evil and an injustice, despite repeated instructions of the apostles letters that slaves should honor and obey, and masters should treat justly and fairly--especially as Christians! While many conservatives say this was temporary instruction Rev. Williamson shows that to be fallacious as well in its context among all other family relations. He explains how the Bible and such passages should be the Only Rule of faith and practice, contrary to all calls past and present for abolition, social structure changes and other agitations.

Sermon8/2/17 10:46 PM
Janine Elizabeth from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Janine Elizabeth
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“ Great Sermon! ”
God always used evil kings to judge His Covenant nation Israel. I believe He does no less with non Covenant nations. It certainly appears that He lowered the boom of judgment on my country eight years ago when He installed the evil King who is an enemy and traitor to our nation.

Sermon8/1/17 9:41 PM
Laurie from Pacific Northwest  Find all comments by Laurie
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A very very fitting sermon for our nation today with Trump. It seems God is using our sins to judge us with such a president

Sermon12/11/16 6:23 AM
David Fuqua  Contact via emailFind all comments by David Fuqua
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon is a good reminder of the awfulness of sin. He presents points that are worth writing down for remembrance and meditation.

Sermon12/6/15 4:13 PM
J Tanner from Alabama  Contact via emailFind all comments by J Tanner
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Creation Faith
Rev. G. I. Williamson
“ Wonderful Sermon ”
Rev. Williamson, this was a wonderful sermon and very encouraging to me. I thank the Lord for your faithfulness to him and to his word, and for your sermons in which you often put things fairly 'simply', yet so often also very profoundly. I did want to make one comment about the way the sun's 'rising' and 'setting' is spoken of— because of Einstein and his theory of motion, Christians have no need to explain away the Scripture's speaking about the rising and setting of the sun. The theory of relativity actually put geocentricity back on the table as a valid model— not that atheistic scientists are eager to discuss it. John Byl has written helpful things on this. So, no need to think that the language of the sun standing still in Joshua 10, for instance, is only accommodating man's finite ways of seeing. I found this to be very good news. Thank you again for this wonderful sermon. I intend to share it with loved ones.

Sermon6/19/14 11:26 AM
Pastor Musa Joshua Simelane from Pretoria, South Sfrica  Contact via emailFind all comments by Pastor Musa Joshua Simelane
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1 Corinthians #50 - God's View of Women...
Rev. G. I. Williamson
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon by G.I. Williamson on "women pastors" is very helful to me and my Church. I have a leadership training day on the 21 June '14. I have used Williamson's teaching on Bible doctrine via Pastor Olyot from Liverpool, England.

Sermon11/3/12 3:21 PM
A.KHARSHI-ING from North-east INDIA  Contact via emailFind all comments by A.KHARSHI-ING
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I and my family are blessed immensely by this clear and simple teaching. I would love God willing to learn more on this teaching on the last things.Please get back to me. What a sovereign God He is. Sincerely, A.Kharshi-ing

Sermon10/24/12 10:13 PM
Young Min Pee from Seoul, Korea  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Young Min Pee
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Malachi #5 - The Cynical Mindset
Rev. G. I. Williamson
“ Great Sermon! ”
best sermon I've ever heard. Preacher's theology is right and his attitude of delivery is gracious.

Sermon2/25/12 1:02 PM
Britt from Berkeley Lake GA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Britt
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“ THUNDER!!! ”
Listening to Rob Zins message concerning the possible problem that we Protestants have with Romans 2 in terms of it's discussion of works, I sought out sermons on Romans 2. By God's leading I found this message by Rev. Williamson on Romans. I didn't even know this gentleman. But I do now. If you plan to listen to this, be prepared ahead of time to be ready to respond to God. I have to say I'm different, THUNDER!!! Thanks Lord for being patient with this sleepy sinner.

Sermon12/2/11 10:55 AM
JR from USA  Find all comments by JR
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“ Outstanding exposition ”
"Jesus suffered the silence for us, so that we might never have to." I have always struggled with understanding this passage, but you have done an excellent job expositing it, and then an even better job applying it. This sermon was simply marvelous! Thank you!

Sermon10/16/11 8:30 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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“ Refutes False Arguments for Worship! ”
Wow! This powerfully and surprisingly refutes myths and false popularized ideas that "there are other hymns in scripture outside the Psalms", which justifies will-worship in the use of uninspired "hymns" and non-scriptural songs or by saying "but we preach using our own words". Enough of such falsehoods and erroneous thinking. Let Sola Scripture be the reformed churches motto for WORSHIP as well as doctrine, lest we provoke a Jealous God to wrath with our "good intentions".

Sermon10/16/11 8:21 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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“ A Powerful Message to 'Reformed' Churches! ”
This sober sermon is very troubling and proves the necessity of a modern reformation even more than when it was first preached. The respected Mr. Williamson's counsel, from a true Elder in this present age, should be heeded particularly by modern churches that claim to be "reformed", for he says plainly that they especially have not reformed! Following his logical exposition of Romans 1 he shows that the moral degradation of American society is a direct result of the *worse foundational sin of wrong and corrupted worship of God* (whose is still righteously Jealous), which can be laid at the feet of modern churches. This makes it plain that society will continue to collapse further into degradation until the churches repent of their corruptions and will-worship, which the 'New Calvinism' in particular refuses to consider.

Sermon8/15/11 12:44 PM
Eric from Here  Contact via emailFind all comments by Eric
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1 Corinthians #50 - God's View of Women...
Rev. G. I. Williamson
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is such a good sermon.

Sermon4/2/11 11:26 AM
Carlos Gonzalez  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carlos Gonzalez
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“ Great Sermon! ”

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