Great Sermon! Hello I’m a 75 yr old Disabled Veteran
Vietnam - been pastoring for 50yrs
And with out a doubt —
This has got to be the best message I have ever heard on the Effectual Call.
Thank you
Great Sermon! Thank you for this message.
Sad to say that this is NOT the reality in most churches claiming to be Christian.
No wonder the Lord Jesus Christ, gave the Apostle John, the Revelation to the churches.
The love for one another, appears to be restricted to the cliques and preferences as to who is truly loved. Family members and friends, loving one another, while neglecting the lowly and least of the brethren.
How grieved the LORD God must be. :( :( :(
So Good to Remember! What the Holy Scriptures states about God are the lens through which we view history, past and current. Our God has been and still is in control. Thank you, my brother, for this message.
Powerful Word! How far we have strayed from true worship, and singing, reading, praying, preaching and receiving the word! In my 30+ years as a believer I remember one time hearing an old preacher in his late 80’s just spoke only scriptures and I cried through the whole message, he didn’t read it, but spoke it with such passion that he cried! That was close to ten years ago and I’m still moved by even now! Thank you for resetting the foundation that we have lost. Bless you!
This was a great exposition of an important text! I was looking to hear how different preachers interpreted Gal. 2:17. I had never heard of this man but was extremely blessed by his teaching.
Well done, sir!
Excellent Must Hear Sermon! An excellent message to stir up our faith, to challenge our obedience, zeal, love and faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is He my first love, or have I lost my first love? When I examine myself through the eyes of Christ,and His word, am I ashamed of my commitment to Him and my walk with Him? Lord have mercy on me, a sinner! To God be the glory!!! Amen!!!
Great Sermon! This was a very good sermon. It brought to mind some who use 'evangelism' as an excuse to sit home, beg for money, post videos on the internet of themselves reading from the bible and call that 'evangelism', and refuse to work. IT would seem from this teaching they are in sin. There are brethren who do not work consistently and take hand outs as well, again, this sermon shows them to be in sin.
In application to myself, I am guilty of working and not being too cheerful about that. Thank you for presenting the truth of the word of God plainly, by God's grace I have seen need to improve in my own life. I will not financially support any believer who consistently refuses to work and begs for money - Tony Miano comes to mind; or any believer who works sporadically, but is capable of working full time. I have no problem helping any who cannot work due to valid reasons.
Great Sermon! Christians take God's name in vain every day without even realizing it, even from the pulpit. This sermon will help you to avoid this sin.
Peculiar, Exellent Sermon This isn't just an excellent sermon. There are qualities to this message and other sermons from this speaker that clearly set it apart from other broadcasters. His messages are peculiarly organized, every work carefully spoken. The messages are lacking personal opinion and heavy on scriptural references. He takes the time to prove his assertions from scripture which makes these messages IDEAL to use in the company of other believers with different backgrounds. The applications are common sense and often indisputable.
We invest the money to transcribe these sermons for our work bible study. We use a projector to display the .pdf file while we listen to the message. Periodically we pause the message for discussion. Overall we find these sermons from this speaker very edifying and provoking. The discussion is real. The overall effect is that these messages are propelling men towards God in a life of faith and obedience. Thank you!
Great Sermon! Simply blessed byhearing your exposition of this series. Appreciate your exaltation of the Lord and His call to action even in our dark moments (which He regulates).
Great Sermon! not everyone who sits inside a brick and mortar church will be saved, and conversely not everyone who does not sit inside a brick and mortar church will be lost
EXCELLENT SERMON! One of the best sermons ever preached and shared on this website!
Thank you Pastor George, & thank you SermonAudio,for making such excellent sermons available.
This is a must hear message,but only for those who desire to discern the true state of their church fellowship,& their own hearts. None of us can afford to take the Lord Jesus Christ for granted & just ignore His commandments.Firstly,to love the Lord God with all of our being, & secondly, to love one another as He first loved us. He is all seeing & all knowing & will not be mocked.
Phenomenal Message This is a great message. I am a bondsman and am painfully aware of the multitudes of people who have little to no hope in this world. To have hope in Christ is everything and such a precious gift!