Thanks Bob I really do enjoy Bob’s voice and reading different books and authors. I know people do not chose how their voice sounds but Bob’s voice is very pleasant and I listen to him frequently.
Very helpful Thank you. This series was very helpful. I liked how you compared the different translations and showed how the Passion "Translation" is not a translation but a very bad paraphrase with the intention of priming readers with the NAR doctrine.
Great Sermon! A sermon beyond belief so edifying and reminder of what JESUS did for us on the cross! Hallelujah What a Saviour indeed!!!PTL forever for HIS shed Blood🩸🩸🩸🩸🙏🙏
Such a Treasure It makes sense that no work, with even a small air of goodness, can be good outside of being grafted in to the root of Christ. A vines fruit produced from the root of sin and Satan can only produce death by its very nature. A fig tree cannot produce lemons, why then would the ungodly produce any goodness in works or otherwise?
Great Sermon! I listen to sermons on a lot. No other sermon or recorded resource has ever benefited my soul as much as this piece from John Owen has. It's very well presented and read. May the Lord bless you Bob. I listen to it all the time.
The Sweet Kiss Of The Father And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming and filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him.
Thank you a lot, brother Bob!! Brother Bob, thank you so much for your help to the church with your readings! May you see yourself encouraged, and greatly grateful for having that dear Savior of yours. Your work in Christ is not in vain!! :)
Great Sermon! Rejoicing this morning for this timely word. I love the cross-referencing of the three passages for the solid yes and AMEN in Christ! Have a very blessed day.
Jody Irwin
Great Sermon! Dear Bob,
I’m again blessed beyond words by your reading from the late John Newton’s memoirs. I, too, as his dear niece, have the privilege of caring for and consoling dear saints in their nineties, encouraging them that their work in earth for God is not finished until He calls them to Himself.
May the Lord continue to strengthen and encourage you and yours as you press on and serve Him with gladness!
Love in Christ from Tehachapi, Ca
Jody Irwin
I will pray for you and have others pray, that God will provide health and material sustenance, and above all that any sin in your life will be confessed and that you will know you are truly one of His by rebirth. Thanks for sharing. God is able.
Please pray for me, I'm facing a very difficult situation! I'm a 62 year old disabled man, with CHF and HIV +/AIDS and have my immune system deteriorating, and now facing eviction for not being able to pay rent since Feb 2020! I have no one, but God and His family, please pray for me not yo loose my housing and if I do, that the Lord provides me with another one! Thank you so much!
A Gem Brother Bob you are a gem for providing these gems. We all thank you. I send them daily to all my brother and sisters as well as to my lost family and friends. They are a life line.