How could it be? Brother Gary, How could any man who claims the Bible is God breathed inerrant truth, claim that you're preaching heresy when you preached this message?? Only a fool would think such a thing.
Grace to you from your favorite taxidermist in GA.
Humbling and amazing! Pastor Shepard, through the Word in his preaching, is a spiritual doctor to me. I’m grateful to God that I have been brought to hear his preaching, I’ve heard a lot of men but none have made me sit and ponder and worship before. I hope his strength’s holding up! Thank you pastor.
Blessed Sermon! Came across this sermon while doing a search on the subject of a believers two natures. I, like many others, took for granted that the two nature theory was biblical and accurate. I believed in it because a well known pastor said it was true, and I was too ignorant (and lazy) to check it out for myself. Thank you Pastor Gary for the work you did in bringing light to this subject and for helping a wondering, ignorant sheep from going too far astray.
Great Sermon! Edifying message. The elect do not defile themselves with the harlot, dead religion. We rest in Him. "We are not following to achieve something", the deceived don't get it. They sneak in their works, either through Arminianism or Reformed Calvinism, some combine bits and pieces from both. They follow teachers of men, like Calvin, and feast on the lie, like Calvins heretical 'third law' dung. Or Spurgeon, who mixed truth with error, which is nothing but the lie, who sang the praises of heretic Wesley. They hold fast to man's doctrine like progressive sanctification, which shows they do not comprehend Christ has put away sin. They scream antinomian, yet they themselves are daily law breakers. The remnant obey His commandments, loving the brethren, and by the power of the Spirit obey the likes of Gal.5.
Reverence for God causes hatred for all that is false, we cut those who preach and follow that which is false NO slack.
We follow Christ, not man made camps like Arminianism, reformed Calvinism, or sovereign grace. These are 666, the inventions of men, teaching doctrines of men, imperfect and of the flesh. They compromise, they do not follow the true Lamb."those that Christ speaks of as following Him, they follow the teachings of His apostles"- amen Gary
Great Sermon! This was excellent, Christ exalting. It lays the sinner in the dust, it exalts the Savior alone. Giving all glory to God for blessing me with this timely word.
Great Sermon! Excellent message. We see great delusion everywhere, professing religious folks saying you have to repent of your sins, you have to obey the law, you have to do x y and z. These religious zealots do not know grace, or the true Christ. They like to label God's elect with false accusations like feminist, or antinomian. They are fools. They call Christ's elect antinomian because they can't discern the difference between law and gospel. They compromise and embrace errors, like God loves all, Christ died for all, etc. As Gary said, that's a delusion. They embrace false teachers like Billy Graham, they are clueless to the mystery of iniquity. Their religion points them to self,you better be morally upright, you better be prim and proper. They know nothing of imputed rightepusness.
They then point out the sins of others, blinded to their own wicked blackened hearts, deceived by their pseudo jesus, which is none other than Satan. These zealots are deluded, and this is the will of God. praise God for His saving, electing grace and imputed righteousness❤️✝️