Great Sermon! I just wanted to express my appreciation for your extraordinary insight into this passage. I’ve gleaned more from just listening to your teaching this message. I must say, it gave me more insight into this beautiful story of Christ’s unique compassion to not to shun such a one whose condition kept her a constant prisoner in her circumstance.
Our Lord displayed His love for me while I was once unclean in my sins until His blood’s purifying power healed me making me as well as others pure and holy before the Father. God bless you!
Thank you sir! Thank you. That was a message I needed to hear, and if the fact that I played it three times is any evidence, it seems to be something my flesh does not want to except. Thank you again.
Great Sermon! This is a very great sermon. I was very blessed by the speaker's declaration arguing that God uses Man surrended, Man who is His servant. In a university, this declaration and further arguments during the preaching are interesting to remain these academic people that they must be surrended of God, be His servant in addition to have a PhD, to be used by Him.
WOW! Please Listen! "as the deer pants for the water." I agree with all the comments already given for this sermon. It is a must for all Christian believers around the world. It will help you grow in your Christian life.
Awesome Sermon! Thank you Dr. Ollila, what a great breakdown about Revival. What it should be and what it is not...Amen! and our continued walk in Obedience to God's ongoing "Sanctification Process"! Bless our Heavenly Father's Holy name! Amen. This sermon truly Blessed my soul. May the Lord continue to Bless and strengthen you and keep you always in His grace and mercy.
Great Sermon! World class sermon. A. Men!
It’s not just doctrine: it’s Truth. God actually literally IS as berg described. He has eternity to sanctify and redeem. Anyone capable of this universe is more than capable to save us from death.
Great Sermon! This is so true. The saddest part is that the most Liberal Christians are the ones that think they are doing God's will. They'll support any lifestyle condemned in the Bible, and call those who know what the Bible says and won't deviate from it, haters, bigots, and every negative thing you can think of it. They consider quoting those " offensive" Bible verses as hate speech, and yet consider themselves Christian. The Bible says people would be deceived and they surely are. They've confused getting our own way on earth, which is what people want, with having eternity in Heaven, which is what God wants; and so, they think being loving is to allow everyone to do whatever they want. They don't realize that the person that loves you the most, is the one who will tell you the most truth.
Excellent Sermon!!! This message moved me to tears.
What have I done for the Lord Jesus, what more can I do, and how better may I serve Him?
With only a limited time on this earth, am I pleasing in His sight?
Have I appreciated, thanked and loved Him, according to His will, not my own?
To God be the glory!!!
Your will be done, my Lord and my God!!!
Great Sermon! Wonderful testimony. Please remain faithful to Christ even in the midst of the DC swamp. We need godly, faithful men in positions of authority.