Welcome to First Steps, a study of biblical truths to help believers who are attempting to grow and become more like our Lord. This is not intended to be a deep study of all the truths about these topics, but are designed to give you a good,...
My dear Jewish friend, I am a Gentile Christian, and as a result, God has put in my heart a great love for your people and with it a deep interest in your...
Because of the warm expressions of interest in a Gospel address delivered at the mission, by the Reverend Harold Samuel Laird, D.D., of Wilmington, Delaware,...
Despite their commitment to the Shema, the early Jewish Christians had no problem attributing deity to Jesus by applying many Old Testament texts that speak of...
We worship one God in the Trinity, and the Trinity in unity; we distinguish among the persons, but we do not divide the substance.... The entire three persons...
Contributed by M. Capp7/8/2008 | Size: 108k | Views: 300+
As a transformed Jew I have often been asked by those who have read my tract, "The Conversion of a Jew," both Jews and Gentiles, to show out of the Old...
There is only one man in the history of the world who has had explicit details given beforehand of His birth time, forerunner, birthplace, birth manner,...
Welcome to First Steps, a study of biblical truths to help believers who are attempting to grow and become more like our Lord. This is not intended to be a...
You are about to embark upon the most rewarding opportunity of a lifetime. Investing time and energy to help someone know God in a clearer way through careful...