Calvary - Luke 23:32-34Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 143k | Views: 40+ We have arrived at Calvary, “the place that is called The Skull,” and the crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah. We can’t but notice the stark brevity with which... |
Christ Our Passover - Luke 22:7-13Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 150k | Views: 40+ Five times in the first 13 verses Luke mentions the “Passover” by name, and two times he mentions the “Feast of Unleavened Bread” (vv 1, 7, 8, 11, 13). A... |
Conspiracy and Betrayal - Luke 22:1-6Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 143k | Views: 30+ On February 15, 2015, 21 Coptic Christians dressed in orange jumpsuits were led onto a Lybian beach and asked by their “Islamic State” (ISIS) captors to... |
Luke 20:19-26 - Caesar or God?Terry L. Johnson12/3/2015 | Size: 239k | Views: 100+ The religious authorities recognize that they are the wicked tenants who have persecuted the prophets and who intend to murder the Son. Yet violent... |
Jesus Before Pilate - Luke 23:1-5Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 144k | Views: 40+ The trial of Jesus moves now from its Jewish to its Roman stage. Jesus had prophesied that He’d be handed over to the Roman authorities (Lk 18:32), and the... |
Jesus' Warning and Prayer - Luke 22:39-46Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 145k | Views: 20+ Jesus and the disciples now depart from the Upper Room where they have been since the beginning of chapter 22. The dialogue surrounding the institution of the... |
Journey to Calvary - Luke 23:26-31Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 141k | Views: 30+ Events have moved rapidly this last day of Jesus’ life. In the course of five or six hours from late night to early morning, Jesus has journeyed from His... |
Last Supper, Lord's Supper - Luke 22:14-20Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 183k | Views: 30+ At Jesus’ last meal with the disciples, their “Last Supper,” Jesus institutes what the Apostles and we call the “Lord’s Supper” (1 Cor 11:20). This last meal... |
Luke 20:9-19 - The Parable of the Wicked TenantsTerry L. Johnson12/23/2015 | Size: 310k | Views: 50+ It is characteristic of bureaucrats that they raise issues of authority. Religious, educational, and political officials often are concerned more about... |
Sentenced to Die - Luke 23:13-25Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 161k | Views: 40+ We have arrived at the final stage of Jesus’ trial before Pilate and the verdict at last reached that He should die. Dominating Luke’s narrative is the theme... |
The Burial of Jesus - Luke 23:50-56Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 141k | Views: 20+ “He was crucified, dead, and buried,” says the Apostles’ Creed. Why does it say “and buried?” Placed after “crucified” and “dead,” it seems redundant in a... |
The Death of Jesus - Luke 23:44-49Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 165k | Views: 30+ We have arrived in our long journey through Luke’s gospel at his account of Jesus’ death. This is the point to which we have been building since the opening... |
The End of Jerusalem - Luke 21:5-33Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 213k | Views: 40+ Beginning with verse 5, Luke 21 “becomes a very difficult chapter,” Barclay warns us. It begins innocuously enough. As Jesus and the disciples are leaving the... |
The Resurrection of Jesus - Luke 24:1-12Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 158k | Views: 30+ As we begin the final chapter of Luke’s gospel, we may remind ourselves of its four key phrases: God becomes incarnate in the God-Man Jesus Christ; Jesus... |
The Word of Salvation - Luke 23:39-43Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 128k | Views: 50+ Jesus is surrounded by a hostile crowd as He suffers on the cross. They are watching, scoffing, and mocking. His audience also includes two crucified... |
Trivializing the Sacred - Luke 23:6-12Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 133k | Views: 40+ Politicians, as a class of persons, have always tended to do what is expedient rather than what principle requires. They tend to do that which preserves their... |
Warnings and Assurances - Luke 22:31-34Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 134k | Views: 20+ Jesus and his disciples remain in the Upper Room on the eve of Jesus’ crucifixion. His audience is still the disciples who have eaten the last Passover with... |
Watch Yourselves - Luke 21:34-38Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 154k | Views: 20+ “Watch yourselves (prosech?),” Jesus tells His disciples and us (v 34). “Be on guard” (NASB). “Be careful!” (NIV). “Stay awake at all times, praying,” He warns... |
Watching, Scoffing, Mocking - Luke 23:35-58Terry L. Johnson12/19/2016 | Size: 140k | Views: 20+ On the evening of June 17, 2015, at the “Mother Emanuel “ African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC, a 21 year old hate-filled gunman opened fire on... |
Luke 21:1-14 - The Widow's MiteTerry L. Johnson12/23/2015 | Size: 203k | Views: 40+ The account of the “widow’s mite,” found here in Luke as well as in Mark’s Gospel (12:41-44), typically has been presented as an example, if not the supreme... |
Luke 19:45-48 - Jesus Cleanses the TempleTerry L. Johnson12/23/2015 | Size: 353k | Views: 40+ Even as Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem was a deliberate, celebratory declaration of His identity as the Messiah-King (19:28-45), so also Jesus’ entry into the... |
Luke 20:1-8 - The Question of AuthorityTerry L. Johnson12/23/2015 | Size: 222k | Views: 60+ A commonplace logical fallacy identified in all the logic textbooks is known as an “appeal to authority.” “The experts say…” “Scientists all agree…” “Everyone... |
Luke 20:45-47 - The Problem with Religious PeopleTerry L. Johnson12/23/2015 | Size: 209k | Views: 40+ Serious religion has certain warping propensities, certain corrupting tendencies that have always plagued religious communities. Israel in the time of Jesus... |
Luke 19:11-27 - The Parable of the Ten MinasTerry L. Johnson10/13/2015 | Size: 324k | Views: 30+ “Today salvation has come to this house,” Jesus declared of Zacchaeus in the passage preceding ours, “for the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Lk... |
Luke 20:27-40 - The Question of the ResurrectionTerry L. Johnson12/3/2015 | Size: 268k | Views: 100+ It is typical of skeptics to raise complicated or difficult or farfetched hypothetical questions in order to justify their rejection of faith. Such is the case... |
Luke 19:41-44 - The Redeemer's TearsTerry L. Johnson10/13/2015 | Size: 228k | Views: 40+ “The Redeemer’s Tears” is the title of a famous exposition of Luke 19:41-44 by John Howe (1630-1706), the last of the English Puritan giants to depart this... |
Luke 19:28-40 - The Triumphal EntryTerry L. Johnson10/13/2015 | Size: 219k | Views: 40+ We have arrived at the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Up to this point His prophetic or teaching office has been prominent. His kingly and priestly... |
Luke 16:14-18 - Religion Gone Awry11/18/2014 | Size: 166k | Views: 120+ We hardly need proof today that religion can run amuck. With decades of terrorist attacks, suicide bombers, and more recently, beheadings in the daily news, we... |
Luke 19:1-10 - Saving Lost ZacchaeusTerry L. Johnson8/3/2015 | Size: 187k | Views: 40+ Jesus encounters “a wee little man” named Zacchaeus (v 2). The meaning of their meeting is interpreted for us in verse 10: Jesus is seeking and saving the lost. |
Luke 17:1-4 - Take Heed to YourselvesTerry L. Johnson12/17/2014 | Size: 153k | Views: 40+ Jesus has just described hell as a “place of torment” from which there is no escape, where a “great chasm” is “fixed,” where its occupants plead for the least... |
Luke 16:1-13 - The Parable of the Unrighteous StewardTerry L. Johnson11/10/2014 | Size: 197k | Views: 90+ What we will see as we proceed through the parable is a desperate manager rewriting his master’s bills without the interest, thereby securing the gratitude of... |
Luke 18:18-27 (parts 1-3) - The Rich Young RulerTerry L. Johnson6/24/2015 | Size: 188k | Views: 110+ Let’s first recognize that the rich young ruler introduces the right subject. And a ruler asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”... |