Pastor Steve Meece | Danville, Kentucky
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MyChurch: unitybaptist | Set MyChurch Code#: 62180
We would like to welcome you to the New Internet Home of Unity Baptist Church. We would like to invite you to browse around our site, and get to know us a little better. We are a Baptist Church located in Danville, Kentucky, who is still on the Old Path in a Changing World. Won't you consider coming by and visiting with us during one of our services, and let our family get to know your family? Consider this your invitation to come and visit with us.
Service Times
Sunday School.................10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship.............11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship................5:00 p.m.
Wed. Children's Church....6:30pm
Wed. Bible Study...............7:00 p.m.
Primary Speaker: Pastor Steve Meece
-- sermons by speaker -- Allen, Joseph 11 Ayres, Alex 1 Bourland, Scott 1 Cannon, Trintian 6 Cassady, Bobby 13 Chandler, Jerry 5 Coffman, Dean 1 Conder, Joe 1 Conn, James 562 Correll, Greg 2 Cottrell, Adam 1 Dulany, Tim 1 Duncan, Brian 1 Godbey, Ralph 13 Graef, Ron 2 Graef, Tom 12 Hardwick, Brent 1 Hartman, Eddie 10 Hutcheson, Kevin 2 Jennings, Dennis 6 Jones, Danny 1 Kennedy, Tyler 2 Mackrill, Colt 1 Mackrill, Kolt 1 Mannes, Scott 1 McCoy, Clint 2 Meece, Aaron 34 Meece, Steve 1130 Missionary 1 Morris, David 1 Oba, Kunihiko 1 Orrick, Richie 1 Owens, Steve 6 Phillips, Anthony 1 Prewitt, J. T. 34 Rhineheimer, Drake 3 Salmon, Rick 1 Salmon, Shane 2 Smith, Calvin 115 Smith, Jim 22 Stone, Noah 4 Stump, Rick 4 Taylor, Randy 10 Tech, Aaron 4 Tek, Aaron 2 Thomas, Jeff 1 Tipton, Reggie 5 Trill, Justin 1 Tulcey, Adalin "Sonny" 1 Underwood, Pete 1 Williams, Eddie 4 Witte, Brett 2 Woodcock, Daniel 2
Bible Version
Total Sermons
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Member Since
February 2010