Thank you for visiting the sermonaudio website of the Tacoma Bible Presbyterian Church and giving us the opportunity to tell you more about ourselves, introduce you to the ministries of the church and perhaps share one of our messages with you.
While we have been serving the Lord for more than seventy years, we realize we may be new to you. Our name, however, tells you a great deal about who we are and why we are here.
First, the
Tacoma area has been our place of ministry since the beginning. The church came into existence in a time of great spiritual debate and was formed out of a desire to see a clear, sound presentation of the Word of God in the region. The Lord raised up this work here and has sustained it for over seventy years. This is where we live, play and worship; our families live here and this is where we seek to serve the Lord.
Secondly, we are a church that is committed to the Word of God, the
Bible. The preaching is expositional and the messages come from the Bible. While we strive to be relevant to the times in which we live, we are not a culture-driven church. We believe that the Bible is relevant to any age and any people as the Word of the living God.
Our region is a beautiful place to contemplate the wonders of God's creation and that display can certainly press upon our minds the power, the wisdom, and the goodness of God. However, it is in the Scriptures that we find out the fullness of God's revelation to man. In the Bible we have a God-given testimony as to who He is and what His will is for mankind. We also find out about our sin and His righteousness and in its pages we find the Gospel--that is, the good news of Jesus Christ--who is the Redeemer of men.
Presbyterian, describes both our form of church government and our theological understanding of the Word of God. Our church is governed by a session of ruling elders. The pastor is a member of the Northwest Presbytery of the Bible Presbyterian Church, and both he and a representative elder from the session attend an annual synod meeting. The synod represents the highest court of the church. Power, in the Presbyterian system of church government, travels from the bottom to the top—not from the top down.
Our theological position is that set forth in the Word of God and called either, the "Reformed Faith," "Calvinism," or "Covenant Theology." The Westminster Confession of Faith and its catechisms comprise our system of theology and they are available online from several sources.
We are a
Church—a body of believers joined together by our common faith in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ at Calvary—and held together by the grace of God manifested in mutual love and confidence. Our earnest desire is to be a body seeking to "behold God, pursue holiness and proclaim Christ."
Please search out all the features of our website and look in on the denomination's page as well--you will find more information on the Confession of Faith and our form of government there.
And finally, we also have the joy and privilege of operating a
Christian school in University Place. Our church by-laws call for us to maintain a school that will provide the children of our area with a sound education that is based on Christian principles. Heritage Christian School has been a part of the life of the church for over four decades and many of our children have attended there; learning the usual subjects associated with a K-8th grade education, as well as, memorizing Scripture and the Westminster Shorter Catechism.
But Heritage has a much wider witness to the community and ministers to the entire region. We are especially thankful to be able to offer a quality Christian education to the military families in our area. If you would like to know more about this ministry of the church, please follow the Heritage Christian School link on our web page.
We would love to have you visit, and if you come, please give us the opportunity to meet you and talk with you personally. Thank you again for your interest and may God bless you.
Grace and Peace,
G.W. Fisher