Stornoway Reformed Presbyterian Church
Rev Kenneth Stewart | Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland
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As a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland denomination, we are an evangelical, reformed fellowship in Stornoway. Come and worship with us!
Service Times
Lord's Day Morning Worship ... 11.00 a.m.
Lord's Day Evening Worship ... 6.30 p.m.
Midweek Prayer Meeting .. 7.30 p.m.
Primary Speaker: Kenneth Stewart
-- sermons by speaker -- Baxter, Jonathan 1 Coghill, Andrew 1 Donachie, Tim 18 Dunlap, Joe 1 Forbes, John 1 Fraser, David S. 8 Gillies, Ian 11 Gunn, Gary 16 Karoon, David 353 Kelly, Douglas F. 2 Kerr, Andrew 5 Konteh, Sylvester 1 Loughridge, Peter 5 Lowery, Benjamin 5 Macaskill, George 20 Macdonald, Donald 60 MacDonald, Kenneth 7 Mackinnon, Daniel 2 Macleod, John 20 Matthess, Bill 8 McCollum, Jonny 5 McCollum, Robert 6 McCollum, Stephen 611 Milligan, Gerald 4 Moffett, Philip 1 O'Neil, Jeff 12 Peel, Warren 4 Quigley, Andrew 4 Roberts, Maurice 12 Scott, Craig J. 32 Silversides, David 6 Smith, Iain 4 Steele, Stephen 8 Stewart, Kenneth 229
Reformed Presbyterian
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Member Since
July 2011