Welcome to Independent. As any tour guide or history book may tell you, The Independent Presbyterian Church of Savannah has been part of Savannah since 1755 and its building is one of the central landmarks of the city. However, it would be a mistake to think of I.P.C. as simply an historic monument or a curious throwback to an earlier time.
Primary Speaker: Terry L. JohnsonTerry was born and raised in the Los Angeles area. His home church was Baptist, his sport was baseball, and his favorite class was history. As an undergraduate at the University of Southern California, he continued to play baseball and study history. But he... | more..
The main thing I like about SermonAudio is their longevity. They have delivered a reliable ministry tool and have a proven track record. They are great to work with and always are responsive to needs we have and willing to listen to suggestions we offer. SermonAudio offers us such a great means to reach into homes and expand on to different platforms. It allows folks in our congregation to listen to messages on the go or as they sit at their computer at home. I’m thankful that the SermonAudio staff is committed to developing, enhancing and upgrading their features on a continuing basis. Keep up the great work there!
For many years I have sensed that our Sundays feel rushed. When years ago the evening service was at 6:30 PM, the time between services was more restful. The extra hour turn-around time made a significant difference. During the pandemic we experience..
The human soul was made to know and worship God. We experience something deeply fulfilling when we worship the true God in the true way, in “spirit and truth,” as Jesus said (John 4:23). The problem today is that such worship is difficult..