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Harmony Primitive Baptist Church
Elder Daniel Samons  |  Donaldson, Arkansas
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Harmony Primitive Baptist Church
413 North Front Street
Donaldson, AR 71941
P.O. Box 351
Donaldson, AR 71941
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Harmony Primitive Baptist Church

Our Worship & Beliefs

We believe a walk and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the most abundant life we can enjoy this side of heaven. The blessings that we have experienced in God’s house are too numerous to explain in this little handout, some of which include: the forgiveness of sins, the fellowship with the saints of God, the learning about heaven and immortal glory, how we are to conduct ourselves in this sinful world, how we are love one another, guide our children and conduct our marriages. We believe our lives have been enriched by knowing more about Jesus Christ and what He has done for us. His fellowship is truly found within the walls of His Church. If you have felt in your heart that something is missing in your life we believe that something will be found within the walls of God’s house and among His people who continue to look for His return and our final deliverance.

We believe that salvation is by the grace of God and not by the works of man. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:8-10)

We believe the Church of Jesus Christ to be of paramount importance to the family. In this sinful age in which we live, families need to be connected firmly to the Lord and His house to strengthen their marriages, to guide their children and for the encouragement of those whose lives have been cast down by Satan and sin. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, come and receive light!

We are thankful to have you interested in visiting us as we come to worship and adore our Lord Jesus Christ. We trust you will receive a blessing from our worship service and when you leave you will say, “It was good to be in the house of the Lord.” If this is your first time to visit a Primitive Baptist Church we hope you enjoy the simplicity of our worship service. It is our desire to please our Lord Jesus Christ by worshipping Him in the same way as the Apostles and first disciples of Christ as we find in the New Testament. Read below for further information about our doctrine and practice. May God add His blessings to you and may all that we say and do lead you only closer to our Lord Jesus Christ, the fount of every blessing! Our format is simple. Families sit together during the worship, sing together and hear the same message. This encourages dialogue between family members about the message. This is our primary Bible study. We worship as an adoring assembly. We all participate in congregational singing as we find in the New Testament (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16).

Sunday Morning Order of Worship

10:30 Congregational Singing
11:00 Welcome, Announcements & Prayer
11:10 Preaching
11:55 Invitational Hymn & Handshake
12:00 Prayer Requests & Benediction
12:15 Potluck Lunch & Fellowship in Basement on 1st and 3rd Sundays

About Our Invitational Hymn

At the conclusion of each message, we sing a song during which we extend the opportunity for Church membership. If you desire to join the Church you may come forward after the song begins, or as you come through the handshake and make your request known to the pastor. If you are already a member of a Primitive Baptist Church, you may use this time to ask for your letter to be moved to Harmony. If you have not been baptized by immersion, or if your membership is with another denomination, we believe it is biblical for you to submit to our baptism (Acts 19:4-5).

About Our Handshake

As mentioned above, at the conclusion of our message we sing an invitational hymn and extend an opportunity for those desiring Church membership. After the first verse of this song we all shake hands. It is our way to express our mutual love for one another. Everyone is welcome to participate in the hand shake!


If you desire, you may contribute by:

  1. Personally giving your contribution to a deacon of the Church.
  2. Placing your contribution in one of the contribution plates on the table in front of the podium.
  3. Dropping your contribution in the contribution box located on the wall by the front door.

Recordings ministry

If you would enjoy recordings of our services, we will be happy to place you on our CD ministry list. Many sermons are available for download or just drop us an e-mail at recordings@harmonypbchurch.org. There is no charge for our CDs. A list of sermons for order can be found on our recordings page.


Harmony Church is located at Donaldson, halfway between Malvern and Arkadelphia at the foot of the newly constructed overpass on Highway 67. The Church is approximately 10 miles from each city. You can see our meeting house easily from the highway. If you are traveling west on I-30, take the Malvern exit, go into Malvern and take Highway 67 west. If you are traveling east on I-30, take the Friendship exit to highway 67 east.

Service Times
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Primary Speaker:
Neil Phelan Jr.

Samons, Daniel • 314 sermons | new!
Phelan Jr, Neil • 522 sermons
Group Primitive Baptist
Attendance 1-100
Bible Version KJV
Type Church
Total Sermons 1,001
Live Webcast Live H.264 Video + Mobile + TV
Member Since September 2008
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Location Donaldson, Arkansas
Country United States
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Harmony Primitive Baptist Church
413 North Front Street
Donaldson, AR 71941
Mail Address P.O. Box 351
Donaldson, AR 71941
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