Fundamental in Doctrine, believing in the divine authority and verbal inspiration of the Bible, and the great fundamental doctrines of grace it contains. The Scriptures alone are the supreme authority in matters of faith and practice. The Free Presbyterian Church uses only the Authorized Version (KJV) of the Bible.
Separatist in Practice, believing and practicing the doctrine of Biblical separatism. In accordance with this, the Free Presbyterian Church has no association with the modern Ecumenical or Charismatic movements, nor will it fellowship with any church which has departed from the fundamental doctrines of the Word of God.
Service Times
Lord's Day Services 11:30 am ,7pm
Tuesday Bible Study-8pm
-- sermons by speaker -- Abernethy, Darryl 5 Allen, Austin 4 Alvarez, Angel 1 Anderson, David (FPC) 1 Armstrong, John 2 Arnold, Ford 1 Backhurst, Paul A. 2 Baker, Patrick 3 Barnes, Stanley 2 Baxter, Maurice 2 Baxter, Trevor 10 Beggs, James 1 Bell, Philip 1 Blakely, Frank 4 Boyd, Kyle 1 Boyd, Lyle 2 Boyle, Jason 1 Brown, Ian 2 Burke, David 2 Cairns, Alan 11 Cameron, Margaret 1 Campbell, Ian 4 Campbell, Nigel 3 Carscadden, Ray 1 Cartwright, Ivor 7 Cheptoo, A 1 Cranston, Reginald 2 Crawford, Stephen 3 Creane, David 7 Creane, Jonathan 3 Curran, Leslie 12 Dane, Gordon 3 Davidson, Sam 8 Davidson, Sammy 3 Dennison, Craig 10 Douglas Jr, John 1 Douglas, John 11 Dunlop, Kathryn 1 Eccles, Jonathan 7 Eccles, Matthew 5 Edwards, Richard 1 Elliott, Ken 2 English, Gilbert 1 Ervine, Timothy 2 Erwin, Derek 2 Ferguson, Gordon 17 Fernandez, Angel A 4 Fitton, Andrew 2 Fitton, Samuel 4 Fitzsimons, Aaron 13 Fitzsimons, Pamela 1 Fitzsimons, Paul 4 Foster, Andy 1 Foster, Bernadette 1 Foster, Paul 496 Gardiner, Philip 1 Gibson, Campbell 1 Gibson, Gregory 8 Gillespie, Joy 1 Gilmore, Tommy 3 Goodes, Gary 4 Graham, Kyle 1 Graham, Wesley 1 Greenfield, Fred 9 Greer, John 3 Greer, Stephen 7 Haffey, Joel 1 Haffey, Paul 1 Hall, Ralph 4 Hamilton, Glenn 6 Hamilton, Stephen 1 Hanna, David 2 Hanna, John 1 Hanna, Paul 21 Hanna, Thomas 3 Hatrick, Sam 1 Henderson, Daniel 8 Higgins, Matthew 4 Higginson, Roger 5 Houston, Sam 1 Irwin, Andrew 2 Irwin, Wesley 8 Jamison, Stephen 2 Johnston, Cyril 2 Johnston, Shirley 1 Johnstone, David 3 Johnstone, Ron 71 Jordan, Jonathan 3 Kennedy, Adam 2 Kenny, Ian 6 Killen, Chris 12 Knowles, Philip 2 Kyle, Stephen 3 Laverty, Thomas 5 Lecky, Marcus 9 Linden, David 2 Linden, David 4 Logan, Christina 2 Lucas, Graham 16 Marley, Gearóid 1 Martin, Thomas 8 Maxwell, Colin 16 Maxwell, Victor 1 McAuley, David 1 McCammon, Gregory 2 McCaughey, Maurice 7 McCauley, Jim 3 McClung, Brian 1 McComb, Dessie 4 McCombe, D 2 McConnell, Ivor 1 McConnell, Robert 2 McCracken, Ronnie 1 McCrea, Stephen 1 McCrea, William 3 McDermott, William 10 McIlveen, David 2 McIntyre, Peter 3 McKee, Ryan 5 McLeod, Kevin 2 McLernon, Raymond 10 McVeigh, Ian 2 McVeigh, Nathan 4 Mercer, Colin 10 Middleton, Graham 1 Millen, Philip 2 Miller, Stephen 2 Moffatt, Joshua 3 Moffatt, Philip 1 Morrison, Samuel 3 Morrow, John 5 Murray, Andrew 1 Murray, D. Andrew 2 Murray, Samuel 14 Murray, Thomas 4 Neilly, Averil 2 Nelson, Stephen 7 Nelson, Timothy 4 Olphert, Paul 2 Ormerod, Julie 1 Ormerod, Robert 2 Ormerod, Timothy 4 Orr, Christopher 1 Park, David 3 Parke, Ivor 4 Patrick, Michael 8 Patterson, Andrew 6 Patterson, M 5 Patterson, Malcolm 1 Patterson, Malcolm (Kenya) 2 Peden, Joe 16 Pollock, Stephen 14 Porter, James 4 Power, Larry 2 Presley, David 3 Priestley, David 8 Roberts, Danny 2 Roberts, Paul 1 Robinson, Philip 1 Robinson, Raymond 4 Russell, Margaret 1 Salt, Cairin 4 Saunders, Larry 1 Shields, Noel 8 Smith, David 1 Smith, David 7 Smith, Jonathan 2 Smith, Jonathon 3 Smylie, Alan 6 Smyth, Eric 3 Smyth, Nigel 3 Steenson, Mervyn 1 Sterritt, Nigel 3 Stevenson, Noel 3 Stewart, Andrew 6 Storey, Jonathan 4 Thomassian, Armen 2 Uprichard, Dynes 3 Various Speakers 1 Walsh, Joyce 2 Whiteside, Jonathan 1 Whiteside, William 17 Wilkinson, Glenn 5 Wilson, David 10 Wilson, Garth 4 Witte, Mark 1 Woods, John 1
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December 2008
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