To defend the Traditional English Translation of the Bible - the King James Version (or Authorized Version) as a true, faithful, and accurate translation from the underlying original Texts which have been providentially preserved for us, which Translation has no equal in our time among all of the other English "Translations".
-- sermons by speaker -- Almeida, Pedro 3 Barnett, Robert J. 27 Bennett, David 15 Bieber, Harvey 2 Boys, Don 5 Branine, Clinton 9 Brown, David L. 10 Brown, Ralph 2 Bynum, E. L. 1 Cassidy, Thomas 2 Champeon, Don 8 Cloud, David 3 Cooper, David 6 Cummins, Bruce 1 Darrow, F. William 1 Dennis Sr, Russ 3 DeWitt, Ed 13 Dickerson, Alan 1 DiVietro, Kirk 24 Donate, Carlos 1 Doom, Bob 10 Fedena, Paul 4 Fuller, David O. 1 Gibson, Denis 13 Golden, Thomas 1 Gomez, Humberto 7 Grasser, Ted 1 Griggs, Charles 1 Grumblatt, James 10 Haws, LB 2 Hendricks, Bill 10 Hollowood, J. David 19 Hollowood, M. James 14 Hooper, Jerry L 1 Jasmin, D.D, Don 13 Joah, Solomon 1 Johnson, Alan 1 Johnson, James J. S. 1 Khoo, Jeffrey 1 Krinke, John 6 Lopez, Peter 2 Maynard, Michael 1 Monte, Marc 1 Monte, Michael 4 Moorman, Jack A. 12 Nichols, Charles 2 Pangburn, Fred 1 Qurello, James 1 Rainey, Ken 13 Randolph, William 1 Reed, Paul 1 Reno, J. Paul 17 Reno, Mark 7 Rice, Jeremy 1 Rodriguez, Emmanuel 2 Rose, Tom 2 Rowland, J. P. 2 Rushmeier, Stephen A. 2 Schindler, Fred 1 Shepherd, Brian 4 Sheppard, Bill 5 Smith, Jeremy 1 Smith, Steven 1 Sorenson, David 3 Spence, H. T. 1 Spencer, Christian 9 Spitsbergen, Tim 3 Steward, Bob 10 Stringer, Phil 8 Strouse, Thomas 4 Sutton, Darrell 1 Tottingham, Ron 2 VanKleeck, Peter 4 VanKleeck, William 4 Waite Jr., D. A. 5 Waite, D. A. 54 Waite, Daniel 23 Waite, Yvonne Sanborn 9 Webb, Gary 2 Whilhelm, Jeremy 1 Williams, H. D. 13 Winograd, Rob 8 Yun, Samuel 7 Zeinner, Stephen 6
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