Grace Baptist Church came into existence by the Providence of God when Hurricane Harvey hit Southeast Texas in 2017 with more than 60 inches of water in two days. Friendship and Central Baptist Churches were brought together to become a new congregation on December 9th, 2018. Now we serve the Lord as a new congregation with a new name, but with the same hope which God has given us in the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Savior.
I have recommended SermonAudio to all the pastors in my fellowship of churches. One of the main benefits of being on SermonAudio is the much broader audience you reach. The audience is huge, much larger than your normal sphere of influence each Sunday and better than your own church website by far. Before SermonAudio I used to spend lots of times working on our website and putting up sermons and maybe having ten people “visit” our site a month. Since being on SermonAudio for less than six months, we have had nearly 3000 downloads of our sermons. I love the reports that tell us that we are reaching countries we could never otherwise dream of reaching and our highest amount of downloads come from Spain and Brazil. SermonAudio allows us to reach places with God’s Word I will never be. Also, our church is located in a region where lots of people come and work for a few months at a time and return back to where they live. These oil industry workers often find us on line and listen to us or read the articles I post. Just a couple of Sundays ago a couple (one of them from the Philippines and one from Alaska) came and worshipped with us. They will be leaving in a few weeks but they told me when they come back next summer that they will be worshiping with us again. We had another couple who attended Steve Lawson’s church when he was in Mobile, AL. They moved to our region and found our church and worshipped with us several times. Although they ended up living too far to worship weekly with us, they decided to set us up and pay our monthly fee on SermonAudio! Of all the internet ministry tools out there for churches to access, this is by far the most significant one there is!