We praise God for sending you to our web site! Our prayer is that through the services and ministries of this church you will grow in your relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We sincerely pray that you may experience the abundant life that God has made available to all who come to Him (John 10:10).
Service Times
Sunday (Lord's Day Service)
9:30 AM Adult & Children's Sunday Schools 10:30 AM Call To Worship
6:15 PM Worship Together 6:30 PM Prayer, Praise, & Worship Service
Primary Speaker: Jerry MarcellinoJerry Marcellino has been a full-time pastor since 1988 and has been the pastor of Audubon Drive Bible Church in Laurel, Mississippi, since 1993 (www.audubonchurch.org). He and his wife of over 35 years, Dawn, are the blessed parents of seven children (five... | more..