Welcome to our Church Web Site!
You are welcome to join us for our regular Sunday Worship Services at
9:30am and 6pm.
To download recent sermons that you can download and listen to please visit our church website at http://heritagereformed.com/sermonlibrary/content/ind...
Grace Reformed Christian Church is committed to a Christ-centered focus, Word-centered worship, and God-centered living. Our church is a member of the Heritage Reformed Congregations with roots in the Protestant Reformation. Our beliefs are summarized in the Heidelberg...
The Heritage Reformed Congregation of Grand Rapids aims to remain true to God's Holy and infallible Word as expounded in the Reformed doctrinal standards: the Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt. Though never adopted as such due to rootage in...
We warmly invite you to join us in worshipping the Lord at our 10:30 AM and 4:30 PM worship services. You can also share a meal with a welcoming family between the services if you wish!
Our worship services are simple, straightforward, with the focus being on God's Wor...
Welcome! Out of the Protestant Reformation came the Latin phrase ecclesia semper reformans, semper reformanda, meaning "the church is always reformed and always reforming." We strive, by God's grace, to be such a church. We bear a clear and distinctive witness to th...
The Heritage Reformed Congregation of Conway is committed to having a Christ-centered focus, Word-centered worship, and God-centered living. Our church is a member of the Heritage Reformed Congregations with roots in the Protestant Reformation. We believe the Heidelberg...
Our Beliefs - Heritage Reformed Denomination
We believe that the basis of truth and education must be found in the Triune God and His infallible Word. All core beliefs must be based upon principles established in the infallible sixty-six books of sacred Scripture.
Hope Reformed Church of Tillsonburg is a gospel-centred, Bible-believing church which confesses that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. We are a member of the Heritage Reformed Churches. We are Reformed in our doctrine and worship, and derive our heritage from t...
Pastor Pieter van der Hoek, serves as a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation of Hull. He previously served the Burgessville congregation. He graduated from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and was ordained to Gospel Ministry in January 2017. He, his wife Ha...
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is an educational institution whose mission is to prepare students to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry. The seminary aims that such training be God-glorifying and be in accord with t...