Daniel Chamberlin | Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
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MyChurch: covenantbaptist | Set MyChurch Code#: 97528
Speaker: John Dodgen
622 sermons
Children, Fathers, Young Men
Here are prerequisites for following the duties set forth in the epistle, offering encouragement to all sincere believers.
>The Jealous Love of God - 9/8/1993 Jesus' Power to Lay Down Life - 1/26/2003 The World of John 3:16 - 12/25/2005 Myth of Human Autonomy - 7/30/2006 Vine and Branches - 8/27/2006 Confidence in the Holy Bible - 11/5/2006 Primacy of the Local Church - 11/12/2006 Who Should Take Communion? - 12/24/2006 Christ Knocking at the Door - 1/7/2007 Greatness in God's Kingdom - 1/28/2007 Baptism and a Good Conscience - 2/18/2007 The Church and Politics - 3/18/2007 Why Do You Rejoice? - 4/15/2007 Doubting Thomas - 5/13/2007 Backsliding Cured by Grace - 6/10/2007 Healing and Healers - 7/1/2007 Healing in James 5 - 7/8/2007 Giving Thanks in Every Thing - 11/18/2007 Ezekiel the Watchman - 11/25/2007 Making Sense of Proverbs 22:6 - 2/24/2008 Church's Response to Threats - 3/16/2008 Who Troubles Israel? - 5/11/2008 Psalm 92 - 6/8/2008 True Faith Distinguished - 6/15/2008 Learning Contentment - 8/10/2008 God's Present Kingdom - 12/14/2008 The Public Worship of God - 3/1/2009 Biblical Sanctification - 3/29/2009 Biblical Sanctification, Pt 2 - 3/29/2009 Not Sorrowing as the Hopeless - 5/24/2009 What Kind of Person Are You? - 7/5/2009 Prolonging Christ's Visits - 7/12/2009 The Aloneness of Christ - 7/26/2009 True Discipleship - 7/26/2009 Hope Amidst Sorrow - 8/23/2009 Gray Hairs Here and There - 9/27/2009 What to Do in National Turmoil - 11/1/2009 Reverence for God - 11/15/2009 Running the Race - 12/13/2009 Renewed Goal for a New Year - 1/3/2010 A Message to Dying People - 1/24/2010 Union with Christ - 2/7/2010 The Question in the Valley - 2/14/2010 God's Big Fire - 2/21/2010 Paul's Catechism of Comfort - 3/21/2010 The Salt of the Earth - 5/9/2010 We Need to Hear Gospel Again - 5/9/2010 Why I Use the KJV - 5/9/2010 The Faith of Christ - 6/20/2010 All Tears Wiped Away - 7/11/2010 Knowing Satan's Devices - 7/25/2010 Holiness Required for Heaven - 8/1/2010 Opportunity to Return to Ur - 11/21/2010 The Good Fight of Faith - 12/5/2010 Should We Use an Altar Call? - 12/26/2010 Reverence and Godly Fear - 12/26/2010 Christ's Preincarnate Glory - 5/29/2011 Christ at Father's Right Hand - 6/5/2011 What Does Christ Mean to You? - 6/12/2011 Pride (Part 1) - 6/26/2011 Pride (Part 2) - 6/26/2011 Are We Living in Babylon? - 7/10/2011 Growing in Grace - 10/23/2011 Spiritual EKG - 10/30/2011 God's Retirement Plan - 1/15/2012 Battle for Preaching (Part 1) - 1/29/2012 Battle for Preaching (Part 2) - 1/29/2012 We Win! - 2/5/2012 Measure of Love for Christ - 2/12/2012 All Things Against Me - 2/12/2012 Christ at Prayer - 2/19/2012 Christ Liveth in Me (Part 1) - 2/26/2012 Christ Liveth in Me (Part 2) - 2/26/2012 Assurance & Conviction of Sin - 3/11/2012 God's Word and Social Media - 8/12/2012 Revelation 1, Christ Disclosed - 9/23/2012 Abraham's Great Test - 9/30/2012 Pray Not for This People - 10/28/2012 Tattoos and Body Piercings - 2/24/2013 The King on His Throne - 3/24/2013 God With You - 3/24/2013 Why God Leaves Indwelling Sin - 4/28/2013 Thinking About Ourselves - 1 - 7/7/2013 Thinking About Ourselves - 2 - 7/7/2013 How We Think About Others - 7/21/2013 The Talents God Entrusts to Us - 7/21/2013 Christ's Real Sympathy - 9/1/2013 Remedy for Heart Trouble - 9/1/2013 Practical Implication of Grace - 9/1/2013 When God Wakes Up - 10/27/2013 Meditation of the Blessed Man - 12/29/2013 Sweet Meditation - 12/29/2013 Sanctification and Scripture - 1/19/2014 Church Growth in The Acts - 1/26/2014 Loving Neighbor as Self - 2/2/2014 Loving Neighbor as Self (2) - 2/2/2014 Why Humility? - 2/11/2014 Unspotted from the World - 3/9/2014 Sons of God in This World - 3/16/2014 His Increase and Our Decrease - 3/30/2014 His Increase and Our Decrease - 3/30/2014 Learning From Job - 7/20/2014 Soldier Model in Evangelism - 7/20/2014 Athlete Model in Evangelism - 7/20/2014 Farmer Model in Evangelism - 7/20/2014 Learning From Brother Justus - 7/20/2014 Servant Model in Evangelism - 8/10/2014 Progress in Christian Life - 8/10/2014 Eternal Manhood: False - 8/24/2014 Joy in God's Sovereignty - 9/14/2014 Psychology and Counseling - 9/21/2014 How Joseph Prevented Sin - 9/28/2014 Lazarus in the Crosshairs - 10/5/2014 Realistic Expectations - 10/19/2014 Our Debt of Gratitude - 11/23/2014 The Goal of Missions - 4/5/2015 Love in Marriage - 4/5/2015 Love and Friendship - 4/5/2015 Gastronomic Evangelism - 4/26/2015 God Overrules Satan's Ploys - 7/19/2015 Christ Willing, Man Unwilling - 8/16/2015 The Saints' Continuing City - 11/22/2015 Wrath of Man Praises God - 12/6/2015 Hope for Downcast Souls - 1/31/2016 God's Holiness and Ours - 2/7/2016 Proud or Humble? - 2/14/2016 Love Not the World - 2/28/2016 Union With Christ in Life - 3/27/2016 Biblical Perspective on Time - 4/17/2016 Pride, Gossip, Criticism (1) - 4/17/2016 Pride, Gossip, Criticism (2) - 4/17/2016 Reciprocating God's Love - 4/24/2016 Antinomian Freedom - 7/3/2016 Receiving Correction Correctly - 7/17/2016 What Do Ye More Than Others? - 10/2/2016 Present Political Situation - 10/9/2016 Fatalism - 10/16/2016 The Problem of Evil - 10/23/2016 Predestination and Prayer - 10/30/2016 Civil Government in the NT - 11/6/2016 Mary and Joseph's Reproach - 1/18/2017 Children and Grown-Ups - 2/8/2017 God Not Ashamed - 5/7/2017 God's Will and Your Sickness - 6/25/2017 Working Out What God Works In - 7/2/2017 Rejoicing in Tribulation - 8/27/2017 Lying: Its Evil and End - 9/3/2017 Or Even as This Publican - 9/3/2017 Walking Circumspectly - 10/22/2017 Thoughts on the Reformation - 10/29/2017 Hezekiah's Heart Sin Exposed - 11/12/2017 David Strengthened, Encouraged - 12/3/2017 Open and Hidden Works - 12/10/2017 Day of Small Things - 12/31/2017 Why Cast Down? - 1/7/2018 Perfecting Work of Patience - 1/14/2018 The Mystery of the Kingdom - 1/21/2018 Good to Draw Near to God - 1/28/2018 Rules for Reading Scripture - 2/4/2018 Perfecting Holiness - 3/11/2018 Checking Spiritual Barometer - 3/11/2018 Benevolent & Complacent Love - 3/18/2018 Traditions - 3/25/2018 How God Is Identified - 5/13/2018 Jesus at Twelve in the Temple - 5/20/2018 Satan's Target - 6/3/2018 Not Weary in Well Doing - 6/17/2018 God Who Raises the Dead - 7/1/2018 Chosen in Furnace, Affliction - 7/8/2018 Habakkuk's Joy and Ours - 7/29/2018 Sincerity - 8/5/2018 The Christian Marathon - 8/12/2018 Joy in Heaven Over Hell - 10/28/2018 Little Things - 11/25/2018 Our Very Present Help - 12/30/2018 Snapshots of Prayer - 3/3/2019 Living in Sodom - 3/10/2019 Does God Lead Into Temptation? - 3/17/2019 Thomas Watson on Temptation - 3/31/2019 Growing on the Stony Ground - 5/12/2019 Knowledge Now and Hereafter - 6/9/2019 Sonship and Character - 6/16/2019 The Silence of God - 6/16/2019 Barnabas, Son of Consolation - 6/30/2019 Is There Not a Cause? - 7/7/2019 Nothing Too Hard for God - 7/14/2019 Are There Windows in Heaven? - 7/21/2019 Where Is Your God? - 7/28/2019 Worship Innovations - 8/4/2019 That I Might Not Sin - 8/11/2019 Pure in Heart Blessed - 8/18/2019 Don't Offend the Pharisees - 9/1/2019 Your Heavenly Father Knows - 9/8/2019 Children, Fathers, Young Men - 9/15/2019 Lordship: End of Christ's Deat - 9/29/2019 Rejoicing and Trembling - 10/8/2019 Sovereignty and Responsibility - 11/3/2019 Christian Commitment - 11/10/2019 Outworking God's Inworking - 11/17/2019 Christian Stewardship - 11/24/2019 Who Can Be Against Us? - 12/8/2019 Good to Draw Near to God - 12/15/2019 Will He Find Faith on Earth? - 12/22/2019 The Widow and the Judge - 12/29/2019 Christ Suffering Before Glory - 1/5/2020 Thoughts on Mortification - 1/19/2020 Defining Principles - 1/26/2020 Weakness and Strength - 1/26/2020 Forgiveness - 2/2/2020 The Greatest Commandment - 2/9/2020 Directions for Holiness - 2/16/2020 Though He Slay Me - 2/23/2020 God's Voice in Coronavirus - 4/5/2020 God's Love Begets Ours - 5/3/2020 Emotions of Jesus - 5/10/2020 What Can the Righteous Do? - 6/7/2020 A Growing Faith - 6/21/2020 Under the Law to Christ - 7/5/2020 Shield of Faith - 7/26/2020 Satan's Fiery Darts - 8/2/2020 Intense Devotion to God - 8/23/2020 What Are They Among So Many? - 9/6/2020 Injustice of Social Justice - 9/20/2020 Providence - 10/4/2020 Grieve Not the Holy Spirit - 10/25/2020 Priority of Public Worship - 12/6/2020 Our Habakkuk Moment - 12/20/2020 Redemption of Time - 1/3/2021 Know That I Am God - 1/10/2021 Jonah: Reluctant Prophet - 1/24/2021 Mt. Everest of Scripture - 1/31/2021 Declension and Renewal - 2/14/2021 Revival: What It Is - 4/4/2021 Love Not the World - 5/2/2021 Keeping in God's Love - 5/2/2021 Believer's Sins Worse Than - 5/9/2021 Christ in Psalm 22 - 6/6/2021 Fear Not - 8/1/2021 Benefits of Persecution - 8/15/2021 Spoiled Through Philosophy - 9/5/2021 Envying Sinners - 9/26/2021 God's Thoughts - 10/3/2021 God Provides - 10/31/2021 God's Word and Covid Mandates - 11/21/2021 Sadducees and the Scriptures - 12/5/2021 Israel and Achan - 1/2/2022 Evil of Canada C4 Bill - 1/16/2022 A Call to Prayer - 1/30/2022 Watchman on the Wall - 2/6/2022 Parable of Talents - 2/20/2022 All Authority Given to Christ - 2/27/2022 The Overcomer - 3/6/2022 Preaching Everywhere - 3/13/2022 With or Against Christ? - 4/24/2022 Am I a Christian? - 5/15/2022 How Can I Know? (Part 2) - 5/22/2022 The Violent Christian - 5/29/2022 Examine Yourselves - 6/5/2022 God on His Throne in Glory - 6/12/2022 Job Praying for Friends - 8/14/2022 Redemption Song - 8/21/2022 Thoughts on Predestination - 8/28/2022 Job's Blind Trust in God - 10/23/2022 Biblical Pronouns - 1/15/2023 Revival and Asbury - 2/19/2023 Christ Is Coming Again! - 3/5/2023 Ministry of Angels - 3/12/2023 How Old Cov. relates to New - 3/26/2023 Help Thou Mine Unbelief! - 4/2/2023 Gospel Declared to Brethren - 4/9/2023 2 John: Persevere! - 5/7/2023 Giving to the Gospel Ministry - 6/4/2023 Warning to Lawyers - 7/23/2023 Mighty Men - 7/30/2023 God's Gift of Sabbath - 8/20/2023 Believing & Confessing Christ - 9/3/2023 Giants in the Land - 9/24/2023 God Uses a Few - 9/24/2023 You Are Salt and Light - 10/22/2023 Lovers of God - 11/12/2023 Herod, James, and Peter - 11/12/2023 Where Are the Nine? - 11/19/2023 How to Know If God Loves You - 11/26/2023 Encourage Yourself in Your God - 12/3/2023 Sins of Believers Worse - 12/3/2023 God's Remnant - 12/31/2023 Two or Three Gathered - 1/7/2024 Duty of Rejoicing - 1/21/2024 David's Valiant Three - 4/7/2024 Patient Faith Rewarded - 11/3/2024 Baruch's Humble Service - 11/3/2024 Thankfulness in Colossians - 11/24/2024 Patience and Faith of Saints - 12/29/2024
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