Speaker: Dr. Curt D. Daniel
2,143 sermons
History and Theology of Calvinism #36: Original Sin
>What is Calvinism? - 8/30/2004 Augustine and Pre-Calvinism - 8/30/2004 The Reformation - 8/30/2004 John Calvin - 8/30/2004 The Spread of Calvinism - 8/30/2004 The Synod of Dordt - 8/30/2004 The Puritans - 8/30/2004 The Westminster Assembly - 8/30/2004 Covenant Theology - 8/30/2004 High Calvinism - 8/30/2004 Amyraldism - 8/30/2004 Calvinistic Antinomianism - 8/30/2004 Hyper-Calvinism - 8/30/2004 Eighteenth Century Calvinism - 8/30/2004 Jonathan Edwards & New England - 8/30/2004 The Princeton Theology - 8/30/2004 19th Century Calvinism - 8/30/2004 Calvinistic Baptists - 8/30/2004 Dutch Calvinism - 8/30/2004 Calvinistic Philosophy - 8/30/2004 The Theonomy Movement - 8/30/2004 Neo-Orthodoxy - 8/30/2004 20th Century British Calvinism - 8/30/2004 20th Century US Calvinism - 8/30/2004 The Sovereignty of God - 8/30/2004 Predestination - 8/30/2004 Foreknowledge - 8/30/2004 Objections to Predestination - 8/30/2004 The Providence of God - 8/30/2004 The Will of God - 8/30/2004 Sovereignty and Responsibility - 8/30/2004 Prayer and Sovereignty - 8/30/2004 The Glory of God - 8/30/2004 The Origin of Sin - 8/30/2004 Providence and Evil - 8/30/2004 Original Sin - 8/30/2004 Total Depravity - 8/30/2004 The Bondage of the Will - 8/30/2004 Depravity and Responsibility - 8/30/2004 Unconditional Election - 8/30/2004 The Election of Grace - 8/30/2004 Election and Foreknowledge - 8/30/2004 Election in Christ - 8/30/2004 Objections to Election - 8/30/2004 The Destiny of the Elect - 8/30/2004 Implications of Election - 8/30/2004 The Doctrine of Reprobation - 8/30/2004 Hardening of the Reprobate - 8/30/2004 Destiny of the Reprobate - 8/30/2004 Election and Reprobation - 8/30/2004 Order of the Decrees - 8/30/2004 The Election of Angels - 8/30/2004 The Election of Dying Infants - 8/30/2004 Destiny of the Unevangelized - 8/30/2004 The Covenant of Redemption - 8/30/2004 Active and Passive Obedience - 8/30/2004 Extent of the Atonement - 8/30/2004 Limited Atonement - 8/30/2004 Objections: Limited Atonement - 8/30/2004 Irressistible Grace - 8/30/2004 The New Birth - 8/30/2004 The Gift of Faith - 8/30/2004 The Order of Salvation - 8/30/2004 Common Grace - 8/30/2004 Preservation of Saints #1 - 8/30/2004 Preservation of Saints #2 - 8/30/2004 Objections to Eternal Security - 8/30/2004 Reformed Doctrine of Scripture - 8/30/2004 The Two Natures of Christ - 8/30/2004 Reformed Doctrine of Church - 8/30/2004 Reformed Doctrine of Communion - 8/30/2004 Reformed Evangelism - 8/30/2004 Implications of Calvinism - 8/30/2004 The Future of Calvinism - 8/30/2004 Introduction to Calvinism - 8/30/2004
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Dr. Curt D. Daniel
Original Sin History and Theology of Calvin Greenville Seminary
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Florin Motiu (11/30/2007)from Oradea, Romania
Good study. Good explanation of the subject, with biblical basis and views of Catholic and Arminian positions.
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