Speaker: C. H. Spurgeon
8,726 sermons
Their hearts were devoted to their idols!
Another challenging and insightful gem by Spurgeon!
>If I were the devil! - 1/1/1965 Suffering path Christian duty - 1/1/2000 Christ's Bodily Resurrection - 8/6/2000 Dead Who Die in the Lord - 8/6/2000 Be Lifted Up,I'll Draw all Men - 8/6/2000 Jesus Blesses Little Children - 8/6/2000 Judas Iscariot: Applications - 8/6/2000 Providence - 1/1/2007 Leaning on the Beloved - 10/11/2007 A Gentle Heart - 10/20/2007 Christ's Love for Us - 10/25/2007 Contentment - 10/25/2007 Follow the Lamb - 10/25/2007 Home! - 10/25/2007 Meditations for the Sick - 10/25/2007 Vital Piety - 10/25/2007 He Beholds the Idol - 2/23/2008 The Golden Key! - 3/1/2008 Why Does God Allow So Much.. - 3/2/2008 A Continual Supply of Grace - 3/5/2008 A Glance Into Heavenly Bliss - 3/5/2008 Grey Head and a Carnal Heart - 3/5/2008 A Lamb With a Wolf's Head! - 3/5/2008 A Little Nook - 3/5/2008 Poor, Weak and Trembling - 3/5/2008 All Enameled with Free Grace - 3/5/2008 Transparent and Harmonious - 3/5/2008 Altogether Lovely - 3/5/2008 Christ's Garden - 3/5/2008 Contemplating God's Greatness - 3/5/2008 He Has Done All Things Well - 3/5/2008 If God Left Us - 3/5/2008 Made For Frivolities? - 3/5/2008 Perpetual Fuel for Hell - 3/5/2008 Poor Miserable Paltry Works - 3/5/2008 Strewing Flowers - 3/5/2008 Stuffed Christians! - 3/5/2008 The Christian Pilgrim - 3/5/2008 The Fool's Bauble - 3/5/2008 The Holy Spirit - 3/5/2008 The Infinite Ocean! - 3/5/2008 The Knock! - 3/5/2008 More Vile Christ Made Himself - 3/5/2008 Sweeter Morsel for Worm - 3/5/2008 The Trojan Horse - 3/5/2008 What, Lord - 3/5/2008 Twisted Out of My Hand - 3/5/2008 A Little Book with Three Pages - 3/12/2008 A New Impulse, A Nobler Bent - 3/12/2008 Remember Little Elizabeth? - 3/12/2008 For His Poor Rachel - 3/12/2008 Grace Denial - 3/12/2008 Holiness - 3/12/2008 Holy, Holy, Holy - 3/12/2008 Not What I Once Used To Be - 3/12/2008 Look At The King In His Beauty - 3/12/2008 Milk-White - 3/12/2008 Not Our Home - 3/12/2008 Only The Blood Of Christ - 3/12/2008 Prepare To Meet The Monster! - 3/12/2008 The Net! - 3/12/2008 The Plan - 3/12/2008 The Secret of True Happiness - 3/12/2008 There Are Nails In That Cross! - 3/12/2008 They Will Not Believe It - 3/12/2008 What A Comfort Is This!! - 3/12/2008 A Base Heathenish Invention - 4/16/2008 A Cooler Hell - 4/16/2008 A Panacea - 4/16/2008 A Vexing Vanity - 4/16/2008 Whole Volume of Perfections - 4/16/2008 Amusements, Pleasures of World - 4/16/2008 Bliss Beyond What Angels Know - 4/16/2008 Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats - 4/16/2008 God's Love-Letter - 4/16/2008 Bequeath Soul to Devil - 4/16/2008 Idling Life Away Like An Idiot - 4/16/2008 If We Were More Like Christ - 4/16/2008 Not Puny Sinful Worms - 4/16/2008 Some Beloved Idol - 4/16/2008 Spit Out the Sweet Morsels - 4/16/2008 Such A Friend - 4/16/2008 The Most Precious Thing - 4/16/2008 The Way To Be Like Jesus - 4/16/2008 We Get Entangled With Idol - 4/16/2008 Where Then Are All My Spots - 4/16/2008 Who Made You To Differ - 4/16/2008 You Have Been Long A-Gathering - 4/16/2008 A Cold Chill Fell Upon Them! - 5/15/2008 As Proud and Carnal as Ever! - 5/15/2008 You Are Almost Insane - 5/15/2008 He Welcomes Them To Hell - 5/15/2008 He Who Trifles Is a Fool! - 5/15/2008 It Makes Men So Filthy! - 5/15/2008 Let Your Light Shine! - 5/15/2008 Meditation - 5/15/2008 Men May See Something of God - 5/15/2008 Monsters of Cruelty! - 5/15/2008 Pastoral Counsels - 5/15/2008 The Best Means to Mortify Sin - 5/15/2008 The Last Pang, and Groan! - 5/15/2008 The Miserable Dregs of Self! - 5/15/2008 The Mortifying of Darling Sins - 5/15/2008 They Chained and Nailed Apollo - 5/15/2008 This Heavenly Light of Truth - 5/15/2008 Toys and Playthings - 5/15/2008 Treasures and Pleasures! - 5/15/2008 We Rejoice In Afflictions! - 5/15/2008 We Have Been Admiring Ourself - 5/15/2008 What Would You Ask For? - 5/15/2008 When He Shows No Anger! - 5/15/2008 You Blind Fools! - 5/15/2008 Like a Little Blind Child - 6/14/2008 Murdered! - 6/14/2008 Nothing Escapes His Notice - 6/14/2008 Practical Predestination - 6/14/2008 That Spiritual Pipe - 6/14/2008 The Divine Illuminator - 6/14/2008 This Incomparable Book - 6/14/2008 A Whole Christ, a Whole Heart - 6/22/2008 The Guilty Naked Sinner - 6/22/2008 The Unchangeable Method of God - 6/22/2008 This Little Idol - 6/22/2008 Will He Not Stab It - 6/22/2008 Get out of my sight! - 7/5/2008 Happiness hunters - 7/5/2008 Idiots catching flies - 7/5/2008 Oh what crowds! - 7/5/2008 Playing with monkeys - 7/5/2008 Sympathy - 7/5/2008 The best of saints are sinners - 7/5/2008 The golden key - 7/5/2008 To the dust you will return - 7/5/2008 Undeserving, ill-deserving - 7/5/2008 Walking pictures of Christ - 7/5/2008 288 Opinions about happiness - 7/23/2008 A new existence - 7/23/2008 All the sins of the saints - 7/23/2008 An easy hell - 7/23/2008 An ignorant, profane clergy - 7/23/2008 Angels damned - men saved! - 7/23/2008 Constant religious engagements - 7/23/2008 For you - a vile sinner - 7/23/2008 Had I a thousand lives - 7/23/2008 He drank it up - every drop! - 7/23/2008 He who truly believes - 7/23/2008 I might have escaped misery! - 7/23/2008 My needs - His fulness - 7/23/2008 My unstable soul - 7/23/2008 Nine evils - 7/23/2008 Other Baals - 7/23/2008 Such a god should be derided! - 7/23/2008 The ant's nest - 7/23/2008 The Spirit's work in salvation - 7/23/2008 They are all head - no feet - 7/23/2008 True Christianity - 7/23/2008 What a Heaven! - 7/23/2008 You have but a little way! - 7/23/2008 Your spots and blots - 7/23/2008 Afflicted, tormented... - 8/13/2008 Christ, example of ministers - 8/13/2008 Constant multiplication - 8/13/2008 Do you act, as you pray? - 8/13/2008 Eternal... predestination - 8/13/2008 God's Jewels - 8/13/2008 His life is the textbook - 8/13/2008 I am confounded with wonder! - 8/13/2008 Ignorant formal Christianity - 8/13/2008 Life is too short - 8/13/2008 Satan's apes! - 8/13/2008 Satan's workshop! - 8/13/2008 She is ugly! - 8/13/2008 Supremely precious - 8/13/2008 Temptations work for our good - 8/13/2008 That heavenly teacher - 8/13/2008 The city was full of idols! - 8/13/2008 The devil's tennis ball - 8/13/2008 Difference - Godly & Ungodly - 8/13/2008 The Lord reigns! - 8/13/2008 The path of the scissors - 8/13/2008 The religionists of the day - 8/13/2008 The silent influence - 8/13/2008 The tenderness of God - 8/13/2008 Pleasure-loving... age - 8/13/2008 Does God Love Everyone? - 8/17/2008 A shelf in my head! - 9/13/2008 Afflictions of God's people - 9/13/2008 All the hell you'll ever have - 9/13/2008 An ice house! - 9/13/2008 An inexhaustable fullness! - 9/13/2008 Communion with Jesus - 9/13/2008 Fear Him! - 9/13/2008 Flesh-pleasing pulpit opiates! - 9/13/2008 High, supercilious thoughts - 9/13/2008 His uplifted dart - 9/13/2008 I would unmask the devil! - 9/13/2008 Is this your religion? - 9/13/2008 Lord, smite this sin - 9/13/2008 No dirty dogs! - 9/13/2008 Oh, how changed a man he is! - 9/13/2008 Our continual need of Christ - 9/13/2008 Rich in spiritual experiences - 9/13/2008 The dregs of old age - 9/13/2008 The great foster-parent - 9/13/2008 The robe! - 9/13/2008 The scale! - 9/13/2008 The wrath of God! - 9/13/2008 Trace the steps of His feet - 9/13/2008 Who can wonder? - 9/13/2008 You may get a ticket to hell! - 9/13/2008 A house without light - 1/10/2009 But, oh the struggle! - 1/10/2009 Helpless, hopeless, friendless - 1/10/2009 'Clods of earth'... - 1/10/2009 Not charity - but cruelty - 1/10/2009 Nothing done for Christ, lost! - 1/10/2009 Only a plain common day - 1/10/2009 Poor, naked, penniless - 1/10/2009 Subdued by sovereign love - 1/10/2009 An unholy man went to heaven - 1/10/2009 Sweet buy! - 1/10/2009 The Christian journey - 1/10/2009 The Delilah in the bosom - 1/10/2009 The Devil's brat - 1/10/2009 The domestic slave - 1/10/2009 The only true delight - 1/10/2009 The silver vein of sanctity - 1/10/2009 The workings of grace in heart - 1/10/2009 This is a golden rule indeed! - 1/10/2009 Toys, sports, and games... - 1/10/2009 View well the monster - 1/10/2009 We are not flogged into loving - 1/10/2009 What! - 1/10/2009 Your hearts have gone awhoring - 1/10/2009 The nature of man - 2/6/2009 A decent way to destruction! - 2/18/2009 As he snuffs gale of applause! - 2/18/2009 Do not be proud - 2/18/2009 Do not expect a smooth path - 2/18/2009 Essential to usefulness - 2/18/2009 God will not throw away jewels - 2/18/2009 How can we learn contentment? - 2/18/2009 I have much more to say to you - 2/18/2009 It will be bitter - 2/18/2009 Jesus! - 2/18/2009 Joseph saw God in the room! - 2/18/2009 Mercy swims to us - 2/18/2009 No oil - 2/18/2009 Our thorn - 2/18/2009 Right and wrong praying - 2/18/2009 So much time thrown away... - 2/18/2009 The Book of Life - 2/18/2009 The heaviest afflictions... - 2/18/2009 The Lord Himself watches you - 2/18/2009 The puddle of their own merit - 2/18/2009 Escape the Lake of Fire! - 2/18/2009 When I am weak - 2/18/2009 When they awake in hell! - 2/18/2009 Your many defects - 2/18/2009 Pithy Puritan gems for pastors - 3/13/2009 Pithy Puritan gems on God's.. - 3/13/2009 A new creature! - 3/14/2009 Buffeted by Satan's temptation - 3/14/2009 Crush its viper head! - 3/14/2009 Desiring God - 3/14/2009 How did those swine run! - 3/14/2009 I am black - but lovely - 3/14/2009 Imitate the love of Jesus - 3/14/2009 It's better to stay at home... - 3/14/2009 It will help us greatly - 3/14/2009 Murder all his hearers at once - 3/14/2009 No mind has imagined! - 3/14/2009 Painted holiness - 3/14/2009 Perhaps He will smite you! - 3/14/2009 Spoiled children! - 3/14/2009 That immortal bird! - 3/14/2009 The happy man! - 3/14/2009 The human idol is removed! - 3/14/2009 The mother and mistress of sin - 3/14/2009 The wilderness wanderer - 3/14/2009 Their motto - 3/14/2009 Idols of the heart! - 3/14/2009 This city has aroused my anger - 3/14/2009 Turn from lovely enchantress! - 3/14/2009 Pride and Humility - 4/13/2009 A beast with a man's head! - 4/28/2009 An Invincible Power - 4/28/2009 Active, operating, influential - 4/28/2009 Could every damned sinner weep - 4/28/2009 For a drop of pleasure - 4/28/2009 Four walls do not make a home - 4/28/2009 God sees through fig leaves! - 4/28/2009 Halifax nuts - 4/28/2009 Holiness - 4/28/2009 My grace is sufficient for you - 4/28/2009 My Rock! - 4/28/2009 Pardon! - 4/28/2009 Pestilence! Earthquake! - 4/28/2009 Smaller virtues, lesser vices - 4/28/2009 So blind, so deaf, so dumb - 4/28/2009 The best Physician - 4/28/2009 The curtain-sinner - 4/28/2009 The house appointed for living - 4/28/2009 The moment after death - 4/28/2009 The scars of the saints - 4/28/2009 Vegetating in selfishness? - 4/28/2009 What tears can quench fire? - 4/28/2009 Why is it? - 4/28/2009 The Loveliness of Christ! - 5/7/2009 A bottomless... ocean! - 5/28/2009 A football to be kicked around - 5/28/2009 A portion for each day - 5/28/2009 A stable, a hovel, a hedge - 5/28/2009 A whore's forehead! - 5/28/2009 Building their nests in hair - 5/28/2009 God's file and flail - 5/28/2009 God's sovereign election - 5/28/2009 HE cares for ME! - 5/28/2009 He is dull, heavy, lumpy - 5/28/2009 Hell, greatest pleasure - 5/28/2009 If I might but get the crumbs! - 5/28/2009 Look up today, O parched plant - 5/28/2009 Mercy! - 5/28/2009 Pope SELF! - 5/28/2009 Shame on you - O silly heart! - 5/28/2009 Such likeness, men and swine! - 5/28/2009 The devil's jackals! - 5/28/2009 The grand object of faith - 5/28/2009 The idol of our day! - 5/28/2009 The Scriptures are sufficient - 5/28/2009 There is none like Jesus! - 5/28/2009 Those ghastly corpses! - 5/28/2009 What is most needed today? - 5/28/2009 Wrought with divine power - 5/28/2009 A bird tied by a string - 6/17/2009 Corrupt heart, source of all - 6/17/2009 Essential to usefulness - 6/17/2009 Lean hard! - 6/17/2009 One wrong step and down we go! - 6/17/2009 Sin is shut out... - 6/17/2009 Something peculiar, distinct - 6/17/2009 The Bible - 6/17/2009 The harlot in your bosom! - 6/17/2009 The Lord's gentle usher - 6/17/2009 The sheep's clothing stripped - 6/17/2009 Unerring hand, infinite wisdom - 6/17/2009 They are never separated - 6/17/2009 What shall the swearer say? - 6/17/2009 Your children - 6/17/2009 Your enemy! - 6/17/2009 Beware of the dog! - 6/27/2009 David's terrible sin! - 6/27/2009 God shoots many arrows! - 6/27/2009 How to conquer the world! - 6/27/2009 Not as wicked as others - 6/27/2009 If Satan gets into the saddle - 6/27/2009 Pity your foolish child! - 6/27/2009 Sitting at the leper's table! - 6/27/2009 Some creature steals heart! - 6/27/2009 Walking pictures of Christ! - 6/27/2009 He is my Beloved - 7/18/2009 The most prevailing sin - 7/18/2009 A sea of blood, wrath, sin... - 7/29/2009 Are you a bruised flower? - 7/29/2009 Behold the Emperor of Woe! - 7/29/2009 Is he a brute or maniac? - 7/29/2009 Knowlege of the original Greek - 7/29/2009 Petty wars over abstruse point - 7/29/2009 The presence of a loving God! - 7/29/2009 We can't even imagine! - 7/29/2009 Solemn sham, impudent mockery! - 9/17/2009 Darkness, fire, and chains! - 9/17/2009 Fiery trials! - 9/17/2009 I am a perverse patient - 9/17/2009 I am sure I cannot endure! - 9/17/2009 Meditate upon DEATH! - 9/17/2009 Meditate upon HEAVEN! - 9/17/2009 Meditate upon HELL! - 9/17/2009 Meditate upon JUDGMENT! - 9/17/2009 Our sins! - 9/17/2009 Spiritual joys! - 9/17/2009 The happy exchange! - 9/17/2009 Though we mourn - 9/17/2009 Well, Ladies and Gentlemen! - 9/17/2009 You would pity me indeed!! - 9/17/2009 A servant to His own servants! - 9/25/2009 All the Hell that you'll have - 9/25/2009 Busy yourselves about toys - 9/25/2009 Crucify your sins! - 9/25/2009 Delilah's lap, Abraham's bosom - 9/25/2009 He is altogether lovely! - 9/25/2009 He makes all His subjects king - 9/25/2009 Jesus came leaping! - 9/25/2009 Names - 9/25/2009 Oh! This is a great mystery! - 9/25/2009 Sin has robbed us of jewels - 9/25/2009 Ten thousand times precious! - 9/25/2009 The Christian's Interpreter - 9/25/2009 The golden key - 9/25/2009 The most lovely Christian - 9/25/2009 The sea of damnation - 9/25/2009 Worse than the devil! - 9/25/2009 And when He draws us - 9/26/2009 Christ is our pelican! - 9/26/2009 He justifies us - 9/26/2009 For to me, to live is Christ - 11/24/2009 Fond and foolish parents! - 11/24/2009 Flowers in the Lord's garden - 11/24/2009 The whore of Babylon's goblet - 11/24/2009 Walking with Jesus - 11/24/2009 The Wrath of God! - 12/2/2009 A beautiful harlot - 12/9/2009 A heaven unto me! - 12/9/2009 An angel on the outside - 12/9/2009 For the ungodly! - 12/9/2009 Growing worse? - 12/9/2009 Both depraved and condemned! - 12/9/2009 He wounded the old serpent - 12/9/2009 Attempt to enthrone creature - 12/9/2009 It is utterly impossible! - 12/9/2009 Madam Bubble - 12/9/2009 Man acting as a devil! - 12/9/2009 One sin lived in! - 12/9/2009 Sovereign supreme disposal - 12/9/2009 The city was full of idols! - 12/9/2009 The teachings of the Spirit - 12/9/2009 The great heart changer! - 12/9/2009 When God laughs - 12/9/2009 Be thankful, my dear - 1/7/2010 Better to rot in prison! - 1/7/2010 Do men make their own gods? - 1/7/2010 God's most stubborn enemy! - 1/7/2010 If he is a liar... - 1/7/2010 It is not easy for us to learn - 1/7/2010 Let nothing be wasted! - 1/7/2010 Life's highest and best lesson - 1/7/2010 Little slips - 1/7/2010 Nothing more! - 1/7/2010 O friends! remember this! - 1/7/2010 Only a 'kiss' - 1/7/2010 Surely something must be amiss - 1/7/2010 Ten-pound Christians! - 1/7/2010 That one majestic word - 1/7/2010 That which is highly esteemed - 1/7/2010 The best that most of us do - 1/7/2010 The best way to be holy - 1/7/2010 Conclusion of a godless life - 1/7/2010 The training of children - 1/7/2010 The two birds - 1/7/2010 There is no habit - 1/7/2010 We must hew our Agags! - 1/7/2010 Who sees us? Who will know? - 1/7/2010 You can never lose your mother - 1/7/2010 The Lesson of Service - 2/10/2010 The Lord is My Shepherd - 2/10/2010 The Refuge in Sorrow - 2/10/2010 Our Invisible Building - 2/15/2010 A Word About Temper - 2/16/2010 Amusements - 2/16/2010 Taking Cheerful Views - 2/16/2010 The Sacredness of Opportunity - 2/16/2010 All the Devil's Tricks - 2/25/2010 Communion with God - 2/25/2010 Idolatry - 2/25/2010 The Call to the Ministry - 2/25/2010 The Shepherd Psalm - 2/26/2010 A device for saving people - 3/1/2010 A poor shoemaker in his shop - 3/1/2010 Afflictions, when sanctified - 3/1/2010 Afterwards you will understand - 3/1/2010 God does not deal with us... - 3/1/2010 He had to 'learn the lesson' - 3/1/2010 He saw that they were troubled - 3/1/2010 How good I am! - 3/1/2010 If we were directing affairs - 3/1/2010 Only a heathen lodging-place! - 3/1/2010 A LIVING Christ - 3/1/2010 One cannot have an omelet... - 3/1/2010 Our conception of life - 3/1/2010 Canary is wiser than starling! - 3/1/2010 Tangles - 3/1/2010 Teach me how to pray, mother! - 3/1/2010 Art of living a Christian life - 3/1/2010 The process was not easy! - 3/1/2010 The rose taught me a lesson - 3/1/2010 The supreme thing - 3/1/2010 Then the worm became butterfly - 3/1/2010 Three times I pleaded - 3/1/2010 Picking up rubbish - 3/1/2010 When I grumble about weather - 3/1/2010 Choosing to Do Hard Things - 3/6/2010 A Beautiful Christian Life - 3/6/2010 Life as a Ladder - 3/6/2010 My Will - Or God's Will? - 3/6/2010 Our Daily Bread - 3/6/2010 Thread for a Web Begun - 3/6/2010 Thunder - Or Angel's Voice? - 3/6/2010 A secret of victorious living - 4/9/2010 He who holds pruning-knife! - 4/9/2010 If our lives were as good - 4/9/2010 It is the student who learns - 4/9/2010 It took the baby! - 4/9/2010 Look up! - 4/9/2010 Motes and beams - 4/9/2010 Photograph of our heart - 4/9/2010 Conception of Christian living - 4/9/2010 Spiritual beauty - 4/9/2010 The ideal Christian life! - 4/9/2010 Their photograph flatters! - 4/9/2010 Ugly corners made beautiful - 4/9/2010 We fritter away days...! - 4/9/2010 Why, papa, you have mamma & me - 4/9/2010 A most valuable lesson - 5/1/2010 An arm that can never break - 5/1/2010 If you were to meet yourself - 5/1/2010 Never safe, make pets of tiger - 5/1/2010 Manifest the life of Christ - 5/1/2010 The burning of these old books - 5/1/2010 The one true aim in living - 5/1/2010 They play with fire and wonder - 5/1/2010 They want to keep Sodom - 5/1/2010 We do not have to be crucified - 5/1/2010 As the tree falls - so it lies - 6/1/2010 Did you ever see my picture? - 6/1/2010 Discontent - 6/1/2010 Every man's shoes - 6/1/2010 God's work of grace in soul - 6/1/2010 He drank the whole cup! - 6/1/2010 Never be disappointed - 6/1/2010 If this is happiness - 6/1/2010 If you could form a creature - 6/1/2010 Nursing a viper! - 6/1/2010 Oh, live for eternity! - 6/1/2010 Our words and deeds - 6/1/2010 Poor ship! - 6/1/2010 Shun them as the plague! - 6/1/2010 The conflagration of the world - 6/1/2010 The first Christians - 6/1/2010 The great day of His wrath - 6/1/2010 The object in putting verses - 6/1/2010 The poor worm - 6/1/2010 Their religion was pious farce - 6/1/2010 These poor swine! - 6/1/2010 This is not an easy lesson - 6/1/2010 Double picture of Jesus - 6/1/2010 We begin at the lowest grade - 6/1/2010 When earth's wine gives out! - 6/1/2010 You want to be like Christ - 6/1/2010 All will be pure, unmingled - 7/22/2010 Our great lesson! - 7/22/2010 Poor in self - rich in Jesus! - 7/22/2010 Something peculiar, distinct - 7/22/2010 The bitterest ingredient - 7/22/2010 The causes of unconcernedness - 7/22/2010 There lies his mortal body - 7/22/2010 This is the 'hell' of hell - 7/22/2010 Well, trifle a little longer! - 7/22/2010 Go, take your fill! - 8/1/2010 O stand amazed at free grace! - 8/1/2010 Affliction prepared for - 8/2/2010 Are we what we are in name? - 8/2/2010 Carry all your concerns to Him - 8/2/2010 Go to Him just as you are - 8/2/2010 He cannot love you more! - 8/2/2010 If you dare! - 8/2/2010 Overcoming the world! - 8/2/2010 The annals of hell - 8/2/2010 Suffering punishment of sin - 8/2/2010 What is it, to be a Christian? - 8/2/2010 Where shall you find a rock? - 8/2/2010 Who is this amazing spectacle? - 8/2/2010 You are a filthy pauper! - 8/2/2010 Your conscience will not sleep - 8/2/2010 An infallible test - 9/2/2010 Find rest, O my soul, in God - 9/2/2010 George is dead! - 9/2/2010 He preached his own funeral - 9/2/2010 If you meet that poor wretch - 9/2/2010 Justice and mercy! - 9/2/2010 The only effectual reformer - 9/2/2010 The thread of life - 9/2/2010 Tomorrow comes - 9/2/2010 We shall wither, fade, and die - 9/2/2010 Where am I bound for? - 9/2/2010 Where is a more sinful spot - 9/2/2010 Would it not be better... - 9/2/2010 You are devilized already! - 9/2/2010 Your salvation makes amends - 9/2/2010 From burning to burning! - 9/13/2010 Judgment! - 9/13/2010 Saint's hell, sinners heaven! - 9/13/2010 Assurance of salvation - 10/4/2010 Beholding Christ Crucified - 10/4/2010 He restores the fainting - 10/4/2010 He seems to grow like Satan - 10/4/2010 He was infinitely happy - 10/4/2010 My Father's eye! - 10/4/2010 Paul's estimate of himself - 10/4/2010 Self love - 10/4/2010 The Deceitfulness of the Heart - 10/4/2010 The Power of the Holy Spirit - 10/4/2010 Situation in which she died - 10/4/2010 This is my Friend! - 10/4/2010 To help conception of Hell - 10/4/2010 To nourish a serpent - 10/4/2010 We know not - 10/4/2010 Coming daily to Jesus - 11/2/2010 Complaining Christian - 11/2/2010 God's jewels found buried...! - 11/2/2010 Her life-lesson - 11/2/2010 I am in eternity... - 11/2/2010 If only we could read writing! - 11/2/2010 If we could hear the splash - 11/2/2010 Infected with a disease - 11/2/2010 It was not human misery - love - 11/2/2010 My shield! - 11/2/2010 My support - 11/2/2010 No more disease, no more pain! - 11/2/2010 Paul's criterion - 11/2/2010 Paul's subject - 11/2/2010 SELF, carnal man's god - 11/2/2010 Sinners in Zion! - 11/2/2010 Swallowed up in worldly church - 11/2/2010 The biggest loser! - 11/2/2010 The hiding place! - 11/2/2010 The physician and the patient - 11/2/2010 Sufferings of present time - 11/2/2010 There is a way to hell - 11/2/2010 We are saved by Hope - 11/2/2010 What a wonderful person! - 11/2/2010 What would Jesus do? - 11/2/2010 God's tools and instruments - 11/6/2010 A few more throbbings - 12/13/2010 A tender God! - 12/13/2010 Almighty guidance! - 12/13/2010 An almighty arm! - 12/13/2010 Christ's presence - 12/13/2010 It leaves earth for Heaven - 12/13/2010 Nothing feeds my soul - 12/13/2010 Sons! Brethren! Princes! - 12/13/2010 Believer's eternal confession! - 12/13/2010 The great secret! - 12/13/2010 Joys of that eternal banquet! - 12/13/2010 The Omnipresence of God - 12/13/2010 Secrets of temporal felicity - 12/13/2010 The thorn is still left! - 12/13/2010 We did have a father - 12/13/2010 We really need very little - 12/13/2010 What a pillow! - 12/13/2010 All-sufficient grace - 1/3/2011 Divine sympathy - 1/3/2011 Fate, accident, chance - 1/3/2011 Restraining grace - 1/3/2011 The Beatific Vision - 1/3/2011 The tender solicitude - 1/3/2011 The voice of Jesus in storm! - 1/3/2011 Though you are a worm - 1/3/2011 A loving purpose - 1/21/2011 O fearful state! - 1/21/2011 That ruthless invader - 2/2/2011 Union which will last forever! - 2/3/2011 A look into lake of fire! - 2/3/2011 Home, sweet home! - 2/3/2011 How long will you love vanity? - 2/3/2011 I am God - and not man! - 2/3/2011 In affliction look to Jesus - 2/3/2011 Is this all? - 2/3/2011 It shall be well with him! - 2/3/2011 Jesus and the Sinner - 2/3/2011 O the preciousness of truth! - 2/3/2011 Run to your Father! - 2/3/2011 Selfishness withers and dies - 2/3/2011 Suppose your child was dying - 2/3/2011 The Divine Philanthropist - 2/3/2011 The only suitable dress - 2/3/2011 The representative of Christ - 2/3/2011 The secret of being content - 2/3/2011 The work of the Holy Spirit - 2/3/2011 When you see a dog following - 2/3/2011 You have allowed key to rust! - 2/3/2011 Your severest sufferings - 2/3/2011 A Seasonable Prescription - 3/21/2011 Earthquake! - 3/21/2011 He smote her with a disease - 3/21/2011 Heaven! - 3/21/2011 Hell! - 3/21/2011 The Fighting Rooster - 3/21/2011 I would have been in Hell - 3/21/2011 Poor Jack! - 3/21/2011 Devils, laugh sinner to scorn! - 3/21/2011 The glorious gospel of Christ! - 3/21/2011 Twenty-four Hours in Hell! - 3/21/2011 Dear Miss Medhurst - 4/4/2011 I am somewhat like that bird! - 4/4/2011 Your accident - 4/4/2011 If a toad or a serpent... - 4/4/2011 Is this all I get? - 4/4/2011 Oh, this is a sad sight! - 4/4/2011 Our wisest plans and endeavors - 4/4/2011 Pains and infirmities - 4/4/2011 Prayer - 4/4/2011 The death of an infant - 4/4/2011 The Sure Resource! - 4/4/2011 Theaters, fountains of vice! - 4/4/2011 The vilest and the foulest - 4/4/2011 There, in the solitudes - 4/4/2011 Too wise to err... - 4/4/2011 A cross of their own choosing - 6/7/2011 A house of fools! - 6/7/2011 A lamp for my feet! - 6/7/2011 Altogether lovely! - 6/7/2011 Are we Christians? - 6/7/2011 Correcting in love - 6/7/2011 Lopsided religion - 6/7/2011 Other men's sins - 6/7/2011 Pleasure is not happiness - 6/7/2011 Rattles and baubles! - 6/7/2011 The acorns - 6/7/2011 The plague of unsatisfiedness - 6/7/2011 Trials and sufferings - 6/7/2011 Whole apparatus of religion! - 6/7/2011 True religion! - 6/7/2011 Born with a tear in His eye! - 7/4/2011 His unwearied care and concern - 7/4/2011 Human guidance? - 7/4/2011 Is the Bible the Word of God? - 7/4/2011 The God of the broken-hearted - 7/4/2011 The one, precious theme! - 7/4/2011 The pouring forth of His wrath - 7/4/2011 Two infamous strumpets! - 7/4/2011 What a treasure! - 7/4/2011 Which of our senses? - 7/4/2011 A shield and deliverer - 8/7/2011 Here is the conclusion - 8/7/2011 Like coins from the same mint! - 8/7/2011 More dreadful than Hell! - 8/7/2011 The eye of God - 8/7/2011 The Lord reigns! - 8/7/2011 This is the worst picture! - 8/7/2011 Whose presence is promised? - 8/7/2011 Our costly furniture - 8/7/2011 Your unfailing guide - 8/7/2011 Behold the Man! - 8/8/2011 In a few days I may be in Hell - 8/8/2011 Our Father refuses to answer! - 8/8/2011 Object of God's tender care - 8/8/2011 The Rest! - 8/8/2011 Afterwards you will understand - 9/6/2011 Felix had to rule his folly! - 9/6/2011 He never thought! - 9/6/2011 Heaven's great store-house! - 9/6/2011 His teaching makes practical - 9/6/2011 Look up! - 9/6/2011 Our path is often slippery! - 9/6/2011 The very best things - 9/6/2011 The voice! - 9/6/2011 Watch His hand! - 9/6/2011 And WHY, dear Savior? - 10/5/2011 Beloved, are you in the fire? - 10/5/2011 Fire which burnt down our city - 10/5/2011 Every creature has some rock! - 10/5/2011 Everything changes - 10/5/2011 Anything short of Hell, mercy! - 10/5/2011 God's way! - 10/5/2011 He must afflict us! - 10/5/2011 Jesus, precious to believers - 10/5/2011 Life quickly glides away! - 10/5/2011 Losses, crosses... - 10/5/2011 More than being our friend...! - 10/5/2011 I know not what your trouble - 10/5/2011 Our sins forged the nails! - 10/5/2011 Sudden destruction! - 10/5/2011 The almighty power of God - 10/5/2011 The Christian's Walk - 10/5/2011 Creature has a little honey... - 10/5/2011 The glorious effects produced - 10/5/2011 The Lord's care of His people - 10/5/2011 The old serpent is lurking! - 10/5/2011 Panacea for all ills of life! - 10/5/2011 Time has come for departure! - 10/5/2011 They are preaching the devil - 10/5/2011 What can be more difficult? - 10/5/2011 12 Time-wasting thieves! - 11/11/2011 Ah! Poor soul! - 11/11/2011 Carry your troubled heart! - 11/11/2011 God's children run home! - 11/11/2011 Have you received the Spirit? - 11/11/2011 I will look up! - 11/11/2011 The Judge! - 11/11/2011 Those everlasting arms! - 11/11/2011 Your case is sad - Very sad! - 11/11/2011 God shall surely visit you! - 12/6/2011 He will guide us to the end - 12/6/2011 How long will you love vanity? - 12/6/2011 I am dying! - 12/6/2011 I do love my sins, my lusts... - 12/6/2011 My nature is the same - 12/6/2011 Oh, that I had the wings...! - 12/6/2011 Pierced! - 12/6/2011 Reader, are you a Christian? - 12/6/2011 Reader, let me ask a question - 12/6/2011 See the cause of my happiness - 12/6/2011 Should it be according to you? - 12/6/2011 Take out every stain! - 12/6/2011 Was Moses a wise man? - 12/6/2011 WHY does He love me? - 12/6/2011 You fools! - 12/6/2011 The Lord puts us into furnace! - 1/20/2012 God's perfections - 1/20/2012 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus! - 1/20/2012 O sad spectacle of misery! - 1/20/2012 The wonders of electing love! - 1/20/2012 Tell them, brother's in flames - 1/20/2012 The garment! - 1/20/2012 The OFFICES of Christ - 1/20/2012 The sanctification of Spirit - 1/20/2012 We soon grow dull, cold...! - 1/20/2012 A sedative to all sorrows! - 2/20/2012 Christ, The Altogether Lovely - 2/20/2012 Is this pleasing to God? - 2/20/2012 O what a dwelling! - 2/20/2012 The bitterness of sin! - 2/20/2012 The blindness of ministers! - 2/20/2012 The Christian's hope! - 2/20/2012 The Divine Gardener - 2/20/2012 The gospel - 2/20/2012 The world's politics... - 2/20/2012 Your portrait! - 2/20/2012 Can we reach promised land? - 3/13/2012 It will all end in mercy! - 3/13/2012 That I may know Him! - 3/13/2012 The mercy of God - 3/13/2012 If God had not helped us! - 3/14/2012 The life-boat of free grace! - 3/14/2012 We should learn a lesson - 3/14/2012 His influence within us - 3/14/2012 You have saved the best wine - 3/14/2012 All that we can need! - 4/18/2012 Fast borne along stream, time - 4/18/2012 It is I! - 4/18/2012 Let us often think of home! - 4/18/2012 My Helper! - 4/18/2012 Oh, how dreadful the thought! - 4/18/2012 Open wide your mouth! - 4/18/2012 We must continually come! - 4/18/2012 He may be on earth at noon - 5/7/2012 How His eyes will sparkle! - 5/7/2012 Love bound Him to the cross! - 5/7/2012 Oh suffering saint! - 5/7/2012 Oh the immensity of the gift! - 5/7/2012 Such Lessons! - 5/7/2012 The poor Christian! - 5/7/2012 The reason why He is not loved - 5/7/2012 The temptation & opportunity - 5/7/2012 Trust His heart! - 5/7/2012 What kind of bodies...? - 5/7/2012 Can Jesus delight in worms? - 6/26/2012 He is infinite, omnipotent... - 6/26/2012 If Jehovah is your God! - 6/26/2012 A long and painful process - 6/26/2012 Our Heaven, our glory! - 6/26/2012 Such poor, depraved creatures - 6/26/2012 The desires of the righteous! - 6/26/2012 We all have our Ashtareth! - 6/26/2012 Mysteries of Providence - 6/26/2012 Who could have thought! - 6/26/2012 A beauteous grace! - 7/24/2012 A great and noble army women - 7/24/2012 Old-time Christianity! - 7/24/2012 My way - Your way - 7/24/2012 O hard heart, O blind eyes - 7/24/2012 There was no more royal time - 7/24/2012 The sweetest most sacred spot - 7/24/2012 The threatenings of God - 7/24/2012 We may be doing Satan's work! - 7/24/2012 Where are you going? - 7/24/2012 Sinners in Hands of Angry God - 7/24/2012 And there He hung! - 8/17/2012 Flying through the air - 8/17/2012 The darling child whom we love - 8/17/2012 There are few things - 8/17/2012 There is another road to Hell - 8/17/2012 Delight in God - 8/29/2012 His window in all our hearts! - 8/29/2012 Look upon me! - 8/29/2012 The cross of our Lord Jesus - 8/29/2012 Whose slave are you? - 8/29/2012 Behold your God! - 9/26/2012 God leading His people - 9/26/2012 How is it? - 9/26/2012 Cheats, quacks, & impostors - 9/26/2012 I warn you against evil books - 9/26/2012 Perceiving blemishes in others - 9/26/2012 Profiting from the Scriptures - 9/26/2012 The Covenant of Grace! - 9/26/2012 The Restless Bed - 9/26/2012 The way to Hell looks pleasant - 9/26/2012 A vile, creeping thing - 10/19/2012 Death is a change of company - 10/19/2012 Let me try to draw a picture - 10/19/2012 Salvation is by free grace - 10/19/2012 The road - 10/19/2012 Many human ant-eaters - 10/19/2012 Troubles, troubles, troubles! - 10/19/2012 What an ocean of glory is here - 10/19/2012 You will soon end your journey - 10/19/2012 A bugbear to frighten children - 11/16/2012 An old-fashioned person! - 11/16/2012 Delighting in God! - 11/16/2012 Earthly sorrows and troubles - 11/16/2012 He actually chooses affliction - 11/16/2012 I solemnly warn you! - 11/16/2012 In that hand which was nailed - 11/16/2012 Omnipotent God is your God! - 11/16/2012 Without supplies of grace - 11/16/2012 Your present affliction - 11/16/2012 God is all mercy and love! - 12/12/2012 Modern science and the Bible - 12/12/2012 My jewels! - 12/12/2012 One thing you lack! - 12/12/2012 Sin meets his eye - 12/12/2012 The difficulties of Scripture - 12/12/2012 The great and crowning bliss! - 12/12/2012 The great and universal crime - 12/12/2012 The Lord's portion - 12/12/2012 The path of sorrow - 12/12/2012 A woman's hardest lot! - 1/9/2013 Growth in grace - 1/9/2013 He is never too busy! - 1/9/2013 My portion! - 1/9/2013 Run to your Father's arms! - 1/9/2013 That last river! - 1/9/2013 The School of Heaven! - 1/9/2013 Unsearchable riches of Christ - 1/9/2013 Weary mariner - 1/9/2013 Worrying - 1/9/2013 An infant's breath - 3/6/2013 912 - Fly into the bosom Chris - 3/6/2013 He never takes His eyes off - 3/6/2013 If our faith stops at cross - 3/6/2013 No book's really worth reading - 3/6/2013 Christlikeness - 3/6/2013 Steep, craggy, and beset - 3/6/2013 The aged believer's cordial - 3/6/2013 The goal of living in world - 3/6/2013 This is the true grace of God! - 3/6/2013 A lost soul speaks! - 3/8/2013 Afflictions are Appointed! - 3/8/2013 He had to borrow - 3/8/2013 My Deliverer! - 3/8/2013 My Friend! - 3/8/2013 Not a mere Sunday affair - 3/8/2013 The noblest life! - 3/8/2013 There is divine wisdom - 3/8/2013 We are all going, going, going - 3/8/2013 We shall be like Him! - 3/8/2013 An infinite love! - 4/30/2013 Christ's sleepless vigilance - 4/30/2013 He loves to see His poor come! - 4/30/2013 Home, sweet home! - 4/30/2013 Jesus and His people in prayer - 4/30/2013 Son, you are ever with Me! - 4/30/2013 There are many roaring devils - 4/30/2013 To fill Heaven with Hells! - 4/30/2013 We were stinking in sin! - 4/30/2013 You have only just begun! - 4/30/2013 You shall love him! - 4/30/2013 All through the journey - 5/9/2013 And will He feed His birds - 5/9/2013 It takes both of these - 5/9/2013 Looking at the world - 5/9/2013 People who long to be rich - 5/9/2013 Self-elevated little popes! - 5/9/2013 The cup of wrath! - 5/9/2013 The Profligate's Doom! - 5/9/2013 The soul of His sufferings - 5/9/2013 We blunder and stumble - 5/9/2013 Cut it off! - 6/9/2013 December 31, 1855 - 6/9/2013 I know your sorrows! - 6/9/2013 I will uphold you! - 6/9/2013 O think of eternal fire! - 6/9/2013 Salvation! - 6/9/2013 The blessed man! - 6/9/2013 Most healthy state, Christian - 6/9/2013 We are never out of danger! - 6/9/2013 We may be in the world! - 6/9/2013 The Infernal Dungeon of Hell - 7/5/2013 A gracious taste - 7/12/2013 An unerring chart! - 7/12/2013 An unfailing friend! - 7/12/2013 Mother, don't you love me? - 7/12/2013 My ruling desire - 7/12/2013 Soul-Comfort - 7/12/2013 The master-key! - 7/12/2013 The words of Jesus - 7/12/2013 The yoke of Christ - 7/12/2013 Think of all the hard things! - 7/12/2013 A life-giving stream - 8/28/2013 A plain book - 8/28/2013 An excellent way of commenting - 8/28/2013 Christian liberty - 8/28/2013 Fly to the Word of God! - 8/28/2013 Giddily gliding along the road - 8/28/2013 Secretly, quietly, insidiously - 8/28/2013 The memory - 8/28/2013 What shall we ask God to do? - 8/28/2013 A time to laugh! - 9/17/2013 God has three axes! - 9/17/2013 If God is your enemy! - 9/17/2013 Jelly-fish Christianity - 9/17/2013 The riches of sovereign grace! - 9/17/2013 Perish! What is that? - 9/17/2013 The Christian's safety! - 9/17/2013 The Holy Spirit - 9/17/2013 The moment after death! - 9/17/2013 This book! - 9/17/2013 Who can fairly represent? - 9/17/2013 A love-letter from God - 10/28/2013 He does according to His will - 10/28/2013 Sweet in the mouth - 10/28/2013 The eye of God is ever upon us - 10/28/2013 The happiness of Heaven - 10/28/2013 Making of Christian character - 10/28/2013 There is nothing here - 10/28/2013 They only think of amusements - 10/28/2013 What God will bestow - 10/28/2013 When you come to creep - 10/28/2013 Your poor, silly sheep - 10/28/2013 Spurgeon devotionals #1 - 11/30/2013 God will wipe away every tear - 2/26/2014 God's angels! - 2/26/2014 Green pasture - 2/26/2014 His unsleeping watchfulness - 2/26/2014 Notice their humility - 2/26/2014 Our Cherith - 2/26/2014 Some secret sin - 2/26/2014 The chosen pleasure - 2/26/2014 The godly man's crosses - 2/26/2014 The mark of healthy life - 2/26/2014 And there reader, you're going - 3/20/2014 Are we willing this very night - 3/20/2014 God's ideal for His children - 3/20/2014 It is not your work He wants - 3/20/2014 Jesus knows! - 3/20/2014 Love photographs them - 3/20/2014 One eternal unclouded day! - 3/20/2014 Reader, turn aside and see! - 3/20/2014 The dearest idol I have known - 3/20/2014 What a beautiful picture! - 3/20/2014 Noah's Ark! - 3/28/2014 Chance! - 4/26/2014 Have you learned your lesson - 4/26/2014 If more were good for me - 4/26/2014 Neither youth, nor wit - 4/26/2014 Nothing on earth can satisfy - 4/26/2014 Thank God He veiled the future - 4/26/2014 The adjusting of the scales! - 4/26/2014 The art of meditation - 4/26/2014 Why were the old days better? - 4/26/2014 You shall be without fault! - 4/26/2014 All happiness, satisfaction - 5/28/2014 Do not be over-righteous! - 5/28/2014 Does God love the sinner? - 5/28/2014 In the day of adversity... - 5/28/2014 It is a heavenly grace - 5/28/2014 No longer will there be curse - 5/28/2014 Either you are mad, or were! - 5/28/2014 Truly, this is most painful - 5/28/2014 What are You doing? - 5/28/2014 Where does vanity come from? - 5/28/2014 Almighty God, heavenly Father! - 6/12/2014 But he was a leper! - 6/12/2014 Can it be possible? - 6/12/2014 Your judgments are right! - 6/12/2014 I Myself will help you! - 6/12/2014 I shall sin no more! - 6/12/2014 I will strengthen you! - 6/12/2014 Indeed, he is in trouble - 6/12/2014 We are unworthy You are worthy - 6/12/2014 Who can find a virtuous woman? - 6/12/2014 A Christian follows Christ - 8/17/2014 Faithfulness in littles - 8/17/2014 Forgetters of God! - 8/17/2014 John learned his lesson - 8/17/2014 Man — puny worm of the dust! - 8/17/2014 Complete Christian character - 8/17/2014 Some people use pepper instead - 8/17/2014 Take all the tangled threads! - 8/17/2014 The most secret and subtle sin - 8/17/2014 The essence of unhappiness - 8/17/2014 All that we see within is foul - 9/26/2014 God's gracious providence - 9/26/2014 God's workmanship - 9/26/2014 God's arrows! - 9/26/2014 Singled out by sovereign grace - 9/26/2014 Tender kisses! - 9/26/2014 The Babylonian books! - 9/26/2014 Growing into monsters - 9/26/2014 What is Heaven? - 9/26/2014 Why are we here? - 9/26/2014 An all-sufficient Savior - 10/12/2014 Lost unregenerate men - 10/12/2014 My shepherd! - 10/12/2014 Who makes you differ? - 10/12/2014 The omnipotent Savior! - 10/13/2014 Glorious Grace! - 11/30/2014 The myth of adolescence! - 11/30/2014 What do you want for Christmas - 12/21/2014 Do not be afraid! - 1/6/2015 Heaven has become a trifle! - 1/6/2015 Lost! - 1/6/2015 None are too sinful, too base - 1/6/2015 O Eternity! - 1/6/2015 There is no such thing... - 1/6/2015 What the person IS - 1/6/2015 WHO made us to differ? - 1/6/2015 Our afflictions are appointed - 1/16/2015 Gracious God, anoint me - 1/16/2015 Our Arabian wilderness! - 1/16/2015 The day of judgment is coming! - 1/16/2015 There never was a fountain! - 1/16/2015 Worthy is the Lamb! - 1/16/2015 Your present trial - 1/16/2015 Walking through wilderness - 1/16/2015 Before Christ, After Christ! - 1/18/2015 Grand secret of daily comfort! - 1/30/2015 Common mercies! - 2/12/2015 Fixing our eyes on Jesus! - 2/12/2015 Home happiness! - 2/12/2015 People with bruised hearts! - 2/12/2015 The increasing rage for novels - 2/12/2015 God is my portion! - 2/12/2015 This was how he grew in spirit - 2/12/2015 An Ocean of Consolation! - 3/19/2015 Broken people! - 3/19/2015 Is Christ your Lord? - 3/19/2015 Living stones! - 3/19/2015 O to keep Your statutes! - 3/19/2015 Our Condition - God's Mercy! - 3/19/2015 The hand of Jesus! - 3/19/2015 No 'chance' in God's world! - 3/19/2015 True riches and honor! - 3/19/2015 What amusements are lawful? - 3/19/2015 Wounding Jesus! - 3/19/2015 A life of simple dependence - 4/15/2015 Call Him 'Father' in furnace - 4/15/2015 God is love! - 4/15/2015 Lord, how can we know the way? - 4/15/2015 Our own health and wealth - 4/15/2015 Description of the godly man - 4/15/2015 The necessity of Bible study - 4/15/2015 The necessity of daily prayer - 4/15/2015 The world's pleasures - 4/15/2015 There is no darker sin - 4/15/2015 Jesus is Lord of the Storm! - 4/27/2015 A meaningless gospel & god - 5/13/2015 Thank God for hiding future - 5/13/2015 The afflictions of the godly! - 5/13/2015 Choice excerpts Thomas Watson - 6/20/2015 Choice excerpts on PRAYER - 6/20/2015 Choice excerpts on Scripture! - 6/20/2015 Choice excerpts on PRIDE - 6/20/2015 Choice excerpts from Gurnall - 7/13/2015 How to read the Bible - 7/13/2015 My salvation comes from Him! - 7/13/2015 Stop bringing offerings - 7/13/2015 The believers' graces - 7/13/2015 These peril-beset feet of mine - 7/13/2015 They are the treasures - 7/13/2015 Watson excerpts on Heaven - 7/13/2015 Watson's excerpts on sin - 7/13/2015 Rock of Ages - 7/13/2015 Ah, the thanklessness of it! - 8/13/2015 Christ's sword! - 8/13/2015 God weighs and measures - 8/13/2015 I can take my Elim with me - 8/13/2015 My Bonfire of Vanities! - 8/13/2015 My dearest idol - 8/13/2015 The birds and lilies teach me! - 8/13/2015 Two gates, two ways, two ends! - 8/13/2015 What does the Lord require? - 8/13/2015 What, then, did He mean? - 8/13/2015 Would we really have our way? - 8/13/2015 Ah! the heart was wrong! - 9/15/2015 I must take off my earthly - 9/15/2015 In the last consummate city! - 9/15/2015 My feeble hand lies in His - 9/15/2015 Satan's chapel! - 9/15/2015 The antidote for fear! - 9/15/2015 The death of His saints! - 9/15/2015 This is to follow the Lamb! - 9/15/2015 Unspeakable! - 9/15/2015 What it is to follow the Lamb? - 9/15/2015 A holy antipathy against sin! - 11/23/2015 A murmuring spirit! - 11/23/2015 A truly humble man! - 11/23/2015 Altogether lovely! - 11/23/2015 An ever-present help - 11/23/2015 If the world loves us! - 11/23/2015 Oh, free, rich, glorious grace - 11/23/2015 Storms and tempests, whirlwind - 11/23/2015 That unclean donkey - 11/23/2015 Two filthy rooms! - 11/23/2015 God's love-letter! - 12/22/2015 God's school for His children! - 12/22/2015 He shall save His people! - 12/22/2015 Running to and fro like ants! - 12/22/2015 The awful tragedy of Calvary! - 12/22/2015 The grand secret of comfort - 12/22/2015 The King's Chambers! - 12/22/2015 This is the finger of God! - 12/22/2015 Why does God afflict us? - 12/22/2015 You have lately in the furnace - 12/22/2015 All things have become new! - 1/16/2016 Are we to fritter away life - 1/16/2016 Let me tell you a secret - 1/16/2016 The doctrine of godliness - 1/16/2016 The drop of water - 1/16/2016 The god of Christianity - 1/16/2016 The immensity of the Creator - 1/16/2016 The name of the LORD - 1/16/2016 What an amazing stoop of love - 1/16/2016 In one vast blaze of glory - 2/25/2016 The thoughts make the face - 2/25/2016 What a believer would do - 2/25/2016 A great change! - 3/22/2016 An ever-present help! - 3/22/2016 Chance is a heathenish idea! - 3/22/2016 Had one of those holy angels! - 3/22/2016 Imitate the miser! - 3/22/2016 Sin's enormity! - 3/22/2016 The excellency of God's wisdom - 3/22/2016 The wisest arithmetic! - 3/22/2016 Who am I? - 3/22/2016 Why, they are like Jesus! - 3/22/2016 Be content with what you have! - 4/28/2016 But it leads to the pit! - 4/28/2016 Comfort for Suffering Saints! - 4/28/2016 Grace levels all distinctions! - 4/28/2016 Millions of nominal Christians - 4/28/2016 Infinite tenderness of Jesus! - 4/28/2016 The result has been . . . - 4/28/2016 The wonders of His providence! - 4/28/2016 View Him yonder! - 4/28/2016 Wash me, gracious Lord! - 4/28/2016 A man may be most religious - 5/31/2016 Actions, words, desires - 5/31/2016 Are you not put to shame? - 5/31/2016 Do not mistake the lessons - 5/31/2016 If I am damned - 5/31/2016 Hard work, and bad pay! - 5/31/2016 I am chained to the chariot - 5/31/2016 Not because He needs them! - 5/31/2016 No hissing serpent! - 5/31/2016 The divine magnet - 5/31/2016 The man with the muck-rake! - 5/31/2016 Who called this demon up? - 5/31/2016 A holier, happier life! - 7/1/2016 Inexhaustible mine of wealth! - 7/1/2016 As a mother comforts her child - 7/1/2016 I will rejoice in salvation - 7/1/2016 Instead of lodging the lion - 7/1/2016 My New Testament Joseph! - 7/1/2016 My subtlest enemies - 7/1/2016 The furnace of affliction! - 7/1/2016 We shall see Him as He is! - 7/1/2016 To follow Christ - 7/1/2016 Even though he had a shipload - 7/16/2016 Ever gliding down the stream - 7/16/2016 God separates the sin - 7/16/2016 If we spend our time - 7/16/2016 It must be consigned to dust - 7/16/2016 Side by side they lie - 7/16/2016 The grandest benefactors - 7/16/2016 The great Arbiter! - 7/16/2016 These eternal fountains! - 7/16/2016 Too choice a flower - 7/16/2016 Print of the Creator's finger! - 8/22/2016 Satan's kitchen! - 8/22/2016 It is His groans, His tears - 8/22/2016 Providence! - 8/22/2016 The love of Christ! - 8/22/2016 The most matchless mercy! - 8/22/2016 The Shepherd searching - 8/22/2016 Too much trifling! - 8/22/2016 The ugliest thing on earth! - 8/22/2016 True growth in grace! - 8/22/2016 The Minimum Christian - 8/29/2016 A faithful minister! - 9/27/2016 God's perfect wisdom! - 9/27/2016 He will not spoil them! - 9/27/2016 My pardon cost Him that! - 9/27/2016 Now am I one day nearer Heaven - 9/27/2016 Great means of sanctification! - 9/27/2016 The loving heart of Christ - 9/27/2016 Dangers of prosperity - 9/27/2016 What can mortal man give God - 9/27/2016 You should consider whose hand - 9/27/2016 But a flea-bite! - 10/16/2016 Our all-sufficient portion! - 10/16/2016 Should we not kiss it? - 10/16/2016 The Lord's rod has a voice! - 10/16/2016 All must drink of the cup! - 11/16/2016 The key of Death! - 11/16/2016 The most monstrous iniquity - 11/16/2016 They are new every morning! - 11/16/2016 We are like that dove! - 11/16/2016 What the human heart craves! - 11/16/2016 Faith in Midst of Suffering - 12/15/2016 What best English translation - 1/18/2017 Prayer - 2/17/2017 Sickness - 2/17/2017 The Immutability of God! - 2/18/2017 Our Undiscovered Faults - 2/22/2017 The Ministry of encouragement - 2/22/2017 Election - 2/24/2017 Turn or Burn! - 2/24/2017 Building the Church - 3/3/2017 How to Please God - 3/3/2017 A Definite Challenge for.. - 3/10/2017 A Jealous God! - 3/10/2017 A Repentant Heart! - 3/10/2017 A Solemn Warning for All.. - 3/10/2017 Am I My Brother's Keeper? - 3/10/2017 An Earnest Warning about.. - 3/10/2017 Are You Prepared to Die? - 3/10/2017 At the End of Your Life! - 3/10/2017 Authentic Christianity! - 3/10/2017 Baptism, a Burial! - 3/10/2017 Baptism: Essential to.. - 3/10/2017 Baptismal Regeneration - 3/10/2017 Bible Reading! - 3/10/2017 Bringing Sinners to the.. - 3/10/2017 Characteristics of Christ's.. - 3/10/2017 Christ Lifted Up! - 3/10/2017 Christian Conversation - 3/10/2017 Christian Zeal! - 3/10/2017 Christ's Love to His Spouse! - 3/10/2017 Christ's People --.. - 3/10/2017 Comfort for the Tempted! - 3/10/2017 Contentment! - 3/10/2017 Counterfeit Christianity! - 3/10/2017 Do Not Be Afraid! - 3/10/2017 Do Not Fear Disasters! - 3/10/2017 Election -- No.. - 3/10/2017 Election and Holiness! - 3/10/2017 Encouragement for the.. - 3/10/2017 Eternal Security - 3/10/2017 Eternity! - 3/10/2017 Faith! - 3/10/2017 Fellowship with Christ! - 3/10/2017 Flee from the Coming Wrath! - 3/10/2017 Forever with the Lord! - 3/10/2017 Forsaking Our First Love! - 3/10/2017 Freedom! - 3/10/2017 Friendship! - 3/10/2017 God Incarnate, the End of.. - 3/10/2017 God's Will About the Future! - 3/10/2017 God's Will and Man's Will - 3/10/2017 Good News for the Elderly - 3/10/2017 Grieving the Holy Spirit - 3/10/2017 Happiness! - 3/10/2017 Heaven and Hell! - 3/10/2017 Heirs of God! - 3/10/2017 Holding Firm to the Faith - 3/10/2017 Holiness Demanded - 3/10/2017 Holiness! - 3/10/2017 How Saints May Help the Devil - 3/10/2017 How to be Saved - 3/10/2017 How to Read the Bible - 3/10/2017 Hypocrisy! - 3/10/2017 Idolatry! - 3/10/2017 Jacob and Esau! - 3/10/2017 Jesus Washing His.. - 3/10/2017 Justice Satisfied! - 3/10/2017 Little Sins! - 3/10/2017 Living on the Word - 3/10/2017 Love Your Neighbor - 3/10/2017 Love! - 3/10/2017 Make Them Come In! - 3/10/2017 Marks of a True Conversion! - 3/10/2017 Needless Fears! - 3/10/2017 No Room for Christ in the Inn - 3/10/2017 No Tears in Heaven! - 3/10/2017 Omniscience! - 3/10/2017 Only One Way -- Christ! - 3/10/2017 Our Gifts and How to Use Them! - 3/10/2017 Our Position and Our Purpose! - 3/10/2017 Perseverance: Enduring to.. - 3/10/2017 Pray, Always Pray! - 3/10/2017 Prayer - Guaranteed to.. - 3/10/2017 Prayer! - 3/10/2017 Prayer-Meetings - 3/10/2017 Preach the Gospel! - 3/10/2017 Preaching Christ Crucified! - 3/10/2017 Providence! - 3/10/2017 Redeeming the Time! - 3/10/2017 Revival Work - 3/10/2017 Riches and Poverty! - 3/10/2017 Satan Considering the Saints! - 3/10/2017 Satan's Schemes! - 3/10/2017 Self-Examination! - 3/10/2017 Self-Examination! - 3/10/2017 Sinners in the Hands of an.. - 3/10/2017 Songs in the Night! - 3/10/2017 Soul Winning - 3/10/2017 Spiritual Revival, the Need.. - 3/10/2017 Spurgeon's Gems, 1 - 50 - 3/10/2017 Spurgeon's Gems, 51 - 100 - 3/10/2017 Suffering -- God's People.. - 3/10/2017 Teaching Children - 3/10/2017 The Broad Wall Around the.. - 3/10/2017 The Christian Family! - 3/10/2017 The Co-Heirs and Their.. - 3/10/2017 The Condescension of Christ! - 3/10/2017 The Danger of False Doctrine! - 3/10/2017 The Discipline of the Lord! - 3/10/2017 The Duties of Parents! - 3/10/2017 The Fallibility of Ministers! - 3/10/2017 The First Christmas Carol - 3/10/2017 The Future Punishment of.. - 3/10/2017 The God Who Hears and.. - 3/10/2017 The Great Duty of Family.. - 3/10/2017 The Great Separation! - 3/10/2017 The Holy Spirit and the One.. - 3/10/2017 The Holy Spirit's Intercession - 3/10/2017 The Indwelling and.. - 3/10/2017 The Infallibility of.. - 3/10/2017 The Life and Death of a.. - 3/10/2017 The Lord's Supper! - 3/10/2017 The Minister in These Times! - 3/10/2017 The Offense of the Cross! - 3/10/2017 The Outpouring of the Holy.. - 3/10/2017 The Pearl of Patience! - 3/10/2017 The Personality of the Holy.. - 3/10/2017 The Power of the Holy Spirit! - 3/10/2017 The Prayer of Jabez! - 3/10/2017 The Relationship of Marriage - 3/10/2017 The Resurrection of Lazarus! - 3/10/2017 The Secret of Loving God! - 3/10/2017 The Secret Power in Prayer! - 3/10/2017 The Sin of Unbelief! - 3/10/2017 The Sovereignty of God in.. - 3/10/2017 The Tenderness of Jesus! - 3/10/2017 The True Aim of Preaching! - 3/10/2017 The True Church! - 3/10/2017 The Valley of the Shadow of.. - 3/10/2017 The Wedding Supper of the.. - 3/10/2017 The World! - 3/10/2017 The Wounds of Jesus! - 3/10/2017 Thoughts for Young Men, Part 1 - 3/10/2017 Thoughts for Young Men, Part 2 - 3/10/2017 True Prayer -- True Power! - 3/10/2017 Wakeup! Wakeup! - 3/10/2017 Walking with God! - 3/10/2017 War! War! War! - 3/10/2017 What the Lord's Supper Sees.. - 3/10/2017 Why Do Bad Things Happen? - 3/10/2017 Withholding the Truth! - 3/10/2017 Election: Its Defenses and.. - 3/11/2017 Foretastes of the Heavenly.. - 3/11/2017 Praying in the Spirit - 3/11/2017 Soul Winning #2 - 3/11/2017 Soul Winning #3 - 3/11/2017 Bunyan's Dying Sayings - 5/1/2017 Delighting in Love of God - 7/23/2017 Is tithing biblical? - 9/6/2017 Is it biblical to tell.. - 10/4/2017 Do Christians have to obey Law - 12/13/2017 The Bible - 12/29/2017 Difference Denominations? - 2/21/2018 High Theology Produces High.. - 3/13/2018 Meditations on Easter Story - 3/30/2018 More fit to be called a devil - 4/1/2018 Why Do Bad Things Happen? - 5/6/2018 The Apostolic Preaching of.. - 3/5/2019 The Sovereign Election of.. - 3/5/2019 All of Grace! - 10/20/2019 Around Wicket Gate! - 10/20/2019 The Sovereignty of.. - 1/5/2020 Heavenly Worship! - 1/18/2020 All Glory to God Alone! - 3/3/2020 True Worshipers - 3/3/2020 Go Forward! - 8/15/2020 Think on These Things! - 8/15/2020 Limited Atonement - 8/31/2020 The Death of Death in the.. - 9/28/2020 Praise Changes Things - 10/1/2020 The Greatest Testimony Ever.. - 1/3/2021 The mariner's chart as he.. - 2/1/2021 A man who hears many sermons - 2/8/2021 It profits us nothing! - 2/8/2021 Jellyfish Christianity - 2/8/2021 Just a little bit, and off.. - 2/8/2021 Never let us read any.. - 2/8/2021 The Bible, the whole Bible,.. - 2/8/2021 The choicest, sweetest,.. - 2/8/2021 The error of textualism! - 2/8/2021 Their constant.. - 2/8/2021 To what end do you read? - 2/8/2021 An indulgent old man! - 2/18/2021 As well might a babe step.. - 2/18/2021 God's most comforting.. - 2/18/2021 God's most hated attribute! - 2/18/2021 He does as He pleases! - 2/18/2021 The God of contemporary.. - 2/18/2021 The most excellent study.. - 2/18/2021 They seek to banish such a.. - 2/18/2021 Who does He think He is? - 2/18/2021 Who is regulating affairs.. - 2/18/2021 A sea of sweetness! - 3/3/2021 Encouragement to the Church - 3/3/2021 He is a rich, full, free,.. - 3/3/2021 He saw Him falling to the.. - 3/3/2021 How is your Beloved better.. - 3/3/2021 No wonder the maidens love.. - 3/3/2021 Plato's wish - 3/3/2021 The endless, blissful theme! - 3/3/2021 The more I see of Jesus! - 3/3/2021 The most suitable good! - 3/3/2021 True excellency! - 3/3/2021 For Time and Eternity! - 3/4/2021 The Holiness of God and His.. - 3/18/2021 Working as for the Lord - 3/18/2021 He left Heaven for us! - 4/1/2021 I choose to suffer Your.. - 4/1/2021 Jesus Christ is completely.. - 4/1/2021 Murderer! - 4/1/2021 O how strange: that God.. - 4/1/2021 Of all the volumes that.. - 4/1/2021 Wonder, O heavens, and be.. - 4/1/2021 Would you see what sin is? - 4/1/2021 Your everlasting treasure,.. - 4/1/2021 Perfection and Sanctity of.. - 4/3/2021 Pursuing the Prize - 4/10/2021 The great master-scar of.. - 4/12/2021 A hand, a divine and.. - 4/13/2021 He has a healing balm for all - 4/13/2021 His secret power and influence - 4/13/2021 Spiritual conviction - 4/13/2021 The fruits and effects He.. - 4/13/2021 The religion which I want - 4/13/2021 The transforming power of.. - 4/13/2021 They have all learned in.. - 4/13/2021 Walk in the Spirit - 4/13/2021 What does our church need? - 4/13/2021 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬.. - 4/21/2021 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬.. - 4/28/2021 God's Government, a Ground.. - 5/1/2021 Absolute Predestination! - 5/6/2021 God's decree! - 5/6/2021 How is it that some of us.. - 5/6/2021 I have chosen you! - 5/6/2021 Just the facts, please! - 5/6/2021 Our Pilot! - 5/6/2021 The predestined moment has.. - 5/6/2021 The softest pillow and the.. - 5/6/2021 What! - 5/6/2021 The decrees of God! - 5/14/2021 God's jewelry! - 5/28/2021 Here we see what is in.. - 5/28/2021 Holy Shuddering - 5/28/2021 I had fallen into the.. - 5/28/2021 In that time before all time! - 5/28/2021 The cause of all crime and.. - 5/28/2021 The malady—the misery—the.. - 5/28/2021 The varied and rich.. - 5/28/2021 We had only arrived at the.. - 5/28/2021 Why did God create the world? - 5/28/2021 Behold the creeping worm! - 7/9/2021 Christ takes the garbage! - 7/9/2021 God saves sinners apart.. - 7/9/2021 God-pardoned,.. - 7/9/2021 God's love is revealed and.. - 7/9/2021 He chooses and saves one of.. - 7/9/2021 I awake, a new man in a new.. - 7/9/2021 I would have carried the.. - 7/9/2021 The thief! - 7/9/2021 When you were marching to.. - 7/9/2021 All of His glorious.. - 7/10/2021 A new eye! - 7/22/2021 Dethroned--but not destroyed! - 7/22/2021 God can take the most.. - 7/22/2021 It is radical,.. - 7/22/2021 Study the 'two pictures'.. - 7/22/2021 The imperativeness of the.. - 7/22/2021 The lot of free grace! - 7/22/2021 The new birth! - 7/22/2021 The new birth! - 7/22/2021 There must be a Divine.. - 7/22/2021 Disease, Infection,.. - 8/16/2021 Like priest, like people! - 8/16/2021 Losses and gains! - 8/16/2021 My meditation of Him shall.. - 8/16/2021 There the wicked cease from.. - 8/16/2021 This Book is the most.. - 8/16/2021 We make Him to be an.. - 8/16/2021 When you go through deep.. - 8/16/2021 Why should we conceal the.. - 8/16/2021 You are the objects of the.. - 8/16/2021 The Glory of God - 9/25/2021 The Darkness of Golgotha! - 9/30/2021 The Suffering Servant! - 9/30/2021 The Light of Jesus'.. - 10/2/2021 The Upside Down Kingdom - 10/24/2021 The Final Judgment - 10/25/2021 Oprah on Going to Hell - 10/27/2021 When Love is Wrong - 1/9/2022 In Perfect Peace! - 1/18/2022 Spurgeon Pithy Gems, Volume.. - 1/22/2022 Preaching the Word - 3/11/2022 Justification! - 3/19/2022 Total Depravity - 3/24/2022 Pressing On! - 3/25/2022 Glorification! - 3/31/2022 Why is the love of the.. - 4/18/2022 Degrees of Punishment in Hell - 4/20/2022 A good soldier of Jesus Christ - 6/17/2022 A Greater Than Solomon! - 6/17/2022 Before Daybreak With Christ! - 6/17/2022 Daniel Facing The Lions' Den - 6/17/2022 David encouraging himself.. - 6/17/2022 Grace Abounding over.. - 6/17/2022 Joy, a Duty! - 6/17/2022 Limiting God! - 6/17/2022 Praise! - 6/17/2022 Prayer Perfumed with Praise - 6/17/2022 The Holy Spirit in.. - 6/17/2022 The Lord and the Leper! - 6/17/2022 The Lover of Gods Law.. - 6/17/2022 The Minstrel! - 6/17/2022 The Overflowing Cup! - 6/17/2022 The Star and The Wise Men - 6/17/2022 The Years The Locust Has.. - 6/17/2022 Two "I Wills" In Isaiah 41 - 6/17/2022 A Challenge and a Shield! - 6/18/2022 A Good Soldier of Jesus.. - 6/18/2022 A Happy Christian! - 6/18/2022 A Harp of Ten Strings! - 6/18/2022 A Heavenly Pattern for our.. - 6/18/2022 A Life-long Occupation! - 6/18/2022 A Little Sanctuary! - 6/18/2022 A lover of God's law filled.. - 6/18/2022 Am I a Sea, or a Whale? - 6/18/2022 Cheer up My Comrades! - 6/18/2022 Comfort for the Fearful! - 6/18/2022 Consolation for the Despairing - 6/18/2022 Consolation from Resurrection! - 6/18/2022 Constancy and Inconstancy - 6/18/2022 David's Dying Prayer - 6/18/2022 Delight in God! - 6/18/2022 Divine Interpositions! - 6/18/2022 Fire! The Want of The Times! - 6/18/2022 Gladness for Sadness! - 6/18/2022 God Our Continual Resort! - 6/18/2022 God's Estimate of Time! - 6/18/2022 Grappling Irons! - 6/18/2022 He shall be Great! - 6/18/2022 Heart Disease Curable! - 6/18/2022 Immanuel – The Light of Life! - 6/18/2022 Is Anything Too Hard For.. - 6/18/2022 Israel at the Red Sea! - 6/18/2022 Lay hold on Eternal Life! - 6/18/2022 Life's Ever-Springing Well! - 6/18/2022 Loosening The Shoe Latchet - 6/18/2022 Mahanaim, or Hosts of Angels! - 6/18/2022 More and More! - 6/18/2022 My Own Personal Holdfast! - 6/18/2022 My Times Are In Your Hand! - 6/18/2022 Noah's Faith, Fear,.. - 6/18/2022 Order and Argument in Prayer! - 6/18/2022 Prayer perfumed with praise! - 6/18/2022 Shaven and Shorn, but not.. - 6/18/2022 Singing in the Ways of The.. - 6/18/2022 Smoking Flax! - 6/18/2022 Soul-winning! - 6/18/2022 Sown Among Thorns! - 6/18/2022 Taught That We May Teach! - 6/18/2022 Testimony and Experience! - 6/18/2022 The Former and the Latter Rain - 6/18/2022 The Fruit of The Spirit: Joy! - 6/18/2022 The Heart: A Gift for God! - 6/18/2022 The Hold-fasts of Faith - 6/18/2022 The Holy Spirit, the Need.. - 6/18/2022 The Holy Spirit's Chief Office - 6/18/2022 The King in His Beauty! - 6/18/2022 The King's Weighings - 6/18/2022 The Lifting Up of The Bowed.. - 6/18/2022 The Main Matter! - 6/18/2022 The Monster Dragged to Light! - 6/18/2022 The Philosophy and.. - 6/18/2022 The Pierced One Pierces the.. - 6/18/2022 The Power of Christ.. - 6/18/2022 The Power of the Holy Spirit - 6/18/2022 The Still Small Voice - 6/18/2022 The Story of God's Mighty.. - 6/18/2022 The Tenderness of Jesus! - 6/18/2022 The Unrivaled Eloquence of.. - 6/18/2022 The War of Truth! - 6/18/2022 The Whole-heartedness of.. - 6/18/2022 The World on Fire! - 6/18/2022 Three Arrows, or Six? - 6/18/2022 Three Decisive Steps! - 6/18/2022 Unbelief Condemned and.. - 6/18/2022 Holiness - 8/3/2022 Sin is . . - 8/12/2022 What is man? - 9/17/2022 The Godhood of God - 9/25/2022 The hell of Hell! - 9/30/2022 The Age of Accountability - 10/30/2022 Sola Scriptura! - 10/31/2022 You keep track of all my sor.. - 11/4/2022 We do not want this man to r.. - 11/13/2022 The Election of the Remnant - 3/8/2023 A Bag, a Book, and a Bottle! - 3/20/2023 The choicest, sweetest, wise.. - 3/20/2023 The Scriptural view of sin! - 3/23/2023 The Bible is designed to be.. - 3/26/2023 He created the tree upon whi.. - 4/8/2023 Judgment near at Hand! - 4/15/2023 Prayer and God's Sovereignty - 4/25/2023 He led them forth by the rig.. - 5/1/2023 What Is Experiential Theology? - 5/8/2023 If any man does not love the.. - 5/10/2023 Jesus is Ever the Same! - 5/10/2023 Sweet submission - 5/24/2023 Worldliness! - 7/15/2023 Deeply rooted in the heart o.. - 7/17/2023 The Weakness and Depravity o.. - 7/22/2023 Do not let them become your.. - 7/27/2023 Submission in trials - 7/31/2023 The hope of the hypocrite! - 8/1/2023 I would not live forever! - 8/2/2023 You are the one who has done.. - 8/9/2023 I have treasured the words o.. - 8/10/2023 The house in which we must a.. - 8/12/2023 Better than life itself! - 8/14/2023 We should lie as clay in the.. - 8/17/2023 If you have any desire to es.. - 8/20/2023 Know that the Lord has set a.. - 8/21/2023 The danger of forgetting God! - 8/24/2023 He who is least in the kingd.. - 8/26/2023 Gather your manna fresh eve.. - 9/9/2023 This Jesus of Nazareth! - 9/11/2023 The depth of misery & the he.. - 9/12/2023 We should behold our adorabl.. - 9/13/2023 We are immortal beings, and.. - 9/14/2023 Spurgeon Gems! - 9/15/2023 There is nothing really acci.. - 9/15/2023 Boasting! - 9/16/2023 My soul thirsts for God, fo.. - 9/27/2023 You love righteousness, and.. - 9/29/2023 Original Sin - 10/5/2023 The Word of God for Exiles - 10/11/2023 The heaviest load which Jesu.. - 10/17/2023 All of his views, desires, a.. - 10/18/2023 All the angels in Heaven cou.. - 10/20/2023 Allow me to apply this subje.. - 10/29/2023 What more could they desire? - 11/2/2023 Above all else, guard your.. - 11/4/2023 Yes, He is altogether lovely! - 11/5/2023 It would crush the highest a.. - 11/6/2023 Consider the severity of God! - 11/8/2023 How great is the evil and bi.. - 11/9/2023 For you! - 11/14/2023 How unfitting this is! - 11/15/2023 From the very gates of Hell,.. - 11/22/2023 When God has put His fear in.. - 11/22/2023 God's love displayed in the.. - 11/23/2023 Nothing but God's infinite m.. - 11/23/2023 The ensnaring power and dead.. - 11/27/2023 For what purpose is this "sa.. - 12/2/2023 Unquestionably unacceptable.. - 12/2/2023 Wholly taken up with contriv.. - 12/2/2023 Little Sins! - 12/6/2023 The sin of blasphemy! - 12/6/2023 Tears have a voice! - 12/9/2023 For you! - 12/10/2023 A worldly spirit! - 12/12/2023 It entwines him with its dea.. - 12/13/2023 Wars, pestilences, earthquak.. - 12/14/2023 A more vile and unlovely thi.. - 12/15/2023 Low views of yourself - 12/16/2023 The flame of vainglory! - 12/17/2023 The inexhaustible treasures.. - 12/18/2023 Theaters - 12/19/2023 The casting of dice! - 12/26/2023 One Day at a Time! - 12/28/2023 The richest man in the unive.. - 1/4/2024 The righteous and the wicked! - 1/5/2024 The righteous and the wicked.. - 1/6/2024 Swine wallowing in the mire,.. - 1/7/2024 A defiling, debasing, damnin.. - 1/8/2024 He cares for you! - 1/13/2024 What a sight! - 1/15/2024 Seductive scenes of giddines.. - 1/19/2024 All the mysteries of provide.. - 1/21/2024 I am going to prepare a plac.. - 1/23/2024 Pilgrims and strangers! - 1/25/2024 God's chastening rod! - 1/26/2024 As though it had never been! - 1/27/2024 When we eat an apple! - 1/29/2024 Do you understand what you r.. - 1/30/2024 These words which I command.. - 1/30/2024 This Man receives sinners! - 2/1/2024 Am I this blessed person? - 2/3/2024 On our learning this lesson,.. - 2/5/2024 The one game most universall.. - 2/5/2024 There lies the sweetness! - 2/7/2024 Christian contentment - 2/8/2024 You will never come to the b.. - 2/9/2024 We must always look to the e.. - 2/12/2024 True patriotism! - 2/14/2024 The only effectual means for.. - 2/15/2024 The natural state of mankind - 2/16/2024 We must know all the glories.. - 2/17/2024 The doctrine of creature merit - 2/23/2024 While journeying through thi.. - 2/25/2024 He gave His entire self for.. - 2/27/2024 Precious fruits of sanctifie.. - 2/28/2024 If we set before us two people - 2/29/2024 The greatest monument of mer.. - 2/29/2024 All these foes and fears! - 3/2/2024 This world! - 3/5/2024 We are apt to measure His wi.. - 3/6/2024 The Gospel! - 3/10/2024 Wonder, O heavens, and be as.. - 3/10/2024 The more bloody--the more lo.. - 3/13/2024 Our God! - 3/14/2024 My Child! - 3/15/2024 Why? - 3/17/2024 Self vaulted into the vacant.. - 3/19/2024 What shouts of joy would ech.. - 3/20/2024 Trials and discomforts! - 3/21/2024 The Doctrines of Grace - 3/22/2024 Ready to murmur and repine? - 3/23/2024 They think they have all the.. - 3/24/2024 The faith of devils! - 3/27/2024 Such love cannot be describe.. - 3/29/2024 A Prayer of a Dying Saint! - 3/31/2024 Do any startle at this plain.. - 3/31/2024 Happy sickness - 4/3/2024 Never did God appear more gl.. - 4/4/2024 What a superlatively grand a.. - 4/5/2024 Why me Lord? - 4/6/2024 Every saint will be a monume.. - 4/7/2024 Do not covet! - 4/8/2024 The Believer's Portion! - 4/9/2024 The Ministerial Office - 4/9/2024 What is Christianity? - 4/9/2024 Say, is not this lovely? - 4/14/2024 What a cluster of sweet hopes! - 4/15/2024 Blessed is the man! Not so t.. - 4/16/2024 This humiliating doctrine! - 4/17/2024 Your priceless inheritance! - 4/18/2024 A reality we must not ignore! - 4/19/2024 The Preciousness of Jesus! - 4/19/2024 The best of us are but a mix.. - 4/21/2024 But the choice is in better.. - 4/22/2024 One more step, and his icy h.. - 4/22/2024 Broken, humbled and destitute! - 4/27/2024 Go and cry out to the gods y.. - 4/27/2024 God's view of Pride and Humi.. - 4/28/2024 Pride, that ancient sin, cre.. - 4/28/2024 The boundless mercy of our R.. - 4/28/2024 The constraining love of Jes.. - 4/28/2024 The distinction between the.. - 4/28/2024 The womb in which all evils.. - 4/30/2024 When God dwelt all alone! - 5/5/2024 Catch the little foxes! - 5/7/2024 Their hearts were devoted to.. - 5/7/2024 He died . . . and where then? - 5/8/2024 Let us abhor the very idea o.. - 5/8/2024 The man who never laughs! - 5/8/2024 Let him first wash an Ethiop.. - 5/9/2024 Pithy gems from J.C. Ryle! - 5/10/2024 The most deceitful of all th.. - 5/11/2024 The womb from whence every s.. - 5/11/2024 The Providence of God - 5/12/2024 Every follower of Christ, is.. - 5/13/2024 God's merciful redemption! - 5/13/2024 Heavenly Father, - 5/13/2024 The omnipresence of God! - 5/13/2024 Pithy gems from Charles Spur.. - 5/14/2024 Pithy gems from John Calvin! - 5/14/2024 Pithy gems from Richard Baxt.. - 5/14/2024 Pithy gems from A.W. Tozer! - 5/15/2024 Pithy gems from Arthur Pink! - 5/15/2024 Pithy gems from George White.. - 5/15/2024 Pithy gems from John Newton! - 5/15/2024 Pithy gems from Martyn Lloyd.. - 5/15/2024 Pithy gems from Matthew Henr.. - 5/15/2024 Pithy gems from Thomas Watson! - 5/15/2024 Pithy quotes from Adrian Rog.. - 5/15/2024 The power of habit! - 5/15/2024 Common mercies - 5/18/2024 Lift up your heads, you poor.. - 5/18/2024 The absolute necessity of ex.. - 5/21/2024 What can't be cured, should.. - 5/21/2024 Here are some further saying.. - 5/22/2024 It is not a Sunday religion,.. - 5/22/2024 The universal principle! - 5/30/2024 Their greatest obstacle in t.. - 5/30/2024 The empty, oilless, flameles.. - 5/31/2024 Every day they live! - 6/1/2024 There is a smoother and an e.. - 6/2/2024 How, then, shall I spend thi.. - 6/4/2024 Time may be turned to good a.. - 6/4/2024 One drop of redeeming love! - 6/7/2024 A black hellish brand plucke.. - 6/11/2024 The way to happiness! - 6/13/2024 What a solemn thing to die a.. - 6/15/2024 A whore's forehead - 6/17/2024 Absalom's Monument! - 6/18/2024 God beholds him with pleasur.. - 6/19/2024 There is not a more powerful.. - 6/21/2024 A discontented heart! - 6/22/2024 Your backsliding! - 6/23/2024 Men loved darkness instead o.. - 6/24/2024 What a mystery is this! How.. - 6/25/2024 The others, where are they? - 7/1/2024 The believer's lesson book! - 7/7/2024 Damned by being self-righteo.. - 7/9/2024 No reverence is due to me! - 7/9/2024 All short of this is mercy! - 7/10/2024 Oh! Who can grasp the thought! - 7/11/2024 This would greatly calm our.. - 7/12/2024 None can tread this vain wor.. - 7/14/2024 The true spiritual Atlas! - 7/17/2024 The ways, and fashions, and.. - 7/19/2024 The real reason why unbeliev.. - 7/20/2024 The days of your mourning sh.. - 7/22/2024 This baffles all comprehensi.. - 7/22/2024 This truth should fill us wi.. - 7/23/2024 Drinking deeply from the wel.. - 7/24/2024 A horrible and shocking thin.. - 7/26/2024 Let me go over and cut off h.. - 7/27/2024 Religious delirium Spiritual.. - 7/28/2024 In the Father's eternal home! - 7/29/2024 His abiding presence and ine.. - 7/30/2024 Sovereign, absolute, uncompr.. - 7/30/2024 All are more or less deeply.. - 8/1/2024 God is all mercy and love! - 8/2/2024 He is not a distant uninvolv.. - 8/3/2024 In the midst of life's darke.. - 8/3/2024 The redeeming love of Jesus.. - 8/3/2024 We can be assured that our e.. - 8/3/2024 The deadliness of worldliness! - 8/4/2024 I am with you always - 8/6/2024 A religious man - 8/7/2024 Dying grace and strength - 8/9/2024 The Sun of righteousness - 8/9/2024 Even in the midst of life's.. - 8/12/2024 The smallest viper in the ne.. - 8/14/2024 Herod's birthday ball! - 8/16/2024 An ever-present help in time.. - 8/17/2024 Your minds may somehow be le.. - 8/19/2024 Choked by life's worries, ri.. - 8/21/2024 Had a stranger come into one.. - 8/21/2024 The consolations of Jesus! - 8/22/2024 To love a worm! - 8/22/2024 We do not live the lives of.. - 8/22/2024 Worm Jacob! - 8/24/2024 Who sees us? Who will know? - 8/25/2024 His very great and precious.. - 8/26/2024 The hard couch of sorrow! - 8/27/2024 The dirty lane! - 8/28/2024 The most amazing, most affec.. - 8/30/2024 The common complaint of all.. - 9/1/2024 No cradle holds an innocent.. - 9/2/2024 The very cream of Heaven! - 9/3/2024 The Creator of the universe.. - 9/4/2024 Daily Strength! - 9/6/2024 There goes the vilest and mo.. - 9/6/2024 He will bruise His darling S.. - 9/7/2024 God's jewels! - 9/10/2024 By the grace of God I am wha.. - 9/12/2024 Are you a Ciceronian? - 9/13/2024 Tenacious upon the mad purs.. - 9/14/2024 Redeemed! - 9/16/2024 My soul, where would you hav.. - 9/17/2024 Unanswered prayer - 9/19/2024 Growing worse and worse! - 9/21/2024 Let my condition be ever so.. - 9/21/2024 Unquenchable! - 9/21/2024 Even amidst the storms of li.. - 9/22/2024 Pithy Puritan gems on God's.. - 9/22/2024 Weaned and divorced from cre.. - 9/23/2024 As if we saw two shining eye.. - 9/24/2024 I am poor and needy! - 9/25/2024 Crocodile sinners! - 9/26/2024 Pithy gems from Charles Simeon - 9/27/2024 J. C. Ryle's conversion - 9/29/2024 Reading the Bible - 9/29/2024 Surely I am with you always! - 9/30/2024 J.C. Ryle's conversion - 10/1/2024 Strangers and pilgrims! - 10/1/2024 A small and trivial deity! - 10/2/2024 The world's trinity! - 10/6/2024 Lord, I am a poor, blind chi.. - 10/7/2024 When we can't trace His hand.. - 10/10/2024 We seem to see a child witho.. - 10/11/2024 Where shall we hide our blus.. - 10/11/2024 The noblest ecclesiastical e.. - 10/13/2024 God's common mercies - 10/15/2024 The sins of the saints! - 10/16/2024 What delusions! - 10/17/2024 Yet without holiness, no man.. - 10/18/2024 The worst calamity is the wi.. - 10/19/2024 Easy? - 10/20/2024 Pithy Puritan gems on the Sc.. - 10/21/2024 The ordinary life of every C.. - 10/22/2024 Adulterers, thieves, harlots.. - 10/23/2024 There is no efficacy in the.. - 10/24/2024 This Cheating and Deluding S.. - 10/25/2024 Life, Death, and Eternity! - 10/26/2024 You are on the road to etern.. - 10/26/2024 THE ROPE! - 10/28/2024 Salvation turns the soul com.. - 10/29/2024 Satan's spiritual dominion o.. - 10/30/2024 Cold-hearted, half-devoted,.. - 10/31/2024 I am afraid that he is a hop.. - 11/4/2024 False religion - 11/5/2024 Why should I give you this? - 11/6/2024 The nest was destroyed, and.. - 11/7/2024 Everyone had a home, but Him! - 11/8/2024 My Father! - 11/8/2024 The Celestial Railroad - 11/9/2024 An outlet and an inlet! - 11/10/2024 Though you are as black as n.. - 11/10/2024 Why do our hearts grow so co.. - 11/10/2024 Sin always hunts in packs! - 11/13/2024 Little sins warrant only a l.. - 11/16/2024 We denounce Catholicism beca.. - 11/17/2024 The golden thread of grace! - 11/18/2024 The best news that unbelieve.. - 11/19/2024 The malady and the remedy - 11/21/2024 Hell itself is not more horr.. - 11/22/2024 The Good Ship of Self righte.. - 11/23/2024 Every Christian's Testimony - 11/24/2024 Pithy Puritan gems on the bl.. - 11/25/2024 Pithy Puritan Thanksgiving G.. - 11/26/2024 Spurgeon's Thanksgiving Gems - 11/26/2024 If you feel your tongue itch.. - 11/29/2024 This teaches us that . . . - 11/30/2024 He found their hearts estran.. - 12/1/2024 The enlightening ministry of.. - 12/1/2024 The only thing that makes yo.. - 12/1/2024 Christ, The Altogether Lovel.. - 12/3/2024 God's love-letter - 12/3/2024 God's love-letter! - 12/3/2024 Salvation - 12/3/2024 The only thing that makes yo.. - 12/3/2024 Life, Death, and Eternity - 12/4/2024 He found their hearts estran.. - 12/5/2024 He found their hearts estran.. - 12/5/2024 The Sages, The Star, and The.. - 12/5/2024 A dead man who had lain in t.. - 12/6/2024 A dead man who had lain in t.. - 12/6/2024 God's cup - 12/6/2024 God's cup! - 12/6/2024 Reading the Scriptures - 12/6/2024 Reading the Scriptures! - 12/6/2024 How wide, how long, how high.. - 12/9/2024 How wide, how long, how high.. - 12/9/2024 The Sovereignty of God in Sa.. - 12/10/2024 The Unerring Hand Of Infinit.. - 12/10/2024 Swept off the great chess-bo.. - 12/11/2024 Swept off the great chess-bo.. - 12/11/2024 For God's sake do not trifle.. - 12/14/2024 God remembers - 12/15/2024 God remembers! - 12/15/2024 Pithy Puritan gems for pasto.. - 12/17/2024 The subtle snare of worldly.. - 12/17/2024 The Bible! - 12/18/2024 Something peculiar, distinct.. - 12/19/2024 They are never separated! - 12/20/2024 God's Gentle Usher - 12/22/2024 Pithy Puritan Gems on the My.. - 12/23/2024 Puritan Gems on the Mystery,.. - 12/23/2024 Essential to eminent usefuln.. - 12/24/2024 The Monster Dragged to Light! - 12/24/2024 The only thing that God abho.. - 12/25/2024 Sin is shut out, and they ar.. - 12/26/2024 Pithy Puritan admonitions fo.. - 12/27/2024 Are we Christians--or are we.. - 12/28/2024 Puritan gems for the new year - 12/30/2024 Puritan gems for the new year! - 12/30/2024 A New Year's Resolution - 12/31/2024 A New Year's Resolution! - 12/31/2024 Some creature steals away yo.. - 1/2/2025 Spurgeon gems for the new ye.. - 1/2/2025 Your enemy! - 1/2/2025 Your children - 1/4/2025 Puritan gems on the evil of.. - 1/5/2025 Beware Of The Dog - 1/6/2025 Mr. Hill is a strange man, h.. - 1/6/2025 Mr. Hill is a strange man,.. - 1/7/2025 Lean hard - 1/8/2025 Pity your foolish child! - 1/9/2025 If you are not as wicked as.. - 1/10/2025 David's terrible sin - 1/11/2025 How to conquer the world! - 1/12/2025 No wonder if Satan gets into.. - 1/13/2025 Sitting at the leper's table - 1/14/2025 God shoots many kinds of arr.. - 1/15/2025 The Greatest Sight You Will.. - 1/16/2025 The Greatest Sight You Will.. - 1/17/2025 Spurgeon Gems on Death and D.. - 1/18/2025 The Bible - 1/18/2025 Do you love Me? - 1/19/2025 Obnoxious to God, corrupt, a.. - 1/20/2025 He Has Done All Things Well! - 1/23/2025 As well might a babe step be.. - 1/25/2025 View Him yonder! - 1/27/2025 Spurgeon gems on the evil of.. - 1/29/2025 God's chastening love! - 1/31/2025 The only effectual reformer.. - 2/2/2025 Your great goodness! - 2/3/2025 How ravishing is the thought! - 2/5/2025 God's jewelry - 2/6/2025 We need laborers, not loiter.. - 2/7/2025 Remembering Christ's Love! - 2/8/2025 What kind of people ought yo.. - 2/9/2025 All that occurs in His wide.. - 2/10/2025 All that occurs in His wide.. - 2/10/2025 Inventors of elaborate schem.. - 2/11/2025 The condition of a church ma.. - 2/11/2025 O the wonders couched in ele.. - 2/12/2025
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