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Rev. Glenn Wilkinson | Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
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Dr Billy Graham – The Pope's Cheerleader!
Series:  The History of the Papacy  · 5 of 14
5/20/2005 (FRI)
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Irrespective of how Dr Billy Graham's ministry began, over the course of many years he has emerged as the principal Protestant cheerleader for that Usurper and Antichrist who resides in Vatican City – the Pope of Rome.

Three successive popes have found Graham most keen to fawn over them and confer his personal congratulations.

• During his Polish Crusade, sponsored by the Polish National Catholic Church, Billy Graham "praised the greatness of Pope Paul VI" (11/3/1978).

• Graham praised Pope John Paul II as "a bridge-builder," "an evangelist," who "sought to speak to the spiritual hunger of our age by....pointing people to Christ" (Saturday Evening Post, Jan/Feb 1980).

• Graham met John Paul II in the Vatican on January 13, 1981. He was reported as saying that their intense 2-hour discussions were "very private, intimate conversation." "We had a spiritual time," Graham informed the public at a press conference in London.

• Shortly after the death of John Paul II, Graham described him as "unquestionably the most influential voice for morality and peace in the world during the last 100 years" (4/5/2005).

• Members of the Billy Graham Association represented their 'leader' in attending the papal mass at the installation of Pope Benedict XVI.

This radio interview with Pastor Ralph Ovadal, Wisconsin, documents a tragedy – the terrible decline of a man once viewed as a Custodian of the Faith, but now recognised as a Figure of Compromise.
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Rev Ian Brown
Graham, The Pope's Cheerleader

The History of the Papacy
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Londonderry Free Presbyterian
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Rev Ian Brown
Graham, The Pope's Cheerleader

The History of the Papacy
Londonderry Free...
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Anonymous Name (9/25/2019)
“ Remembering John 15:18-25 ”
It is worth remembering John 15:18-25 in times like these.

Anonymous Name (9/2/2019)
“ Remembering 1 Kings 18:1-46 ”
It is important to remember 1 Kings 18:1-46 in times like these.

Anonymous Name (2/4/2019)
“ Apostate Pastors: Slain By The Lord ”
Ever apostate pastor and evangelical who has passed was slain by The Lord's Righteous Wrath. It would be wise to remember the words of Jeremiah 48:10 and Jeremiah 23:1. This sermon is really helpful in times like these.

Anonymous Name (6/27/2018)
“ Billy Graham: Liberal Rebel ”
Billy Graham (7 November, 1918-21 February, 2018), while popular with the masses, was a liberal rebel pushing for a one world religion under the Antichrist. As with all other fallen evangelical liberals, aka apostate liberals, they are being punished for their sins in Hell, and will be punished with an eternity in the Lake of Fire. No doubt that liberal churches and ministries bring the people of the world together, but these are preparing for the coming of the Antichrist. By the time that the Antichrist comes, evangelical liberals will readily receive his mark (the mark of the beast, namely the mark of the Antichrist). Remember the Wise Warning of Revelation 13 about the Antichrist and his coming one world religion.

Unspecified name (3/29/2018)
“ Billy Graham: A Rebel From The Very Beginning ”
With the passing of Billy Graham on 21 February, 2018 at the age of 99, it serves as a warning against false prophets uniting the world in rebellion. Of course, Billy Graham was a liberal apostate rebel from the very beginning since he leaned towards apostasy by promoting Roman Catholic Fulton Sheen in 1944. This liberal rebellion against Sound Doctrine expanded throughout most of the 20th century and it still grows today in the 21st century. In most of today's churches, preaching The Righteous Judgment of The Lord like in 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 is now unwelcome in most churches. Compromise in today's ministries may begin on a small scale, but it becomes larger as it goes unopposed. May we wisely oppose any compromise of Sound Doctrine for the sake of "unity."

MS (11/10/2017)
“ Needful ”
Thank you for such a truthful exposition of Pope Billy Graham and his stranglehold on duped professing Christians. Even though this was preached 12 years ago, it's still just as relevant today. MANY are deceived by BG and his BGEA business organization.

Mrsb (12/7/2016)
from Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good but so much more could have been said, though i realize this was a brief interview. Martyn Lloyd- Jones and Francis scheaffer (sp?) both spoke up about him back in their day. Graham promoted the word of faith gospel, says mormons are Christians etc. it goes on and on. I thank God for these pastors who are discerning though.

DL (8/5/2016)
from Oklahoma
“ Great Sermon! ”
Why aren't preachers calling out this false teacher like they do Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, etc.? Preachers are to be a shepherd to the people to protect them from the wolves.

Tim BerendsContact via email (4/10/2012)
from Las Vegas
“ Great Sermon! ”
Years ago I used to read the news for Billy Graham on his radio station in N. C. I began to see how he had compromised and when he was appearing at a Crusade in St Louis, Mo. in 2001 I went to his press conference and ask a question, I said, "Dr Graham, Jesus said in John 15:19 that his followers would be hated by the world but each year I would see the most popular lists, his name was at or near the top. I asked him, "how was this possible?" He replied, "well, it's not that way all over the world." I had laid out a fleece to the Lord. I had said, "Lord, if he asks me why I think that is? I will reply by saying, "The Billy Graham of 1948 used to say that the three greatest threats to our country were Communism, Catholicism and Islam would THAT Billy Graham be at the top of the lists? He never asked so I didn't but I believed the point had been made. It's so sad. We can all learn a lesson from that. It's never easy being a John the Baptist or say things that Jesus said in Matthew 23 but rebuking and exhorting is a lost art in the Christian church today but that is why many are departing from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and looking for teachers that will itch their ears.

Noreen MoyerContact via email (3/9/2007)
from Detroit
“ Great Sermon! ”
Bless you Rev. Brown for revealing how Dr. Graham is going down the wrong path. I can remember when he was a very effective preacher before he ever backed the apostate whore of Revelation. Now he and Pat Robertson are both losing the good name they used to have. Every time I hear on the news media that Pat Robertson has said another non-Christian remark, I have to wonder "what was he thinking of??" Now even Paul Crouch of TBN embraces the abominable pope. Are all the Christian leaders in the public eye going to go downhill and fall in with that antichrist pope?? Something to think of.

MarcelContact via email (7/7/2005)
from Canada
“ Needed information! ”
Billy Graham is a Christ denying, pope flattering apostate. Graham like fellow apostate Robert Schuller believes that people who have never heard of Christ can be saved. The pope is the AntiChrist and Graham is a friend of the pope. No true servant of God can flatter the son of perdition. You cannot serve both God and Beelzebub. http://www.timef

Jim Palmer (6/30/2005)
from Portavogie
“ Great Sermon! ”
Both sad and serious. What a betrayal of the true Gospel message.. Just goes to show that the most successful stratagy of Satan is to mix the truth with lies. Well done once again Mr Brown! It can be the most unpopular thing in the world to speak a word against those who are charismatic figures in christendom. The time has come that true worshippers must be brave and speak the truth no matter what the consequences. The matter is too serious to keep silent; people are perishing for lack of truth. "Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel"!!!

Howell Davis (6/28/2005)
from USA
“ Finishing Well?! ”
How very sad ... . End Times, indeed! A bad dream! The Holy Spirit has empowered you to expose how Satan has sadly deceived old Billy. His worldly foolishness, endorsement of evil, and senile naivete far outweigh his good ministry of the Word today. The two conflict and collide dramatically! He is reduced, when his tent is old and infirm, to being a mere pawn of Satan's emissaries, the murderous Clintons, prompting his long-term colleague to walk out!

Finley Cutshaw (6/11/2005)
from USA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for your message on Dr. Billy Graham, The Popes Cheerleader. May the Lord bless you as you seek to reveal the truth!

AS (5/22/2005)
from USA
“ Informative Message! ”
Very good information on this man, and his anti-christ teaching. Our LORD forwarned us of this type of teaching; if you change God's Word by adding or removing any part of it the truth is not in you. Christ himself said you would not be well received by the world, just like He himself. You had the religious leaders in Christ's time that didn't believe the truth even when they were tripping over it, and so is the ecumenical church as well, and these false prophets. The Gospels are full of the warning of these end-time blind guides. We as believers must keep our selves informed by staying in God's Word which Christ our LORD demanded us to know, so that we will not be deceived when the false leader comes with his lies and wonders. Thank you for this very informative message. GOD BLESS YOU.

Howell Davis (5/22/2005)
from Michigan, U.S.A.
“ Amen! ”
Listened to you and bro. Ralph. Amen! Thank you for exposing old Billy scripturally. Our countrymen in the U.S. do see him as an evangelical sage, the "senior Christian spokesman". Keep up the truth!

Russell L. HarrisContact via email (5/20/2005)
from Houston, Texas
“ No need to apologize! ”
Makes no apology! There is no such thing as a cheap shot when it comes to defending the flock of God from the predator. The faithful shepherd must never pity the old and crippled wolf, for it is the nature of the wolf, from birth to death, to kill and devour sheep. And the true nature of a man is better discerned at the end of his life than at the beginning. Look carefully at the "Gospel" which Graham proclaims; it is, as it always has been, utterly devoid of substance. Graham is the consummate flimflam artist.

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  Rev Ian Brown
Ian Brown succeeded Dr Ian Paisley as minister of Martyrs Memorial in August 2013. Prior to this he pastored the Free Presbyterian congregation in Northern Ireland’s Maiden City, Londonderry, from 1987 to 2013. He is the author of several books, notably: “Belfast Boat – Titanic,...

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