Rule by elders, Presbyterianism, does not begin with the New Testament church. It begins with the 'Church in the Wilderness.' God commanded Moses to gather to him elders who would be equipped by the Holy Spirit. All of this is founded on two essential things that we must remember: first, God is king and second, all judgments are to be made based upon God's Law. The elders would render decisions. This was in the nature of a court. Moses was the supreme court because he was the minister of the king who delivered the law. Moses, as the Old Testament Mediator, was the original and premiere prophet, priest, but not king. He was the spokesman for the king. The Lord is King. Moses and the elders apply God's Law to the shepherding of God's flock. The Lord Jesus, however, the Mediator after whom Moses was styled. Jesus is prophet, priesst and king. His lordship is mediated through the application of his word by the Spirit through ministers and elders shepherding God's flock. In this sense, the New Testament government of the church is in continuity with the Old Testament government of the church. |